You wake up in Perth

You wake up in Perth...

Board the soonest flight to Melbourne

A completely normal day for me..

I'd go to the beach but...oh right, it's wintertime down there.

It never gets all that cold down here, m8. Temperatures in winter are from 11 to 22 degrees on average. In summer though, try like 35-40 degrees.

Today though it's only about 10 degrees, we're in a chilly spell.

is which australian city should I migrate?

Why are there normal trees instead of Palm trees? I thought Australia was ooga booga tropical land.

Why do you have fucking sharks all over please remove so one may take a morning swim without being devoured

My sister is in Australia right now and u better take care of those fucking sharks right now I tell ya, or else we got plenty of fine somalis to send you

>Get kicked out because I'm a spic and the country is full

Your cousins all probably live in Melbourne

somedays i hope

is melbourne the best city because of the greeks that live there?

is that abo land?

am from LA. would not notice a real difference minus the accent

In spite of*

and the lack of ghettos, homeless people and gang bangers

Shag a sheila mate

>being a poorfag and having those around you

nothing changes...

>t. bogan

Australian cities are boring

do drugs

Let the Fremantle Doctor carry all my troubles away


fuck off abo

Instictively open a kebab restaurant


Oy oy ello' there wankers gonna slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for yas.

>wake up
not again

go to German online newspapers and insult people in the comments sections for still living in a cuck country