ITT: Kino that changed your life
ITT: Kino that changed your life
oh, poor lonely child... I pity you.
Never heard of that flick
man of steel.
Man of Shit and Batfleck v Baldman
I've become legitimately obsessed with BvS, I love MoS too but BvS has consumed me
I've seen the TC twice and the UC maybe 8-10 times, I've collected tons of images showcasing the kinography, I've written out virtual essays about it, I've read pages upon pages about it, I've watched hours of video, seen/read every interview Snyder ever gave, etc.
It's become one of my top 5 favorite movies, I mean it's genuinely wonderful. And I'm not memeing or anything, it's fucking great.
just like you, now kiss me :D
this character made me stop the movie after 30 minutes
>Perfect casting
>Great unique Goblin design
>Very emotional about friendship
Everyday I wish Amazing Spiderman 3 was made
Same as me except I've watched BvS >20 times.
>HOL up. THis is noW a yoUTUbe kino thred!!!! BECAUS KINO! IT'S A WORD! lol Sup Forums guis!~
you are blessed
I love how Harry and Peter's friendship is shown in this film.
They were childhood friends yet drifted a bit a part yet when they see each other in this film, they both are very happy to catch up.
But Harry is suffering from a disease which is killing him, which killed his father and he begs for Peter to save him.
I love that office scene when Harry says "Don't walk away from me!" To Peter and hugs him, being very afraid of dying".
What a bunch of underaged bastards, It´s a shame
That elevator scene when Gwen bumps into Harry is one of my favorite scenes of the film.
It shows Harry acting like a sweet guy to her, yet little does she know that in a few moments he is going to threaten her life: Peter's lover's life.
you are so hated
Spiderman 3 is the best capekino, not even meming.
Whats that thing in her back?
Is she a robot?
I'll use the blessings when it's useful.
>Uses backtick instead of apostrophe
you're underage
What I liked was that max never really changed. he was like a child, but he never really went ot super-villan status.[spoilers] Or maybe I just remember the movie wrong[/spoiler]
Should have made a third movie, would've been better than the quipathon of marvel quipmatic universe.
The elevator scene is symbolistic for change.
Jamie Foxx meets Gwen in the elevator before he is consumed as Electro later on. Notice he is staring at spiderman in the elevator, his idol yet all of that will change in a moment.
This is poetric with Harry who meets Gwen in the elevator before he is consumed with becoming Goblin.
Russian hacking device.
This is one of the best emotional super hero films user.
It will always be in my heart and I am so sad Amazing Spiderman 3 was cancelled.
I kind of feel bad for Andrew Garfield.
>Should have made a third movie, would've been better than the quipathon of marvel quipmatic universe.
Exactly, I hate so much with Sony's decision to cancel their 3rd film and give spiderman to the MCU. Worst decision
Garfield wore the fucking suit.
Holland has CGI on top of the bland suit, and not just for his eyes.
I would give one of my kidney's for Amazing Spiderman 3 to be made.
It is one of the only things I want in my life.
The eyes from ASM1 are my fav spidey eye design.
I just don't get what Luthor's motivation was in this movie
ASM3 Sinister Six film would have been one of the best super hero films ever. Yet we will never see it and instead have to get Spiderman in the MCU, being helped by Iron Man and fighting aliens with the Avengers instead of standing on his own and trying to survice through the hard times by himself which is what made the Raimi and Webb films very special.
Yall fuckers say kino?
Fuckin this. Pull that thread and it ALL falls apart.
>these guys neevr saw the rooftop sequence of Luthor with Supes
get the fuck out
>defending edgy nonsense filler while the movie enters a crescendo boss fight finale
Please, user. Don't make me explain this to you. It is just retarded as all fuck.
I LOVED Suicide Squad. Harley Quinn was so fucking awesome. Just like my gf, badass and oh so beautufil. The Joker was great too. I'm like the Joker irl, I don't care about rules. FUCK Batman and fuck rules. Fuck Amanda Waller, but not because she's a woman or black, because she's authority and I don't respect authority.
>People still don't get Luthor motivation