Sup Forums makes fun of manlets and white men

>Sup Forums makes fun of manlets and white men
>plays it off as banter

>women does it

It's ok when "we" do it.

fuck wh*tes

but you are a white boi and a tall one at that. why u be annoyed for?

>there are women on Sup Forums right now who shill for female """rights"""


it's ok for me to make fun of manlets because i am also one (186 cm)

Sup Forums hates women more than they hate manlets.

equal rights and lefts i say

Sup Forums in general, if not the whole internet.

It's a Dane with a femdom fetish

respeck wahmen

Whoah! It's almost as if women and men aren't the same!

Massacre all white people; may they be men or women

Why though?

If you hate women's rights so much why dont you move to the middle east

In what way are women amd men different so it makes this acceptable?

You've just got your visa revoked Ahmed

do you have a mental disease? Why the fuck do you keep making these threads and posts?

>tfw a fucking leaf
>>tfw blue-eyed, pink-nippled, white
>tfw 1,70m tall

Why does anything on Sup Forums keep happening?

Women are subhuman
Except Greek women

I see you are multitasking.
Shouldn't you be keeping your thread alive?

>If you hate women's rights so much why dont you move to the middle east
Probably because it's full of disgusting mudslimes.

Women have fucked up so many things in society and are generally incompetent as all fuck, so I don't understand why you're trying to defend them.

I just dont get what goes on in the mind of people who repost the same thing every single day and argue for/against it for months. Do they not get bored? Do they think it's funny? Are they laughing or serious when they do it? I have to know.

>Leave for months
>Come back the same autist is there
>Get curious and start looking in archive for his flag/keywords he uses/image hashes
>Turns out he has been compulsively posting for years
this keeps happening

Dumb stupid manlet frogposter, I'll be wearing my 5 inch heels today BTW.

Have you ever been in a room of women? The conversations send my mind to a dark place they're so annoying.

Well these are the people that hiroshimoot panders to. If they had gotten rid of them boards like Sup Forums wouldn't be the shit they are

The people here hate women because they had bad experiences with them.

really? that's so cute. can i see a picture?

>Women have fucked up so many things in society
They haven't. If they had, you'd have posted some examples.


>They haven't. If they had, you'd have posted some examples.
They have fucked up many physically demanding jobs that now have female quotas, like law enforcement and military (any job that requires physicality, really), have messed up the legal system with their tendency to suppport useless and possibly harmful feelgood legislation, and are the ones that support immigration and pumping money to third world shitholes.

I didn't want to write extra because it's a pain in the ass to do it on the phone.

>all good societies have women's rights
>all shitty ones haven't
>sitting in his comfy room in a country far away from any sort of traditionalism he wrote these words
>"Women have fucked up so many things in society and are generally incompetent as all fuck, so I don't understand why you're trying to defend them."

Are you sure this is a problem exclusive to women and not just individuals with different political perspectives?

He should khs

The societies are good because they were made that way. By men. Now they are declining, because women are getting more influence.

It's not exclusive to women, only more common among them.

Similar to how most blacks are dumber than whites, most women are more incompetent and cancerous than men.

Women gained some authority before the nordic countries became rich and they only gained more authority as they get richer and better
Why dont you go to any christian african country if you hate islam AND women then?

They gained "authority", not actual authority. They never had actual say until fairly recently.

I hate niggers more than I hate white women.

What is this supposed to mean?

>They never had actual say until fairly recently.

You can look up the amount of women in positions of power throughout history, and figure out that in the past, they didn't have a say.

Which is what I mean by "authority", on paper they had the same rights as men, but in practice it didn't work that way.

Still there have been more women in power as countries grew bettet in recent times
And now, move to uganda

women's rights were a mistake, Muslim's have the right idea

because 80% no one gives a shit about height irl

>on Sup Forums
Pick one.

1) Countries were getting "bettet" long before women were allowed to be involved. Finland was the first to implement universal suffrage, the rest of the powers did the same far later. Notably in Switzerland (in many ways considered the best country on earth) this came as late as 1990.
2) Now that there are more women in power than ever, why aren't things still getting "bettet"?

By powers, I mean countries, obviously. I wouldn't claim that Finland has ever been even a regional power.

It's a patrician*


women and ruin everything, just look at the state of europe right now or every country that had a female leader

Not just Sup Forums. I mean the whole Sup Forums.
There are plenty of women on Sup Forums for example.
And they are hardcore femdom shills

Quite right.