Remember when Samantha Bee blamed white people for Trumps win?
Remember when Samantha Bee blamed white people for Trumps win?
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Remember when the media as a whole went berserk over Trumps win?
Oh wait they're still doing that.
Remember when Samantha Bee was funny? Oh wait can't remember something that never happened.
She's right though.
>let hillary beat hillary
i dont know who this is but she knew what was up
It's a common liberal tactic
>We lost because democracy favors a majority!
My sad Samantha I didn't mean to commit such a terrible crime.
Hillary won the popular vote Sup Forumstard
Russian people are white.
Fuck off California0
Any good tit pics of this whore yet or am I wasting my time.
Remember this kino?
The US is a republic, not a pure democracy, not mob rule.
Trump played the game right and she got fucking redwalled.
delete this
Best night of my goddamn life. Wish I could relive it over and over again.
Even if Trump turns out to be the worst president in the history of mankind it'll still have been worth it.
Trump won the popular vote, it just looks like Hillary did because of the immense amounts of document voter fraud and undocumented immigrants.
And Trump won the election :^)
The best part is that her kids go to a privileged school in New York that's currently under fire for not being diverse enough.
And said issue was dismissed by her husband (Jason Jones) who said it wasn't a problem or worth getting worked up about.
I mean, white people voted for him.
>a happy white family is used as a horror sign
Sup Forums memes are becoming real
that is the number one trigger of sjws
>One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones, who’s married to Samantha Bee. "To portray any opposition as classist or racist is as bad as it can get," Jones told WNYC.
>"Look, we're not classist or racist, we just don't want poor niggers and spics anywhere near our kids, is that too much to ask?"
You know, when you really think about it, as morbid as that is, it's pretty much the truth.
They spend their lives obsessing over issues that will supposedly make them happy if resolved, and yet they somehow never are.
Recount california for illegal votes.
How many people didn't vote because they knew how their state would end up? How many other factors were present in the system as it operated?
Only retards change the requirements for winning AFTER the fact.
They're just depressed people throwing themselves at ideology to cope, as with any cult.
>posting work by a known white supremacist
>white supremacist is a bad thing
I will cut to the chase with this review: This film touched me. Deeply.
From the opening credits, I wept openly, not only because I was reminded of my own childhood, but also seeing my little adopted son laughing at Junior's antics reminded me of the strength of the human spirit. Watching Junior team up with the adorable little Trixie, portrayed flawlessly by Ivyann Schwan (I am extremely excited to see her latest work...her only work since 1994 (sad to say), Solitaire, which is due for release in 2007), serves as a clear cut example of the ability for humankind to put aside its differences and work together to solve the problems which face us all in today's modern society. In these trying times, Post September the 11th, Problem Child II is really a film which Americans can rally behind. Even though it was made approximately 10 years prior to the tragic events which none of us will ever forget, its wisdom has become even more potent. Do not bother renting this movie. Buy this movie. Buy this movie and then write Imagine Entertainment and ask them for Problem Child 3...Prosper on sons
one party embraced the grassroots candidate, and the other didn't. too bad, so sad.
Still not anyone's president (:
>>white supremacist is a bad thing
This. They might've had a point to bitch about the electoral college when almost all the polls were indicating a blowout for Hillary, but it's pathetic to do so after the election
>"the candidate I didn't like won via the electoral college, I guess we really should do something about now"
No but would appreciate a name
>whites aren't supreme
look around you honey
All I see are Jews controlling the world
>>>white supremacist is a bad thing
*White Nationalist
Got any evidence of this?
Just playing, I know you don't.
Easy for a cis white male to say, ugh
They're not going to stop. It will still be like this 6 months into his office. Even two years into his office, easily.
Except instead of trying to stop him with the electoral college, they'll be pushing for impeachment from day 1.
its called normal
This is more interesting than most hollywood movies
you bigotted straight white males have elected a PUPPET OF PUTIN!
What is up with the flood of spics and niggers recently on Sup Forums stay on Twitter and world star inferior cucksies
>Hillary's concession speech
hahaha. Bitch was too wasted to make one.
Still hasn't really.
It's not so much that Trump played it right, it's that Hillary was quite possibly the worst candidate the democrats could pick.
Putin is to the left what Soros is to the alt right
obama give them all free phone to shitpost
>Donald Trump will become president at a moment when the presidency is more powerful than ever.
Now who could be to blame for that?
You should learn what that meme means before you post it, but I guess that would require a liberal to actually learn something on their own, so we all know that isn't happening.
Except Trump did play the game right. He waited 30 years for this moment, saw that the GOP was weak, buried them, then balled the democrats.
Had anyone other than Trump won the primaries, Wikileaks could have and would have fucked that candidate over as well.
You people are so emphatic about your distaste of Trump that you're completely reliant on hindsight and don't realize that no one BUT Trump would have won against her.
>You should learn what that meme means before you post it, but I guess that would require a liberal to actually learn something on their own, so we all know that isn't happening.
Ok, kid.
>Ok, kid.
Is this the triggering?
