
Is this kino, or just 2deep4u weebshit?

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It's kino. It doesn't do its source material justice, but it's a groundbreaking film with fantastic visuals and decent storytelling.

It's like Gone With the Wind or something like that. It's not absolutely timeless but it deserves respect for what it is

on a technical level it's ABSOLUTE kino, like holy shit tier; storywise it's meh, the manga did it better

Anime can never be kino, child of /r/anime. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.


I agree to a strong degree.

If they had the budget to actually do the manga justice then it would be kino on all levels.

The ending is unfortunately underwhelming as a result.

why isn't dragonball on that image

>image doesn't have Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist

>he's never seen Grave of the Fireflies
>he's never seen Millennium Actress
>he thinks he knows something about kino

worst anime i ever watched

gurren laguan and princess mononoke

haven't seen this in awhile, what was his friends name again??

terico, its a reference to a certian Portuguese formation used in combat encountered during the Tokugawa bid for shogunate.

Kino of the visual and weirdly sexual kind




>talking about non-season on Sup Forums
fucking nu-channers

manga is way better

The funniest part about this is that all this garbage is on their rec charts/wiki and even will rec you them in their 3x3 threads

Stfu boi

>its a Miura makes us wait until next year for a new berserk manga episode

To be fair, they'd need like two or three movies to get the epic story that the manga told and it is a miracle they managed to get funding to make one film this enormous.

Anime is just like any other group of films where you have both films that are childish plebshit and others that are art house brilliance.

A cartoon can never be kino.

Not with that attitude.

A drawn image can never rival the expressions of a great actor.

Not with that attitude.

That film certainly isn't an example of brilliance.
>nothing happens
woah... so deep

you can't really get an idea of whats happening in the movie unless you read a bit of the manga, like fkn kei just out of nowhere in the movies starts doing shit

fucking lady miyako in the movie only has one line and shes dubbed by a man

Pure, unadulterated kino

Seriously, please go back to r/movies if you don't think this film has artistic merit

Sup Forumsedditors can''t name a non-entry level anime to save their lives