Reminder that when you re-watch A New Hope and see these white boys get their medals, a half dozen people of color and an empowered woman (who rebels) are the real, unrecognized, and forgotten heroes of the film.
Reminder that when you re-watch A New Hope and see these white boys get their medals...
what about those poor bothans, will they ever get their movie?
>open carrying at an award ceremony
Thats the second Death Star you fucking pleb
What about motherfucking Chewie? That guy gets no recognition.
>no shitskins visible in first flick
evil Empire or no, what a beautiful universe they live in
/k/ here, those are ceremonial weapons faget
rewatching """"""new hope"""""""
>movie starts with 30 minutes of two gay robots
>Finally luke shows up. also gay
> ONE HOUR into the movie we get Han and Chewie
Why make R2 and C3PO the main characters and then drop them half way into the movie???
cus this thing called story retard
Based Lucas
Why does it matter that they are white?
That's awfully racist of you
>against whites
>movie starts with 30 minutes of two gay robots
you say what about my nigga r2???
look out bitch... im watching you
nothing wrong with being a gay robot
>don't introduce your main characters an hour into the film.
luke's jacket is the shit
Easy for you to say, homotron.
Some of my favourite robots are gay
MUH diversity
Artoo is totally hetero
>jacks in to every outlet he sees