/Lang/ - Language Learning

>/lang/ - Language Learning
>Last thread died, so here's a new one.

>>What language are you learning?
>>Share language learning experiences!
>>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>>Find people to train your language with!

>(more info can be found in the following posts)

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>>Language learning resources:
>4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

>>Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge.

>>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30+ languages.

>>Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages.

>>Drill based courses with text and audio.The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States federal government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community.These courses are all in public domain and free to download.Site may go down sometimes but you can search for fsi on google and easily find a mirror.

>>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards.

>>It's kinda like Clozemaster in the sense that you get a sentence and have to fill in the missing word, also has nice statistics about your progress, grammar tips and more information about a word (noun gender, verb aspects for Russian, etc.)

>>A flash card program

>>Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context.Can be a great supplementary tool, not recommended for absolute beginners.

>>Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations with over 300 hundred languages to chose from.

>>Listen to radio all around the world through an interactive globe

i hate white people

there's already another thread with 37 posts. what the heck are you doing

Japanese. Plan to move onto Mandarin or Korean after that.

Method: Immersion. Read. Sentence Mining. Games in Japanese. Not a weeb so i don't watch anime.

Basically just Ajatt.

Been at it for 4 months and can read website and such with use of a dictionary quite comfortably. Grammar isn't a problem, just vocabulary.

The issue: Image boards and other very slangy things are a nightmare and i can barely follow them. This will come with time.

Reposting from last bread

This is pretty nice, I would add the radio station RFI, which is available on the internet.

I'd back this up by saying: Do everything in French.

Want to play a game? Play it in French.

Use your smartphone? Switch the language to French.

Want to read about the news? Read it in French.

Want to listen to music? Listen to French music.

Sup Forums people so cute

me too

Thank you both

People who are lesser evolved tend to hate the more evolved.

>Look at flag

Makes sense.

>he fell for the evolution meme

Is there something similar to this but for Swedish?

Anyone has a good ressource to become familiar with traditionnal chinese caracters ? I'm getting to a point where I think I should know a lot more of them.

So far I'm just using pleco to check for the traditionnal spelling but it's such a bore, also I can't be arsed learning again the caracters I know. I'm trying to learn the individual keys, but I find that counter intuitive, I don't know why ... should I just soldier on or is there some magical app that could help me ?

I don't have it, but I've seen it before. Check the archives

Same principle just apply it to Swedish.

Get a beginner book, sentence mine all the sentences in the book. Read Swedish texts and listen to Swedish all the time.

Sentence mine native material and other things that you find. Continue until you naturally produce output like you did in your native language.

I used RTK. Very effective method that can be used for Hanzi as well.

Remember: Characters aren't hard. It just takes time to get used to.

Currently learning English. Actually I haven't tried to study it hard, just watching videos in English and browsing internets in this language. Also I'd like to learn French.
t. a native Russian and Vepsan speaker

Exactly. Just go with the flow and immerse in the language. It's really straight forward.

It's how you learned your own language.

Gonna move to an English speaking country soon. However I'm not good at grammar and my vocabulary is poor, so it'd be better to go to a language school in that county to master my skills.

Language Schools are rubbish.

Continue doing what you're doing. Learn grammar through reading English material.

Op is Gaylord Humongous.

I also need more face to face contacts with natives.

You have the internet, and you have English websites.

That is enough exposure. Listen to English as much as you can, read English as much as you can. That exposure will beat trying to speak.

After a long period of exposure with English, output (speaking) will come naturally.