
London edition

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wahey, we actually made a thread get to 310!

*chucks a bucket of acid in your face*

just feel sick, tired and weak all the time


When I whip my driving licence out as ID when I go out in London the locals gather around, wide-eyed and in awe, like I've just pulled out the ark of the covenant or something.

>What is this... strange document? Why does it glitter and change as I turn it from side to side?

I explain that it means I have permission from the state to operate a motor vehicle.

Their eyes glaze over and it's clear they can't quite understand, so I motion for them to step outside and point towards one of the large red buses filled with Asian and African people.

>it's like one of those, except smaller and it's only used by me and a small number of passengers. And rather than follow a predetermined route I can drive it wherever I want whenever I want.

They marvel at how someone could be so wealthy as to own their own personal bus, and so intelligent as to be able to operate one. I'm about to explain that car ownership is actually rather normal outside the capital but there is suddenly an acid and shooting attack so we have to run back inside and take cover and I lose my train of thought.

>that look alright to you?
>nah mate looks half left HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

get fucked you absolute deano twat

on the tube you can sometimes catch glimpses of the poverty Britain used to be in

those stations where they haven't bothered to do shit in 50 years and its bare, crumbling apart

>playing vidya
>London level
>acid jazz starts playing

*kisses you*
alri :3


>tfw no cerebral palsy gf


Buy an s-chassis

Most fun I've ever had in a car

cannot stand runts who use 12-hour clocks
it is currently 15:00 not 3 PM you imbecile

Wish I never existed

would go gay for federer

what is it with yanks and bending their wheels to odd angles

looks fucking daft

>owning a car
*hops onboard the Lyca Express*

whos winnin?

looks like shit mate


why is the guy playing Federer on wimbledon crying??

Ah yes very practical

love holborn

Some lad made s post in the last thread that just said 'roger fedora's and I spent about a minute laughing at it


my dad works there
i like going to visit him at his work, lovely area

looks shit


tfw i will NEVER have a gf

shan't be clicking this



Those guys will tell you it's set up for handling but they'd also be wrong 2bh

Boring and gay

Bet it'll outrun your Astra though


yanks are subhuman

looks are the only thing that matter


Actually an ironic Japanese trend, but yanks eat up everything that's idiotic and attention grabbing.

lefty LARPing

not even bad

all me

The 50s to the mid 60s were the greatest economic boom in the last century with the exception of the 90s, how is there any correlation to the EEC/EU?
Also that dip in 1992 was from Britain having to peg a weak pound to the DM through an EU mechanism

Why do you want to look like you're in your 40's and awaiting a divorce?

racism is a totally natural and rational response to outsiders

>IRON BULL at the front
>BLACK BULL in the bedroom

>Milo Yiannopoulos's 'Dangerous' book sells 152 copies in the UK

racism is a mental defect


having a watch



it's the most natural thing in the world.

they aren't really immigrants if they are retired and just spending their retirement money there. which i bet you anything they are. they probably have to come back to england sometimes in order to go back there and extend their stay. that's the case with a lot of brits there anyway

racism should be punishable by death


Greater Manchester now has a drive thru Greggs, Costa, Starbucks and Krispy Kreme (24hr)

Is it any wonder cagers are so fucking fat and disgusting

don't care

reddit servers are down

might use my hand to simulate sex

got called a racist driving through the drive thru greggs lads

So in order not to look like a divorced man in your 40s you make yourself look like a vaping highschooler?

Use my mouth or arsehole instead x

might have to get mcdonalds on ubereats thoughts?

came here from reddit

Actually racism was selected for in the gene pool, blind trust in a stranger would result in your death for 99% of human history. The non-racists would have their entrails dragged out, hearts eaten and heads displayed on a spike by the neighbouring tribes.

and now we wait

Australia has drive through off licences

well that would be pretty much all the blacks and muslims gone, japanese too, most of the world really.

this post really got the cogs turning


tribalism is not racism. racism is just a manifestion of tribalism, which is perfectly natural.

want a fucking PIE and chips and gravy and just REEEEE I WANT FOOD

Cilic is hurt, I feel bad for the lad

meeting a tinder girl on wednesday
how do i end up with my willy in her lads?

those fucking feet Jesus Christ

we're not stopping you lad

is there a more autistic city than London?

need cheesy chips

I know, it's me vs. myself and I'm losing and winning

more like grimbledon

anywhere in Germany

road can be completely empty yet they STILL wait for the green man

anywhere in Finland too, they literally have government signs telling people to stay away from each other

enough with this stupid caveman fanfiction.

Germany mentioned!

reddit is down

You've clearly never attempted to establish contact with an uncontacted trube

I've cum 3 times today

>they literally have government signs telling people to stay away from each other

might play with my willy

only here because reddit is down

>local post office was run for years by the same family
>they had a little bakery inside that sold the nicest pies and cakes
>they sold it a few years ago and now it's run by a miserable paki who closed the bakery and post office and just runs it as a generic off licence

Really want one of their steak pies again

Why is it so challenging for Germans to understand fun? It's like that part of your brain never formed.

I took down reddit lads

Our nation is going to die if we keep letting brown people in. Our recessive european genes will be BLACKED into nothing. Diversity = racial suicide.

Reddits down so came here

replaced a german patch with a hk one on my jacket yesterday lad

*tears up this fucking dancefloor*

just had this pop up on my facebook

have you ever seen something so runty, it just sums up working class brits abroad on the costa del sol

what's wrong with Sup Forums today

>Bradleyposter pretending to be multiple people itt
