>"Always go against the grain."
Eww do white men really shave like this? I know you don't get hardcore razor bumps like we do but still.
>"Always go against the grain."
Eww do white men really shave like this? I know you don't get hardcore razor bumps like we do but still.
>have to repost someone elses thread from yesterday because youre too dumb to make your own meme
What do you mean? White men literally have the most facial hair
his razoer is sharp as fuck
>It's a growing user wants another thread full of shaving tips.
Just say so senpai.
Yea but whit facial hair is straighter than that of meds, or negroes.
Some black people cant shave at all without getting serious rashes on their face, especially at first.
>shaving against the grain
nah senpai
>black people cant shave
I thought your people were used to butchering with knives?
>Not using a badger hair brush, hot lather, and a midichlorian counter from The Phantom Menace to shave
Then get one of those specialized razors for blacks
Also if you dont clean shave everyday you are a degenerate.
Lol black people WISH they had whites people hair instead of that rough ass Sheeps wool
>electroshit shaver
Blacks and Hispanics have curly/kinky/nappy hair so when the hair starts to grow back it will start to grow and curl while still inside skin (ingrown hairs) that's why we can't shave without electric razor because we'll get razor bumps.
It's literally a woman's leg razor you twelve year old slut, there were commercials for them every five minutes in the 90's. Then George "Goongas" Lucas spraypainted one silver and used it to fuck up the entire Star Wars canon in TPM.
you mean puerto rican/caribbean monkeys
>someone will actually believe this
Just use a double edge razor. No irritation and bumps that way.
I use an electrical razor, but I go both ways. I alternate between going against the grain and with it.
I get sick of shaving burns. Its not worth looking like a smooth skinned bitch.
I find that just trimming to a short length is manly, sexy and stylish. Plus you dont get that regrowth itch
He was just making a shitty metaphor.
mestizo mudbloods aren't hispanics
I just don't shave.
>not being Asian and not having to bother with body hair
When I shave my head I always go against the grain. If I go with the grain it leaves all kinds of prickly stubble, but against the grain is smooth as glass.
I always figured when I used to shave with the grain I was just doing it wrong and wised up, but there seem to be a lot of people ITT who shave with the grain and think that's the only right way. That's weird.
Calm down brown people, you're all equally garbage in my book.
everyone used to straight shave before mister shavelberg convinced everyone to go disposable. it's great, you literally can't get irritation if it's sharp enough.
>When I shave my head
I'm thinking reald hard about starting to do this next year but can't seem to find proper info on how often is one supposed to do it to keep things neat, can you tell me?
how's your GF, chang?
I don't have one.
How is yours? I assume it's great to have a gf.
Use a bowie knife
Women's leg razor as seen here you fucking goof.
t. Dana White.
Are you trying different approaches to get people to talk about this scene, or is it several people?
Do you rub your head a lot?
I shave my head every other morning because otherwise I get ingrown hairs. I wish I could do it every day and not have that day of stubble. It's not terribly visible, but I can feel it when I touch my head and it sticks to knit hats and stuff. If your hair grows faster you might have better luck with a daily shave, but you'll have to see what works for you.
I'm gonna shave my head, get a tiny hat, chew on toothpicks, and start raping men.
A bit, yeah, but I also wear headphones a lot and in the winter I wear hats outside, and all that stubble feels uncomfortable in those situations, so I get it as smooth as I can.
The intention is first parse you go with the grain, to avoid lifting your hair follicle and potentially cutting off a skin mound. Second parse go against the grain to remove the stubble.
well im gay but thats irrelevant
I guess that makes sense if your hair grows really fast, but my hair never gets long enough for that to do anything. I don't get any cuts or scrapes or nicks from going against the grain and going with the grain barely does anything to the hair.
Fucking dropped then, somehow i aws thinking about just doing it once a month or something.
Every other day. But my goal is also to keep my head down to skin. If you do it once a month it'd grow long enough that you'd have to hit it with a hair trimmer before shaving, but if you just want that stubbly buzzcut look it'd be fine.
I wish I were gay. Then at least I'd have someone.
Nah, you wouldn't even have anyone then either.
Uhh, rude to be honest.
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying you are unlovable and I hate you.
And why is that?
>He doesn't take a warm shower that will help make shaving a billion times easier.
>He doesn't spray rubbing alcohol on his face while shaving like Marine Instructors suggested.
Because I hate everyone. My katana's steel has an unquenchable bloodlust.
im jacking off and cumming to this convo
I do, I never get ingrown hairs or keloids. It just feels like a cleaner shave. It will fuck your face up if you have a 50 cent razor or some shit.
I'm half Portuguese too so I can grow a decent beard too.
I shave against the grain without foam. I don't even get razor burn.
Do you ctrl+f Hispanic on every thread? Why do you post this everywhere?
I go with and against the grain with cold water.
It's like you faggots never shaved.
