What is the story behind your nation's flag?

What is the story behind your nation's flag?

UK: The blue represents our allegiance to the Jew. The white represents the cowardice of the Scotch people and the red cross represents the Muslims we killed in the Crusades.

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It was chosen during a contest.

it was our ancient flag that was used during the Trojan War

Legend says that the white and flag was given to the Maltese by Count Roger after his arrival in Malta. The true origin of the flag is unknown I believe. The George Cross was awarded to the Maltese by the UK for our bravery in WWII. Some idiot then thought it was a good idea to put a British symbol on our flag and for some reason it is still there.

"Hey Charles III, choose a flag"

*proceeds to pick the ugliest*

Germany: Black is for the Waffen SS we are not allowed to have any more, Red is for the blood that fled because of us and Gold is the way we have to pay the jews


It was a sailing flag under Russian rule. Helsinki's sailing flag.

We had some others for a few months before deciding on this one.

which would you pick?

Red and Blue are Paris' colours
White in the middle for the monarchy
Then flipped it around for aesthetics

Green is for the House of Braganza, the royal house of our first Emperor.

Yellow is for the House of Habsburg, the royal house of his wife.

Blue and the stars is for the night sky when the monarchy was overthrow and the republic was proclaimed. Each star represents a state. "Order and Progress" is a positivist motto, coined by French philosopher Auguste Comte, the Brazilian republicans were huge admirers of his work. The original Imperial flag (pic related) had a coat of arms instead.

The one in middle of the third row looks noice

Creator of our flag was Emperor Gojong

They represent the colours of the house of Borbon, we used them to trick the people into thinking that we were ruling in the name of the true king during the napoleonic wars.

It was all a ruse :^)

What a gook

White represents out cowardry and red allegiance to communism

We took all the country's flags around us and mixed it all together.

You don't like the St George's Cross? It's better than a cuckstamp like AUS/NZ...

We just copied pepsi

I have nothing against it, its just that it is a British symbol on our flag and it shouldn't be there. That's like being awarded a medal and you tattoo it on your skin, or sew an image of it into all of your clothes.


That's like being awarded a medal and you tattoo it on your skin
Johnson Beharry actually had his VC tattooed on his back

>the Muslims we killed in the Crusades.
Greatest civil war of all time.

I don't see it as a good idea.

ordem e progresso

>Greeks were Christian during the Trojan War?

I get it, trust me, but shouldn't it be a point of pride that your entire nation was awarded for valor?



그뿐만 아니라 박영효가 태극기를 처음 도안한 사람이라고 알려져 왔지만 실제론 고종황제라고 말한다. 특히 1882년 10월 2일자 도쿄 일간신문 '시사신보(時事新報)' 제179호에 실린 다음의 기사는 태극기 제작 배경을 확실히 하는 것으로 본다.

>park yeong hyo said "지금까지 조선에 국기가 없었는데 이번에 청국에서 온 마건충이 조선의 국기를 청국의 국기를 모방하여 삼각형의 청색 바탕에 용을 그려서 쓰도록 한 데 대하여 고종황제가 크게 분개하여 결단코 거절하면서, 사각형의 옥색 바탕에 태극도를 적색, 청색으로 그리고 기의 네 귀퉁이에 동서남북의 괘를 붙여서 조선의 국기로 정한다는 명령을 하교하였다."

The Creator of Korean flag was "Emperor Gojong
Source: Park Yeoung-hyo interviewed in a Japanese newspaper (時事新報)

It's time for you to translate it into English. Work Hassan

I agree, in fact it is. But remember we were given
an actual cross, which right now sits in the National War Museum
in fort St Elmo. If we remove the image from the flag, the real cross which is the one that matters, will not disappear in thin air.

and the yellow is our gold (stolen by the portuguese) and the green is our forests (destroyed to sell coffee to gringos in the 20's, to sell sugar cane after that and to sell soy to chinese in the 10's)
the blue is either the sky or seas which I don't remember that any decent country has anyway

symbol ancient from kingdom

flag after russia because panslavism

nobody actually knows what those 3 mountains mean

You have to go back to before our first official flag when are navy added white stripes to a British Red Ensign to make 13 total stripes for the thirteen colonies. Some think it's a rip-off of the British East India flag but that's unlikely despite the near identical appearance. The reality is both are easily modified versions of the British Red Ensign. Later the cuckstamp was removed and replaced with a panel of blue with 13 white stars for the 13 colonies. Every time a new state is added a white star is added (often changing the layout). The EU had such a boner for our original circle of stars they ripped it off.

Palv's a goddess.

Would you like the red/white Maltese Cross flag?

How about a flag that references the Knights somehow? I'd imagine they're popular af there.

That's bullshit, the colors are from the uniforms of the German Napoleonic era Freikorps as many members were involved in the failed German revolutions of 1848-1849. The uniforms we're red and black as Prussia provided them and the yellow or gold is really brass from their buttons. Early German nationalists made the Freikorps a symbol of the German people.

>What a gook
Isn't he technically as are all of you?
>INB4 "I am Greek"

The Maltese cross is not Maltese and neither are the Knights.
I'd say return back to the plain white and red, or design a brand
new one. If we absolutely want to use some kind of symbolism
on our flag, we need to search for any symbols which are truly
ours. For Maltese symbols, I guess a good start would be the spirals
found in our prehistoric temples. We suffer from an identity crisis
so stuff like this is bound to happen.

>He isn't covered in tattoos of every academic, civilian and military award he has received.
My calf has my junior year perfect attendance award tattooed on it.

