Holy fucking shit, this is insane, Walking Dead has almost lost HALF its audience in like a couple of episodes

Holy fucking shit, this is insane, Walking Dead has almost lost HALF its audience in like a couple of episodes.

What the fuck happened? Are the normies waking up? How the fuck do you lose your audience like this? At this rate, the show probably has one or two seasons left before cancellation.

>carol episode
>tara episode
>daryl episode

>At this rate, the show probably has one or two seasons left before cancellation.
Nope, even if TWD hits a mere 6 million viewers per episode it'll still be AMC's most popular show. It won't end until the comics end.

They shouldn't have killed my chinaboy and my hicksoldierboy.

What the absolute fuck

any TV show that lasts more than 2 seasons is drawn out garbage that only exists to make money

people probably got tired of watching the same thing every episode

Are these the cable ratings? Is cable finally dying?

How many years of watching them run through the same fucking forest can one withstand?

I predicted this would happen once the initial ratings drop was reported. It gave people permission to stop watching a series they only kept up with because they didn't want to be left out. No one at the office water cooler is talking about it anymore, so no point in wasting an hour of your life on this dreck every week.

It was the interracial scenes 2bh. This shit doesn't fly in a racist post Trump era.

>watching the Walking Pleb past s01e01

It's over.

They keep focusing on shit nobody gives a FUCK about.

They're acting like the drama is interesting and shove as much of it in as possible, nobody gives a fuck about the melodrama.

>one or two seasons left before cancellation

who gives a shit?

Special snow flakes dont like negan that white male.

Yeah I don't understand why they dedicate entire episodes to the arcs of characters who are having no current bearing on the story as a whole.

It completely lost me with that Kingdom bullshit. What the fuck was that? I mean really a pet fucking tiger? It went completely off the rails.

people don't like watching their favorite characters lose over and over and over and over

Negan is annoying as all fuck, not offensive ... ANNOYING. I guess he's cool if you're 14. Tara ep killed it for me , I turned it off 10 minutes in. Endless fucking commercials don't help either.

they were too smug, now they're paying the price. the show has been abysmal for like 6 years now. even normies who watch series while browsing facebook on their phones are tired. it's not even good as a background noise anymore.

shit CGI tiger

>episode 6
>worst rated and lowest viewing figures
>Tara centric episode

Gee, I wonder why

Also, fans want to see the group doing shit together. Everyone's sick of two or three getting split up and then having an episode that focuses almost entirely on them.

I really dont understand how anyone likes this show.

>Drawn out tension for characters we don't care about
>"Revelation" that humans are the real monsters
>Zombies force the group to evacuate
>Repeat for 7 seasons.

>Negan is annoying as all fuck
He's the only redeeming thing about the show now.

Normies and casuals seem to hate him unfortunately

is the lowest rated one the Tara episode?

This, fuck.

Nobody cares about anything unrelated to Rick or Negan.

They won't be able to afford the show soon. Advertisers will pull out, budget will go down. Its done, this is it TWD. We'll get season 8, and possibly season 9, but that's for sure it for this series. If all money fades from the show, there's no show. With 100 episode it can be syndicated around the world. It'll be money for AMC for years to come with 0 production costs.

Total viewers don't mean shit. It's the demo that matters and a 5.1 is fucking massive by today's standards. Most network "hits" are lucky to get to low to mid 1s.

Nigger they don't put a lot of money into the show in the first place. It'll probably still be profitable with 2 mil viewers lol


They've known forever that they got lucky with TWD and have barely funded it at all to stockpile as much cash as they can.

yeah man he's so badass, love the way he draws out all his lines and fucking always has a cool line, so badass.

Not when they lose all their actors who are underpaid. Who wants to watch a show about that priest guy and a baby?

I don't understand how anyone could have gotten through season 2. God DAMN that garbage was painful to watch.


"Halt and Catch Fire" averaged 300,000 viewers. So even at 10 million, TWD still brings in 33 times more viewers.

Well the constant shilling of the show here certainly didn't help.

>everyone was tuning in for Glenn


is funny because is true

Westworld replaced it as the water cooler show. God knows this and GoT have basically lived on being water cooler shows

except Westworld wasn't on Sunday

I unironically think the show feels a bit empty without Glenn.

Not sure why seeing as he hadn't had any character development since he killed his first man

mask u summin

Yeah lol. That cgi was fucking terrible. Who Framed Roger Rabbit had a more convincing rabbit.

no need for apocalyptic drama when a retard wins the whitehouse. america is fucked and they know it.

>this pretty much

>people stick around to watch 3 seasons of walking: the show
>Negan shows up and actual adds tension and interest to the show
>rating drop
I dont get it

seems like a good majority of its audience finally caught on to what we who abandoned ship during the second season figured out rather early on. theshow isn't that good and its premise will only take you so far without a proper showrunner like Darabont at the helm.

also, when a good portion of an audience is kids, they do tend to grow out of stuff they were interested a year or two ago. why any adult would continue to watch this show other than for shits and giggles is beyond me.

>Not sure why seeing as he hadn't had any character development since he killed his first man

This is a major problem with a lot of characters, especially before they die. They drift around, then get a ton of development like an episode before to remind us they exist.

Are you mad that your favorite slope character got his eyeball popped out and brains smashed in?

Yes it was? Moron

yeah and star wars gonna flop too

>tfw I love all of twd, even the parts that other people complain about all the time

feelsgoodman, I hope it carries on for a long time

Adding one "interesting" character to the same plot from the last seven seasons doesnt redeem it.

For the midseason finale of TWD, no it wasn't.

You need 100 episodes for syndication.