Same. It's all such a fucking money-grubbing meme. Just take a hot shower before shaving to soften the hairs and you don't need shaving cream.
Shearing sheeps wool off your face is obviously going to be more challenging than shaving finer hair.
This desu. It even says on gillette razor packages to shower before and use after shave.
I have never ever shaved with a blade. It's not the 19th century any more.
> Ingrow my shit up, senpai
I just use some tepid water
stop shaving
you must have a pussy ass beard.
I have to use a new blade every time or it will just skip across the hairs and pull some of them out and not cut any, with serious shaving gel, and after a hot shower, and I still get razor burn for the next 36 hours. It's especially great in the summer and wearing a shirt and tie, those are suicidal days.
This. I've got a beard I keep trimmed with scissors and clippers. I have to do it like once every week and it takes five minutes max. Shit's cash.
Oh to be 17 again.
>I'm half Portuguese
just grow a samurai mustache
you can grow a mustache, right? otherwise that would be a SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
I forget the movie but it taught me something important.
Always shave with cold water. You will get a closer shave each time because it stiffens the hairs.
I wax my face because I'm not a fucking pussy.
I thought that only happened to blacks. I'm as mexican as they come and I've always shaved against the grain, no cream, no aftershave. I've never had problems, just smooth skin.
>tfw gf is Persian and I wax her sideburns for her
Mexicans are more native than Spanish, Domicans/ Puerto Ricans have black admixture in them. They're the true Hispanics. You're "Latin American."
>and hispanics
Speak for yourself Tyquavious. My hair is completely straight.
wait so hispanics are blacker than latin americans? I always thought it was the other way around.
Living the dream m8.
>tfw no big bush persian gf who asks you to inflict pain on her
Is she one of those MEK cultists?
>My hair is completely straight.
Unlike your sexuality
Filthy nigger
>not ditching those expensive disposable POS and electric razors that perpetually leave you with rzaorburn and a 5 o'clock shadow for an old school safety razor
Made the switch a little over a year ago, and it's fucking fantastic. I never realized shaving wasn't supposed to feel like having your hair pulled strand by strand from your face.
>smooth as fuck when done
>takes less time than disposables once you get the hang of it
>cheap as shit
>feels good/relaxing
>you and your grandpa (if he's still around) can make fun of your dad for being a pussy for using disposable cartridges
Nah, just has really dark hair.
I know, right? That shit is so satisfying ripping the strips off her face with the force of a thousand suns and watching her eyes tear up. I know I'm probably a sick fuck for feeling that way but I can't help it.
My nigga.
My safety razor cost $185.
I can only shave with the grain.
you never shave against the grain with a straight razor.
the scene was made so the 15 years old redditors who still watch this trash would think "OMG NEEGAN IS LE BADASS!11". Normal people like me just cringed at how forced it was, with the usual side of overacting. I closed the tab.
Hispanics/Puertoricans come in all colors
my gf is half port. fuck you
>not shaving early in the day when you have time and doing both against the grain and with the grain
It removes all your facial hair guaranteed and leaves your skin very comfortable afterward
Looks like a black man to me.
You gf's the size of a port.
>not shaving in the shower
I go with the grain first then against the grain
And the blades are super cheap compared to cartridges.
After a bit of practice I have become able to just shave in the shower without a mirror as well, so much efficiency.
>Not getting a hot lather and shave with a straight razor at the barber by your office every other day
What are you people doing with your lives?
I thought this was Fassbender.
Unless your one of those weirdos that pays a premium for a "birth year razor," why the fuck would you ever pay more than $50 for a single razor? Even most the cheap options look slick and give a great shave with the right blade. Better to spend that money on a good brush and shave soaps/aftershaves/etc.
Also, some folks have really sensitive faces, I guess? I start getting burn if I do more than 2 passes, but one is usually good enough against the grain to get pretty smooth. Most experts say if you have problem with burn, you need to try out different types of blades to find one that works best for your face/hair type. Nivea brand ultra-sensitive post shave balm + a good pre-shave oil/creme can help with discomfort. Also, only shave right after taking a shower or cleaning your face with hot water, change your blade often ( 3-4 shaves for me, typically), and leave it soaking in hot water while you're in the shower.
>not using pic related or something with a similar invigorating burn as an aftershave in the winter
It's addicting-- like the burn from something spicy or those fireball candies. Plus, I find the smell relaxing... reminds of trips to a hardware store or a pleasantly musty wooden building.
i accidentally shaved the fine hairs at the top of my cheek once and now they come in full force. what do?
Agreed. It's got more heft than a disposable, which takes getting used to, but becomes a luxury.
Always take your time letting your chosen shave cream/lotion moisturize your whiskers for a better shave.
Do yourself a favor and buy this, shaveplebs.
It gives you everything you need and then after the cream is gone you can try other kinds and see what you like.
shaving an area doesnt make the hair come in thicker.