But my English skills are not so good


>the green is our forests (destroyed to sell coffee to gringos in the 20's, to sell sugar cane after that and to sell soy to chinese in the 10's)
Hasn't lumber always been a major export of your country. Isn't Brazil even named after the tree?

>symbol ancient from kingdom
>flag after russia because panslavism
>nobody actually knows what those 3 mountains mean
Isn't the crest lifted from an old Hungarian flag?

But it is a symbol of Malta though, It has long been associated with your island

Our flag symbolizes when we tried to LARP as Eternal Anglos and wuz crusaders n sheit

I forgot to say that it would make more sense
to have the Knight's cross on our flag rather than
the George cross. But in the end, it is still not
Maltese. Would be better if we actually had
our symbols, you know? Also its not like
the Knights allowed the Maltese to join
the order, they even segregated themselves
from us.

I'd say use the flag of the Maltese Militia but it's really just the flag of the Knights of Saint John and looks like the Danish flag.


Yeah, the flag was used there because
we were under the Order's rule.

>The green represents Islam and echoes the Mughal Flag
>The white represents non Muslims
>The crescent echoes the old Muslim heritage (Tye Muslim World before the first world war when it actually mattered) as it was used by the Mughals and Ottomans (one f the last two Muslim Superpowers to go out)
>The star represents progress

The two red stripes represent the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, while the white represents the land. The FUCKING LEAF is just our national symbol because maple trees are everywhere in the "original" Canada (Quebec/Ontario)

The marine flag became the flag of Spain to differenciate our from the the English flag.
The origin of the marine flag is the flag of Crown of Aragon, that is a kindom that formed Spain with Castille in XV century

yes thats what i said, but nobody knows what they represent

most common theory is that its Tatra+Fatra+Matra but it seems unlikely

>The red field stands for "bravery and valor", and alludes to the purported emblem hoisted by Manas, the national hero of Kyrgyzstan. The sun epitomizes peace and prosperity,while its 40 rays stand for the number of tribes united by Manas to fight against the Mongols as well as the number of followers he had.
The centre of the sun features a stylized illustration of the roof (tunduk) atop a traditional Kyrgyz tent (yurt) from a bird's eye perspective. Although these tents are less commonly used today, its incorporation into the flag is meant to symbolize the "origin of life", the "unity of time and space", as well as the people's "hearth and home" and their history.

Little history:
after the collapse of Soviet union there were still many commies in this cunt. Flag was initially blue. Designers were debating about second colour: yellow or white. After they presented their work to parliament, gommies from the southern provinces came up with some bullshit like "blue is a mourning color in the south" or something along those lines and the designers had to change the flag quickly. So they went through dozens of concepts again and stopped on red because red banner was mentioned in the epic of Manas, and they added yellow. Ofc parliament approved red-yellow flag. What pissed one of the designers off is that those southern women came back in blue dresses.

I hate this cunt so much pls carpet bomb us already

actually it was sold because of the dye it had

It comes from some 19th century sailing club

We almost had a red background yellow cross flag but red was too controversial of a color

Do Maltese people really dislike the Knights?

No, not at all.

gay boy

Lots of it.

I really, really like this picture of Babs.


We stole it from france,like everything else

Huitzilopochtli told the people of Aztlán to go search for the promised land, it would be where they should find a golden eagle perched on a cactus, devouring a rattlesnake
They found such place in the center of lake Texcoco so they founded Tenochtitlán there
The tricolour represents hope, blood and Catholicism


>As much as you guys insult it you might as well read about it

Chosen in the 1960s as a multicultural representative flag to replace the red ensign which acknowledged only Ireland, France, Scotland, and Britain.
The red stripes represent the Atlantic and Pacific oceans which draw from our motto Ad Mare Usque Ad Mare (from sea to sea).The colour red was drawn from St. George's Cross in the Union Jack.
The white represents peace and the colour was drawn from the royal emblem of King Charles VII of France.

The maple leaf has been a symbol associated with Canada for over 300 years on banknotes, specie, uniforms, flags, royal charters and documents, the arts, in popular culture, etc.

It was only selected following a very harsh debate with the Liberal party in favour of the maple leaf and the Tories saying it was "Peru with a leaf," and that "A flag that does not contain the greatness of your heritage is no flag for a nation." Former PM Deifenbaker believed that the issue might actually destroy Canada or cause a Civil War.


Its a leaf
Thats literally it

id like her sweaty armpits

White eagle on red background. Simplified to white and red stripes because the people are lazy and dumb.




some masonic bullshit actually

The five blue shields represent the victory of D. Afonso Henriques over the 5 moor kings at the battle of Ourique, each with 5 white dots to represent Christs wounds.

The red trim was added around it in honour of another king's mother being castillian and it looked nice.

The yellow castles represent the conquests of the moor territories in the south of the country, but their number has changed across history before it landed on 7.

The yellow sphere with the blue represents the unity of Portugal with Brazil and a whole globe explored and mapped by our fierce sailors before everyone else.

The crown is the Bragança crown, the heir house of the Saint Constable Nuno Álvares Pereira, who miraculously beat the Spaniards at Aljubarrota/Valverde despite being outnumber 5 to 1. The house of Bragança came to power after the Iberian Union pushed for Portugal to be come a province rather than it's own kingdom.

I recognise no other flag. 's red and green stand for bullshit.


That's pretty cool flag history

I'm honestly impressed that we didn't fall into the medieval lion/eagle/dragon memes. Those always look terrible.

Our coat of arms is busy, but each element is fairly well drawn, and the whole ensemble works together.

Not the bullshit around it in pic related, but the shield itself.

It's nice, ours is just a Canadianised version of Britain's.