Is Canada just a perfect version of US?

Is Canada just a perfect version of US?
-almost same salaries
-many LEGAL immigrants
-not a warmonger
-many qt asians instead of evil muchachos
-not fat
-MUCH less blacks, just a 2.9% of total population
-less terrorism
The only flaw is a FUCKING LEAF

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it's very nice!

>-almost same salaries
Kek not really true, US is a massive braindrain for us because they offer LOWER living expenses + much higher salaries
>-many LEGAL immigrants
Ok I guess, although the US gets the most skilled ones
>-not a warmonger
This is pretty good
>-many qt asians instead of evil muchachos
Some are pretty hot
>-not fat
Not that much less obesity, the US's is mostly pulled down by black and hispanic populations
>-MUCH less blacks, just a 2.9% of total population
This is pretty good
>-less terrorism

-1 buttmad burger
get shot

I prefer American culture but they have better social benefits

Yes. If my land was doomed to sink in to the ocean, I would choose Canada as my next country

I just googled median salaries, they are pretty much same.

>ameican culture

Not for things like IT/software, banking, medicine etc.

You wouldn't know it from how canucks whine bout their country on Sup Forums. It's either Trudeau or those evil Quebecois' fault for their country going to shit, even though it's an objectively better place to live than the US.

anyway these spheres are full of indian java monkey coders, just choose a rare and skillable programming language and it'll be okay
Also the other flaw is that a big part of Canadian economic depends on oil

>same salaries
wat? everything is expensive as shit here compared to the US and almost every job is lower paid.

we have better average salaries because muh minimum wage and muh equality but we're poor as shit compared to americans. example is computer engineers/programmers earning twice as us starting.

>much less blacks

nah, they are common in toronto. some are decent (africans) some are ghetto and shitty but also somewhat decent (jamaican).

all of our top graduates in my friend's program got recruited straight to the US because canadian companies literally cannot compete.

There are a lot of downsides though, as well. I wouldn't make it so black and white there's many reasons people do not like living in Canada and in fact there's a very shocking statistic about how many immigrants come to Canadat then end up leaving.

>indian java monkeys

nah decent places have much less indians. indian-born coders have a reputation for being low paid and shitty so good places never hire them.

we are the autistic version of america and int leafs are a special kind of autism.

I plan to visit Canada some day

Do canadians also hate "isteryuropianz" like westernyurocucks do?

I plan to annex Canada some day

Canada is less tolerant of immigrants.

no? why would canada hate eastern euros? i buy polish food and shop at polish supermarket weekly as an asian.

ethno-centrism isn't a canadian thing unlike europe unless you are in quebec and don't speak french.

canada fucking sucks. they're honestly only better than us at hockey, they really don't have the upper hand in anything else. we're much cooler and far more interesting. lmao the best part of canada is quebec and the quebecois despise canada... really goes to show what kind of place canada really is.

>not a warmonger
let's be honest, Canada wouldn't be so nice and peaceful if they didn't have USA just below to protect them

Im talking from an immigrant point of view.
Immigrating to Canada is much easier and also there is much less actual racism

[Citation fucking required]

you"ll be surprise

yeah there isn't much racism.

but job market isn't amazing here. we have no big industries like the US and we aren't all prestigious and shit like america is.

canada is probably considered a flyover country imo.

well I dont thnk Canadians will be racist towards me if they get to know where am I from actually
I think most of them dont even know this place lol
anyway if I would choose America I would live only in NY, but I can't afford that

When I first visited Canada like 9 years ago, racism was pretty prevalent there. Seems like they've made a great deal of effort to eradicate it from their soil. Good one.

Hope that won't happen since Japan's the only advanced country in Asia we can be proud of.

DC/Northern Virginia is pretty nice too. I've heard NYC is really dirty and smells like pee everywhere.

And you think Americans will be?

even if someone will be racist to me I more like won't give a fuck, I dont consider myself as a muslim or east asian
well NY is the city that I watched a lot about when I was kid, but seems like NY is only good if you are very rich

americans aren't that racist really outside of the shittier states.

i don't think california/nyc/massachusetts/illinois etc. are that racist at all.

>borat pretensions of judging culture

whats up with you? you dont want me to immigrate to Canada? dont worry I wont steal your job or gf, I'll pay taxes and quietly work for myself
and as I said, legal immigration to USA is pretty hard, almost impossible

NY isn't super-expensive, it has more immigrants than other places and has a eastern-bloc population too imo and will likely have kazakhs/others that can help you get started here.

reminds me have you seen this video? i saw it get posted here once.

if i could move anywhere in the world, it'd be canada desu

well idk, I have never felt racism on me
but I was only in Germany and Turkey so I can't talk much
>NY isn't super-expensive, it has more immigrants than other places and has a eastern-bloc population too imo and will likely have kazakhs/others that can help you get started here.
I want to be a legal immigant m8
yeap, and there is also other video about other kazakh cop

If I had to live in a different country long-term I would probably choose Canada

hello borat, thanks for enriching our culture

Can you own uncucked AR15s and use them for self defense? No?

Then no, you are not perfect.

>full of indian java monkey coders
You have no idea what you are talking about, borat.

nobody cares where you are going to immigrate.
he is just explaining to you that you are full of retarded stereotypes, that's all.

nice. more buttmad fat americans

>legal immigration to USA is pretty hard, almost impossible
Fair enough. That's your problem. Then why do you bring up racism, "war mongering" and other stupid shit?


fuck off already, jeez

I've only been in Ontario and Montreal. I have no Idea what the rest of Canada is like.