What is the comfiest country on Earth?

I go with Iceland.

iceland is an ugly boring shithole

Probs New Zealand.

new zealand is an ugly boring shithole full of shitskins

wtf why are we so depressed did you alter this graph ikibey


that's what comfiness is

also it's not ugly, it's beautiful

because you are subhumans

ugly boring shithole

that looks shit and boring
its not beautiful

German autism on the rise...

It's just a small and peaceful country which looks pretty comfy and full of descent white people. North-eastern Germany is the true ugly shithole.

ugly boring shithole

it looks boring and is full of degenerate boring subhumans
the pictures you see in the internet where made on those rare """""""""""""2nice"""""""""""""" days

>forcing your subjective opinion as widespread
Iceland is fucking beautiful

shoo shoo turkroach this is a comfy thread

japanese architecture is really comfy

its not
its an ugly boring shithole
you subhuman

ugly boring shithole

yeah whatever you say retard

It is but not for a full sized white male
t. had a Japanese gf
Been to Liechtenstein a few weeks ago. It feels waaaaaay comfier than the entire Germany

What kind of music do you like?

>cold and damp

never got this meem

you are a retard
you slavic subhuman

its a boring shithole

your home feels much more comfy if it's cold and dark outside
bow to the Slavic masterrace germanic filth

Absolutely agree with this descent Italian man. Is San-Marino a comfy one?

slavs are subhumans
cold and dark is shit

u sure about that ?

slavs are subhumans
you are human trash

extra comfy

Whatever retard

yeah but it's like, barren.

you are a retard
slavs are subhumans

>no one takes you seriously, neither here nor irl

whatever retard

its because of inferiority complex and jealousy

they are jealous of Greece

you slavic subhuman

That's the very point.

These astoundingly beautiful landscapes are in fact a barren and hostile wasteland which only further underlines comfiness of all these small wooden huts. :)

its not beautiful
its ugly and boring

Hokkaido is pretty comfy.

Iceland, New Zealand and Portugal are the podium of safe countries to be in, and are also between the most comfy.

Sure, there's not a ton to do but they are very good to be in if you value peace of mind and just straight being happy with your surroundings.

iceland is boring ugly shithole
nz is boring ugly shithole
portugal is inferior to Greece

that one is cozy but the absence of trees is kinda unsettling, also midnight sun must be hell

Greece is only comfy if you like hanging around other roaches, Iki.

the portuguese are boring subhumans
Greece is better than portugal
you are roaches


Norway is also top comfy

i just want to go a day without popping in a thread with ikibey in it :(

ugly boring shithole

NYC. Manhattan specifically.
Very comfy night lights
Wouldn't you want to live in a high rise there and see that beautiful view every night??

i agree that cities are comfier than the rural side but
Hong Kong > NYC

shitskin countries


could be, i dunno, never been there.
in what sense? that pic could be china town in NYC as well


it looks nice because its sunny

No, Ikibei, it's just comfy

its ugly and boring
this is just a cherry picked picture
its even uglier and more boring in real

reminder that you are all subhumans and your opionions are worthless


more skycrappers and chinese style is more aesthetic, chinatown is basically a copy of hong kong so it doesn't count

bery nice


Jobless countries aren't comfy

looks like an oven

antidepressants are a first world thing

I choose Japan.

Also why is Germany so angry? Bad day?

japan is shit
dont let the pictures fool you
its a hot shithole and the japanese are disgusting subhumans

>people are still giving this autistic Turkroach (You)'s
literally why

prove one of my posts wrong and i will leave int
you slavic subhuman

i really dont get it. is he mentally ill. hes been doing it for so long

being a slavic subhuman is a mental illness


subhuman shithole

I feel kinda sorry for him sometimes 2bh, it's obvious that he has mental issues and spending entire days here probably doesn't help

Y'know what? I think YOU are a subhuman. Germany is the most bland country in Europe.

I am a Greek

I don't care what you are. You are a worthless piece of shit wherever you come from.


And everyone who says otherwise is either a metal listening virgin who thinks appreciating cold and rainy Vitamin D deficiency countries makes him seem more intelligent or a hipster

This spot is prbably pictured by some passing toruist every 5 minutes.

I am a Greek


Don't play these autistic mind games.

The most comfy country is definetly not a cold one.
So it narrows it down pretty good.
It is also not in Africa or have majority Black /muslim population.

What if Africa was white? Would you live there? Everyone would still be starving tho.

Liechtenstein is more clean and beautiful than your shithole 3rd world Cuckmany will ever be, Manfred.

No. Because the tempretaure is still too high.
Maybe it is not even in Europe but in Asia?
What about SEA or Taiwan?
How are they?

do you want to clean balt?
we can report the australians whenever they post trash until they leave

its ugly and boring


I dunno m8, but it's definitely gonna be warm since it's south. Google it, desu.

Why are Germanics so prone to depression?

lack of Greek genes

The thumbnail looks like 土筆。