One shot at life

>one shot at life
>born in Shitaly

Join the club, OP. Maybe it has something to do with the flag design...

Yup its flag design

Czechia and Philippines are both shitholes full of whores

that's the luckiest nationality ever all girls want an italian bf

>all girls want an italian bf

>knowing what they want
You silly brit

Could be worse, at least you are not in Spain

t. fritzl

it's true according to muh polls and muh surveys

t. cuck

Spain is richer than Italy nowadays

He's right though.


t. muhammad ibn john il britanny

t. captain sweden


Finnish women actually prefer Dutch men

What was the point of that post?

no they don't

It's a fact, and you also have better growth rates

make it two shots then :)

Why would you not want to be italian?

it means you think women don't know what they want therefore it's okay to lock them in your basement for 25 years

>he wants to compete


So I wouldn't have to live in a third world country masquerading as first world full of we wuz retards that think they are God's gift to Earth

good god you're whiny

t. retarded Shitalian who believes he lives in the most perfect country on Earth and that everyone pointing out how shit it really is is just a whiny hater

>that massive projection

professional crybaby

Top? Nah

Still one of the best countries to live

You are 1% of the world, you won funcking jackpot by birth

Stop complain and work harder

>one shot at life
>be low self esteem loser for no reason


People literally tell me how much they admire me all the time. All girls I speak more than 10 words to eventually profess they think I'm the best thing since sliced bread. Without even trying I got top grades in school and can get into any uni I want. Have quite a lot of money and a reasonably wealthy father who has said he will support me in any endeavor I undertake.

And still, despite all that, I'm an incel permavirgin dead-end wagecuck.

that's precisely because you're a spoiled kid and never had to work for anything, go live in the woods for a while

>one shot at life
>born in Italy

Of course the retarded weaboo pedophile would be glad of living in this shithole
>this is what foreigners actually believe

Where in Italy do you live?

In one of the "rich" and "developed" parts of Italy. Of course everyone can just take a short train ride to Switzerland and just see what an actual functioning country looks like, but everyone just pretends that we are better because "people are more open here" and "the food is better"

food in the south is better

>waaaaaah mommyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaaah

>first world problems


>first world
That's one spicy meme

vietnam knows

I never thought I'd see the day truly good advice is posted on Sup Forums

>high hdi
>high gdp
Yep, you're a first worlder, shithead. You don't live like me

maybe your disgusting slut women in the UK

why do you live like that when you have a whole steppe for yourself?

not the crybabby op btw

They don't though? Kyrgysztan is a small and very mountainous country.

> steppe
There are only few suitable for life valleys in this country, the rest are mountains, not steppes
> why do you live like that
Because i live in poor, undeveloped, corrupt shithole?

pretty sure german women lust after italian cock too

he is just lying because german men are ugly and boring

>one shot at life
>have shit health

can confirm

I went out with a German girl and once she told me "you know I really like you for being you, not because having an Italian bf is cool", I had no idea.

yes, they are sluts, too.

well yes, didn't want to be rude.

weak pink subhumans

german women are trash

>ONE shot at life
>born in Russia

>born in the only other superpower besides the USA
Oh no, that sucks

it's 2017, Luigi

whatever does this chart mean?

Are you joking, Mario?

>Population is aging quickly
>Native Russian birthrates are barely at replacement level
>A lot of people are uncultured and act like apes
>More and more migrants pouring into Russia every year
>Will probably become a Chinese vassal in the near future and lose a lot of the far east to the chinese
>Our unique culture is being replaced by generic western shit


Mediterraneans and turks fuck pink women
pink men have to buy slav women

>german women are trash
you are right

would you want to live in a post soviet commieblock and be too poor for everything?

Unless you are a mobster or son of a politician Russia isnt for you.

Why don't you just invite all the Russiaboos in Europe and USA

pink boys fuck med women

many a time was I the cream in a Turkish coffee

Wow, you just described Italy

Yes, and according to you Italy is shit

no they dont
anglos are very ugly subhumans
you just have an inferiority complex and lie

I don't remember Italy making America their bitch on multiple occasions in the last years

>he still think global politics and international relations mean something
We're all ruled by the same oligarchs

is it really that bad in italy? apart from the economy which isn't functioning too well right now how is it culture wise?


brits on holiday stick to their caveman packs and don't even try to speak with the locals unless it's a business transaction involving an alcoholic beverage.

>he thinks I'd just go and lie on the internet about my sexual exploits
wow man, I am hurt

anglos are very ugly
its only your women who get fucked by foreigners

your girls literally come to London to get fucked by us

it's fine really, could use more jobs but other than that I like life here, I would rather be here and live in my culture than having to move abroad to peel potatoes and live off small change.


you mean get fucked by blacks, pakis, indians, chinese, spaniards, other italians, french and every other nationality out there that isn't british?

>how is it culture wise?
Aping the Americans and crying about not being Germany is the extent of our modern "culture"

I wouldn't admit to that if I were you sweetie

> not being Germany

why would you want to do that

>be me
>have fucked Sicilians, Calabrese, Romans, Sardinians but never a northern girl
why are girls from south Italy so slutty lads?

london is a shitskin country
your women get fucked there

you lie
anglo subhuman

when will piddino cucks like you kill themselves?

please fuck off and never come back. Also give up your citizenship please. Also never breed unless you do the earlier two things first. Thank you.

>why would you want to do that
brainwashing propaganda and economic imperialism through the eurozone. But people are waking up. OP is just a low-IQ nigger

literally noone except whiny failed uni students bitter about everything would want that in fact, op is a very special kid.

I don't take responsibility for the actions of my country's women, but London is a very poor example, if they actually wanted to fuck brits they would go to another place in britain not overrun by foreigners, which they don't.

London is still dominated by a subset of British chads who get all the girls, most of the foreigners there are low status

>London is still dominated by a subset of British chads who get all the girls, most of the foreigners there are low status

>one shot at life
>born in Portugal

You are a virgin. Never touched a boob in your life.

stop projecting shart boi

How you get computer?


>virgin is an insult on Sup Forums in 2017

t. italian dishwashers

>one life
>born g*rman

>one shot at life
>born in Brazil

que delicia

easy there Ranjeet

I wasn't lucky to be born here, but at least i was lucky enough to be born in a moderately wealthy family

>one shot at life
>get shot in life