I'm getting real bored of the Zombies and leads.

Negan is stupid.

I bet you wouldn't say that to Negan's face.

this seems like a terrible show to syndicate because so many of the episodes are dedicated to characters no one cares about. Are you really going to watch the fat chick women episode if you see it syndicated?

Holy shit someone else exists on Sup Forums that legitimately likes the show

>tfw enjoying the fuck out of Negan

Feels good brah

most people enjoy Negan you retard, it's most everything else that sucks

I love zombie stuff and really like the cast, I'd watch it forever if it just followed along after the comics. It's not perfect but it works for me

not really much zombie stuff this season

I understand not redeeming it, but why the drop?

Because people have caught on to the show. They know something is going to happen soon, not because of the terribly written "tension" the writers are trying to force on you but because it happens every time. Eventually the Zombies are gonna break in, characters that people like will die, and the group will get away and reform. Then guess what? The same thing will happen next season.

you mean the best season?
especially now being able to watch it all in one go, it had the best character arcs.

I stopped watching it during third season when they brought in a black samurai womyn. Then a few years later I started watching it again on Netflix but when they didicated an entire episode to the black kung fu guy in season 6, I threw in the towel. Fuck that noise.

>still keeping up the season 2 was bad meme
Yeah I sure did hate how the zombies were an actual threat and had a brisk jog in their step making them actually intimidating. Season 2 had some of the best ZOMBIE moments. What I want in a ZOMBIE show. Season 2 is unironically one of my favorites. They need to start sticking closer to the comics with negan. All the moments I wanted ended up shitty. Even little ones like the saviors killing several zombies while waiting to be let in. Show has negan kill just one with the bat.

Well no shit, they gave an episode to fucking Tara.

the real zombies are AMC employees that churn out this shit

imagine actually being this much of a sensitive little flower


Imagine being this easily entertained by shit. I wish we could all be so naive.

Thanks for sharing (:

Morgans kung fu episode was based. The worst episode was Tara by far seriously who decided to dedicate an entire episode to a fat lesbian who visits feminist wet dream land?


maybe try cuckold porn? you seem pretty obsessed with hating. jerking off into your hate might help.

>it's (((their))) plan to normalise the idea that black people have katanas but they won't fool me, I'm an intellectual

I liked season 2. Its season 3 when everything went to shit. People talking shit about season 2 are contrarian plebs pretending to have a taste

>A whole fucking world to explore
>Let's spend our whole life fighting for a small piece of territory
>In the woods

>Its not boring because I like it.

>you mean the best season?

I didn't watch past S2 E2, so I have no idea. I assume it only got worse from there. And season 1 was just barely watchable.

There's too fucking much just walking around and talking about NOTHING that anyone cares about scenes. It took me about 20 minutes to finish this midseason finale with DVR and fast forward

The show is just boring most of the time is why

You're right. I should keep watching. I heard they have a black king now. With a tiger!

Nobody said anything about boring, just accept that you made a fool of yourself and close the tab

then why are you even talking about it

It's not "contrarian" to recognize that a show is complete and utter garbage.

probably the hour and a half long fucking episodes that's mainly commercial filler

I find it endlessly fascinating why anyone would watch this shit at all.

nobody said anything about normalizing katanas and black people either, but its always your faggots defense mechanism.

i find it endlessly fascinating why anyone would talk about why a show is good or bad without actually watching it. weirdo.

>hey user we're going to watch twd stay with us and watch
>ok who is that guy with the bat
>that's the main villain
>but that's just a guy with a bat, isn't this a zombie show??


>They won't be able to afford the show soon. Advertisers will pull out, budget will go down. Its done, this is it TWD. We'll get season 8, and possibly season 9, but that's for sure it for this series. If all money fades from the show, there's no show. With 100 episode it can be syndicated around the world. It'll be money for AMC for years to come with 0 production costs.

TWD will continue past season 9 unless AMC finds another cash cow. Remember, they are minus Breaking Bad and Mad Men and nothing else except maybe Better Call Saul has enough clout. Fear TWD, yawn. Badlands. yawn. Halt ACF. yawn. That David Schwimmer failure of a show? lol.

Their shitty cliffhanger followed by terrible episodes that didn't involve Negan or the guy that played Trevor in GTAV played a large part of it. I stopped watching the show on AMC after the shitty ending from last season. I've torrented this entire season because of what they did.

They really should have ended last season with Glenn getting whomped instead of opening the season with complete misery, killing off two well liked characters for the sake of it and then following with utter trash focusing on characters nobody cares about.

You are not very smart, we get it

Season two started out real shit but picked up towards the middle and ended decently. I stopped on like episode 2 or 3 of season two for a long time. Season three is horrible though. I am half way through it and just can't bring myself to go any farther. These people are fucking stupid. I want one good zombie show two or three seasons long that shows what would really happen if an outbreak occurred.

I want to see the rednecks out hunting zombies in mass. I want to watch the world freak out and fall a part and then slowly start to build itself back up with pockets existing throughout that never fell to the madness.

Did they cancel preacher?

Did you expect the big bad guy to be a boss zombie or something, user?

>Fear TWD, yawn.
How's Fear the Walking Dead going anyway? I stopped watching once the first season ended, I was waiting for it to get better and it never did. It stayed shit.
Literally zero likeable characters, I was rooting for them to get bit half the time, and boring as hell.

Trust me - I watched enough. It is utter shit.

This is also roughly the point where a lot of comic readers stopped reading.

This Negan shit is just too drawn out and repetitive. Kirkman is a hack who lucked out.

I haven't even watched the Walking Dead and my interest went from lack thereof to who gives a shit.