Have you ever met an Australian in your country?

Have you ever met an Australian in your country?

What did you think of them?

Why were they travelling there?

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Met an aussie in my economics class. He was Chinese but had an Aussies accent.

Yeah, a couple.
Mostly cunts.
Didn't ask.

yeah... was a professor. Came to the university to give a lecture. Was waste of time desu, but then again, that entire course was a waste of time

last time was in hawaii. aussies were everywhere


And even black people I saw only on TV/internet

Story time
>be me
>16 year old working at McDonald's
>I'm working a late shift, it's about 9:30 at night
>restaurant is practically empty
>A group of very obviously drunk men walk in
>oh shit here we go
>they're all Australians
>they barge in laughing hysterically, for seemingly no reason
>Manager is a brit, first thing out of his mouth is "Bloody hell, Australians shouldn't be allowed to travel."
>Really don't know what I'm in for, never met an Australian before
>They all start shooting finger guns at the employees
>they all bust a gut laughing
>One of them aproches the counter, ready to order
>literally just order them 5 big Macs and 5 fries, they're drunk they aren't gonna care
>"Will that be all?"
>we kick them out of the restaurant for being assholes
>They exit the door
>One them ships out their dick and starts pissing on the window
That was my first encounter

*pulls out their dick

I never met an australian. Wish I had, tho. I heard you guys are fun.

Sounds like a yank's terrible attempt at imitating our banter, didn't happen.

There's a shit load of Australians in London

My mate shagged one from a night club, said her Fanny smelt like industrial waste and never spoke to her again

that happened

cant handle the banter

Yes, he was the father of a psycho girl I used to hang up with. Was really conservative and abused her for dressing like a degenerate whore. Pretty sure he's the reason she was so fucked up.

My friend had hosted an Aussie in high school. His name was Jack, and he was really quiet, and seemed disinterested in us, and had shifty eyes just looking at the girls walking by.

Was he white/tall/blue eyed/blond?

our school had a german exchange student. he made the girls happy

Normal size, lanky, dirty blonde hair, can't remember eye color. Literally only talked to him for less than a half hour. He wasn't friendly, or just autistic, so I didn't force it.

what the fuck could possibly be interesting about some yank?? i'd rather watch new houses get built in exmouth for entertainment than be with yanks

lol What do you mean?

yeah? how so?

I met when I went on a trip to Thailand
They always come together and shout that they are "assie(?)"
Perhaps it was like the abbreviation of Australia
And they were pretty racist
So I didn't like those Australians very much

>And they were pretty racist

what did they say?

packs of fannies were probably filled

>What did you think of them?
They were kangaroos an shiet
>Why were they travelling there?
dunno ,kangaroo stuff i guess

Yeah I met an Australian family when I was working once

They were visiting family
A kid probably around 7-8 asked for a 'bin' to throw away his apple core and my coworker didn't know what that meant but I swiftly got him a trash can

Then they told me that I was ok for a seppo

Yup, hung out with an Aussie from Sydney for an evenining/night. We went around Rome during the afternoon walking through the small streets of the historical center. We also did a little bit of shopping. Before dinner we went to his house to get him have a shower. We just chitchatted and listen to some good music. Then we were supposed to go to the club but we found it closed. We then had dinner in front of the Colosseum instead. Said goodbye in Piazza Venezia after one of the most pleasurable strolls of my life, in the Imperial Fora. I think that the fact that we did not have sex even though we had chemistry made it even more pleasurable.

He was definetely bf material if he lived in Rome, he was a nice, handsome guy. He seemed one of those that try to conceal their sadness, seeming super positive at first but a little bit sad one you start scratching the surface.

Aussie English is kinda hard to understand, sometimes for the accent but more often for the lexicon.

>i'd rather watch new houses get built in exmouth for entertainment than be with yanks

He was touring Europe, forgot to specify it. He had italian ancestry so he spent a little bit more time touring Italy though.


Beats me, he was the one who fell for the American meme and decided to come here.

Had a guy from Australia in my class
He was straight up a real life shitposter
he would usually tell stories that happened in australia that was completely unrealistic and have never happened
He was also whiter than white and had one huge beer belly

O-o-of course, ahah!!! T-totally a grill!!!

I was stuck in front of three of them on a 16 hour coach ride
They wouldn't stop talking the entire way, fuck the Australians

I met an australian in ahostel in lithuania.
Apparently he went there to be a cunt and ruining my chances with the only attractive female in the same hostel at the time (a Canadian girl) by inviting himself to go on a walk with the both of us


he joined the bro club at my dorm, ie the douchey bros who girls hate.

he also was an asshole child who started swearing at my hipster friends for no reason at a party once. ended up becoming a lawyer or someshit from what i heard.

almost certain its that italian neat femboy that posts.

he/she is cute though i have to admit from the pic i saw.

An Australian college baseball got killed by a group of nigger teens a couple years back in a suburb of Oklahoma City.

I don't know who you're talking about but no.

Also femboys are sluts. I'm just a regular guy.


Australian sluts give the best bjs.

post tummy

Met a fair few in my city, they're often visiting because they have family or something
In fact I had a good chat with a well travelled middle aged Australian fella on my flight home from Amsterdam a couple weeks ago

>you will never be a greasy Jew getting blowjobs by spirituality seeking college sluts on a 3 days trip to Tel-Aviv

okay. there was a good-looking(no homo, he/she just had good girly features) italian flag that i've seen post a few times. i think she was from the venice province or something.

Tons of them here in London, whenever there's a sunny day they flood the pubs (if they aren't working behind the counter).

I saw an aussie at a grocery store in Los Vegas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet an aussie in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
he said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.



it was a nigger

Not one, but three. Motivation was "We wuz bored and shiet"

Yes, I have.
Hello, Sir. How can I help you?
G'day, now fuck off.
As you say
Hey, wait a minute, cunt. Where's the fucking toilet?
*punch him in the face and getting fired instantly*

Fucking hate Aussie faggots like that. Too rude and ignorant.
t. a volunteer

One of my favorite bartenders at my favorite bar is an Australian. She s awesome.

>be me