Well pol?

Well pol?

/pol will defend this

>military grade

lol no, americans aren't that free

>mentally unstable, abuser, investigated by the FBI
>gun reform

By the looks of it, seems like Americans need cognitive reform. Remember when the US gov't was warned about the Boston bombers? Or the 9/11 attacks?

>military grade assault rifle


he also was a muslim.



What was he armed with? I know he had bombs as well. Whered he get those? We also need bomb reform

>military grade
>mentally unstable (inevitable accusation)
>investigation by FBI is demonized in the US
>like how Hillary won't win the general election because she's being investigated
>Left out the part that he was a democratic voter and radical Muslim

>a registered democrat, self-hating gay Muslim is responsible for the worst shooting spree in American history

he was a closeted gay man who couldn't resolve his urges with his religious beliefs.

And his dad called him gay in front of his wife.

AR-15 isn't military grade, it's not an assault rifle, and 30 rounds is standard you fucking faggot.

Anymore questions?

Then The terrorists will just make homemade bombs or other things

He also had security guard licenses and shit. The liberals are always screaming that gun owners should have to have licenses and more background checks, looks like that worked out well.

He bought the guns legally?

>Well pol?

Show me one military that used fucking AR-15s!

What a fucking joke.

So you initiate gun reform making it "illegal" to buy an AR. So now Omar pays a bit more, and he buys that same AR underground without a serial number.

On the flip side, let's say ALL of America is 100% second amendment. Would Omar go into a night club with his AR if he suspected half of the patrons had pistols? And the bouncers had AR's as well??

What did you actually solve with your Liberal logic?

>gay bars have bouncers
daz racist and threateaning, what about muh safe space

A federal security contractor is alawys going to have access to guns

So he couldnt handle the bantz
Kek why are you so mad. Im aware the ar-15 is not an actual assault rifle. Im not that autistic.
Literally nothing.
>implying i agree with the pic and didnt post it to see reactions to better refute this nonsense

>I need to carry a gun everywhere I go to protect myself from possible mass shooters

Lovely world you've imagined conservashit


*sips tea*

>Military-assault rifle
No, morons, guns are NOT defined by their shape and color, they are defined by their caliber and modes of fire.
his is like saying all cars are race cars, or all vehicles with two wheels are motorcycles.

Id rather have some responsible and reasonable armed people than potentially get blown up by kebab. Even if the odds are low.

I don't understand how the death count went from 50, and not everyone's saying 49. Were they able to revive someone? Or just miscounted

Now* its 49

>mentally unstable

yeah he was a faggot, at least they got that right

>STILL think we don't need immigration reform?

i believe 50 includes the shooter