How can white men even compete?

How can white men even compete?

just look at this pink bitch



Why does that "turkish man" have colored eyes
Şu beyazız muhabbeti yapan altyaş sen miydin

looks more like a South Italian tbqh

Italians and Turks think of themselves as of brothers


he doesnt
looks like a turkish mongrel
you are an immigrant
zaza shitskin

When White men had balls they invaded Mediterranean mens cities, sacked them and had their way with their women.
Never forget, White power is violence.

THIS is what women want

just look at that clavicle width


Pinkskins look like shit in all cases
Pale skins are a little better but look as weak as their skin

pale does not look weak
cumskin does
slavs have often cumskin like some asians

he looks spanish, sicilians have jew noses

kek real turks look asian probably a convert

boi I'm not turkish

spaniards don't have slanted eyes

he doesnt
this is a turkish mongrel

you're a turkish mongrel

I am a Greek

>mfw I am more Greek than a German Greek
I am the Greekest