Post martial arts kino, I'll start
Post martial arts kino, I'll start
Three Ninjas
That's actually cop kino. The final scene was beyond kino.
Based Jackie nearly killing himself on every film, I love him
Fav film as a kid, team Tum Tum desu
The Five Venoms has to be mentioned at least
2 ass well
Elbow kino
Yuen Woo Ping's best work as fight choreographer, fucking phenomenal
my personal favorite
not really martial arts. Masterpiece it is but id class at as a gunplay pic
New Police Story is kino as fuck too
I honestly think the playground sequence is the best fight scene in any movie ever
I loved this flick so much and was disappointed that every movie she starred in after that was terrible
>still no Region A release of the non-butchered version
heroic bloodshed
the most based film genre
We need to protect jackie chans smile tbqh
(sammo + jackie = kino pic related)
Anyone got a full list of all Jackienos?
someone send me the link
Project A2 was the better film
even without Sammo
>Project A2 was the better film
ill make one i love that nigga
>armour of god 1
>armour of god 2
>dragons forever
>drunken master
>drunken master 2
>fearless hyena
>mr nice guy
>police story
>police story 2
>police story 3 supercop
>police story 4 first strike
>project a
>project a 2
>rumble in the bronx
>rush hour
>snake in eagle's shadow
>the young master
>wheels on meals
>who am i
And that's about it for me. I've got a few more to find and watch like Dragon Lord, but I think I've seen most of Jackie's movies and I consider these the best.
In order of what i enjoyed most just my opinion
>Both Drunken masters
>Police Story 1>3>NewPoliceStory>2
>Project A
>Rumble In The Bronx
>Armour of God
>Project A
>Wheels on meal
>Who am I
Rule of thumb if its behind an american studio its usually watered down
Dragon Lord has one of the best scenes in cinema of all time. And probably still holds the record for most retakes
I also still have to find crime story, dragon fist and gorgeous. What are you thoughts on those?
Don't forget the Sammo Hung movies too
>Winners and Sinners
>My Lucky Stars
Not a fan of those all-inclusive ensemble movies as they seriously lack enough memorable jackie scenes and focus more on wacky comedy with the rest of the cast. Wheels on Meals, dragons forever, and project a have great focus on jackie, sammo hung, and baio yuen, and their fighting and stunt scenes.
For a man of his girth, Sammo moves a lot faster than you'd expect
The Once Upon a Time in China film series
loved these back when I watched them
Did Benny Urquidez make many Hong-Kong movies? He was amazing in Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever