w e w l a d

So much tolerance, he must sleep so good at night knowing that he isn't racist for being prejudice against Philippinos

Glorious Victory for the Canadian people, and the people of the world.

At least Canadians are winning again


Canadians beheaded in the Philippines.


I'm honestly perplexed. What makes Canadians so retarded? Is it boredom? Do they go crazy being so irrelevant? What's going on?

>knows he can't do shit about Muslim terror
>fuck it just redefine victory

He's never said that.

Jesus Christ that guy is terrible.

Man this world is just fucked

so, this guy was right all along?

woot? does it mean Germany won World War II becouse Aliants killed nazi-German army?


yes, and you poles won WWII too

So this means native americans won. Time for Canadians to leave. GET OUT!

ego- tripping christ-like-wannabe ARSEHOLE

White guilt and lots of weed

>what is paraphrasing


Well it's certainly not what you just did.

He didn't say a bad thing there, you don't have to hate to take down a hostile either.

so killing people is an act of kindness becouse we make them the winners


If you kill the kidnappers, they win

If you give them ransom money, they literally win

When we kill our enemies, we play right into their hands. That's why we have to stop killing them. So we'll defeat them. We'll conquer them with our love and compassion.

You don't paraphrase with full quotation marks

stop being so intolerant

lack of hot cosbys