Prove me wrong, you LITERALLY cant.
Snoke=Mace Windu
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I like this theory, it actually makes TFA watchable again
>not darth plagueis
yeh no
Snoke was already confirmed to be Gallius Rax.
Luke didn't burn Vader, he buried him instead. He only burned the armor/suit.
Snoke is Vaders dead body reanimated by the ghost of the Emperor.
He wasn't kidding about the defeating death thing.
That and explaining why Rey is a Mary Sue (such as a Revan reveal) would make TFA passable
>Implying it won't be a rakatan who possessed some poor dudes body
/ourgirl/ already rekt this shitty video.
The same guy from KOTOR? that would be a cool twist.
>Remember me? I'm the Rakatan Prisoner from the Rakatan Mind Prison who the Dark Lord Revan encountered 4000 years ago. Yes it was me all along.
Snoke actually has a striking resemblance to another very powerful force user from the prequels. The misshapen pale head and lipless mouth and small beady eyes. Once you see it you have got to admit that Snoke=Poof. We never saw Poof get executed during order 66, in fact he is mysteriously absent from the jedi council after Obi-Wan and Qui Gon report to the council that the sith have returned in episode 1.
I have autism now, thanks
I know it sounds stupid but that would be cool. It doesn't neccasrialy have to be the one you find in KotOR, because in the game it was implied there was more of them.
Snoke has a normal neck though
>tfw my waifu BTFO'd me
So Windu suddenly gets a British accent?
Maybe this windu is actually finns son from another timeline in which Finn had to time travel to stop star killer base from blowing up those planets.
who knows how he got into the star wars prime time line though.
god star wars is just the gayest shit
>Ren = Ben
>Snoke = Knope
Snoke is leslie Knope.
This guy must have been a terror on the battlefield, always having the high ground thanks to his neck.
Perhaps he was the real Chosen One.
Snoke is actually homosexual.
>windu became white from the thunder attack
very unlikely. a better explanetion would the fact that we have only seen snoke thru the hologram which we know in the starwar universe doesn't show color. when we see snoke in the flesh he will probably be darker.
it's sheev
She started off idealistic and hopeful, but decades of left wing politics have left her twisted and evil...
Maybe "normal" is subjective?