>Poster disproves someones retared reply
>Gets insulted by 10 other idiots
he wasn't even talking about politics he was stating the fact hillary still won the popular vote just like romney won his. Nice job idiots
oh noooooo he lost the popular vo---wait, hes still president? then i dont give a fuck
If you don't want to get made fun of, don't act like a retard.
>the Obama era
This is a prime example of how obvious it is these guys don't care about results and why Trump should not cater to them at all, because even if he transforms the US into an Utopia for everyone these people would still be displeased because they don't know shit about political accomplishments as proven by praising the "Obama era"
Trump obviously
Remember when op escaped his containment board and made a thinly veiled Trump post on Sup Forums?
Of course you do, it happens 28 times a fucking day.
Seriously, since when are Slavs white?
And yet liberals, for how smart and wise they are, can't resist the bait.
Wrong. In America, the president is elected by the Electoral College, which doesn't meet until December 19, 2016.
ok buddy. why dont you get some sleep kiddo?
Romney didn't win the popular vote, you fucking moron. Obama won in 2012 by 5 million votes.
I went to bed at like 12 but was pretty sure he had it in the bag. I checked my Fox News app first thing in the morning at 5 and it was like that song I'm walking on sunshine started playing. It was a great day.
>gets this triggered by basic facts
I supported Trump and thoroughly enjoyed his win but I hoped the off topic shitposting would be over by now. I guess I just overestimated the capabilities of libtards to resist bait. Makes me wonder if it will ever end.
Hillary lost the election cuck.
Would have blocked TBS already because of this unfunny whore but they play Seinfeld.
They are notorious for playing the victim. Hell, it's a well known fact that if they aren't made into a victim, they will just attack themselves and play the victim. You were being naive to think they would just go quietly into the night.
whats with all the reddit in this thread?
Sore losers, plus is natural for numales to whiteknight when anyone implies a woman isn't funny.
>this thread
Gee, I wonder what else was easy in your privileged as fuck life. And yes I am making an assumption but it's mostly founded in your ability to consider a Trump victory to be celebratory. I guess I can't take this win away from you. There is not much that can be taken away from you.
So you think some of these Trump posts are actually libtards baiting themselves? Considering their complete lack of a sense of humour, I can't believe that.
This kind of thread is starting to make even me hate trumptards. It was hilarious before he won, but now it's just needless gloating and nobody likes a bad winner.
Wow. That comic sure is insecure and cowardly.
>if the black are allowed to live a life like mine I will surely die.
What a fucking cuck fag. Too afraid to play the game unless the odds are stacked in your favor. Even to give another player an equal shot would be certain death for you. This is supposed to be enlightening. Fuck, what a shame this site has become. We used to make fun of niggers without being afraid of them. What the fuck has happened?
Well I think a lot of posts on both sides are being made by the same people just trying to get (You)'s with no interest in the actual argument.
Lol nope. Somehow their happiness equals your sadness. That's how you are clearly a bigot. We try to let those that are systematically and historically discriminated against have an equal shot at life (equal meaning you might have to make some sacrifices compared to the objective sacrifices they have provenly suffered) and somehow all you can do is attribute that to your own quality of life which you were already free to live out without prejudice or persecution. Admit it. Their happiness in your mind equals your sadness. You don't want them to be happy. You are a bigot.
Define normal and also site who is making the definition, you bubble-living faggot.
Remember when Samantha Bee interviewed the Russian fake news hackers responsible for Trump's victory, then the same guys went straight to RT and revealed it was a hoax, but she never took down the video or issued a correction because it's just a self-congratulatory propaganda show without accountability?
I once typed into my browser and it took me to Sup Forums no joke.
i see jews scrambling and panicking because they are being outed as child fucking degenerates
you dont even need to look at the pizzagate evidence to know its true just by how the jew media reacted to it.
JAN 20
>I need my safe space
>I need my bubble
>I need my echo chamber
>I am too afraid to handle anything else
>conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
>the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
And the average or usual people define what is normal.
Gays or the LGBTFU community, despite adding more and more letters to their cause are still a minority, they are queer, and fall outside the realm of normal, when the vast majority of people are straight.
Schadenfreude is like a drug.
I've learned that a liberal is someone who is open minded towards and through meeting new people with a different experience than their own.
A conservative is some one who close mindedly hangs onto the first thing they have come to know and learn.
Why do liberals always project so much?
So you've learned nothing. Thank you for enforcing my points.
But I live my gay life from within my own faggot bubble. Everything I do is average typical and expected. The things I experience are normal. It would be weird, atypical, foreign to be attracted to the opposite sex. Why is my bubble less valid than yours?
what are the shows ratings?
Your angry marxy calm down faggit
And you learned that people are different than you. Guess what, faggot. I've learned that you are different than me. Now who has the more privileged life? You do. Sure that might sound like an accusatory assumption, but you seem pretty confident through this Trump victory to celebrate your own existence and values so it's fair for me to assume you are privileged. But you don't accept others like I do. I love people like you. I love everyone. It's not that I don't love you. I just don't know why you don't love me.