Black Lives Matter leader hacked!

The Black Lives Matter leader has been hacked. The information that has been obtained is crucial to the public.

They plan to create chaos, bring down Trump, and keep Obama in office by declaring martial law.

This needs to be circulated to the public now. Please share.

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No fucking way this shit is real

Is this legit?

why would they need to keep obama in office when hillary is the same?

but do your part op and tell us whats what

pls tell me this is real.

Because they're Bern victims and if they can't have the white house then she can't either.

what is this roleplaying shit

More info

Watch this video.

I thought niggers only supported Lady Hotsauce because she wanted racially biased GIBSMEDAT while Bernie wanted everybody to get free shit

Just because this is their plan doesn't mean that it has even a slight chance of happening. They're stumped and they know it, and they're lashing out.

Why the AG speak directly with some BLM nigger? Even if they communicated at all, she would have a minion do it and that minion wouldn't be connected to her or tell some useless idiot that they are speaking with her.

IF this is legit, then this is a big fucking deal. This is collusion.

Those niggers don't even know what REAL marital law is. They can't do anything but sit in the streets or light shit on fire. In other words, nig out.

was getting hacked part of their plan?

>declaring martial law

It doesn't work like that.

They sound like you fags on this image board desu

Please be real

Using rioting to get martial law. Idiot. And Obama is their back pocket. Remember, these are his sons.

It's real, it's been going around for at least a week now.

Part 2

Of course!


is there any proof besides one guy on twitter claiming this is legit?





well congratulations, you got whats the next step in your master plan?

>Good work, Sam. You never let us down.
Nobody talks like this in pms and BLM niggers are incapable of proper grammar.

This is so fake it's painful, made worse by how much I want it to be real.

This is the original sauce. Uncropped.

>Black Lives Matter

>let's cause enough of a shitstorm that martial law is declared

ha ha what like ha what

Yea, but some riots in heavy black population cities isn't going to result in martial law.

It might result in a lot of bullshit inside those major cities, and actions by the governors of their respective states.
But it'll only apply to the areas where the problem is.
We are now more capable than ever of watching what is going on and routing it.

Don't get it wrong, we had the ability to shut the rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore down faster and more efficiently.
The use of force and resources and space given to protestors/rioters was politically motivated.
There's tons of video showing law enforcement monitoring but not interfering with the majority of what went out, especially in Baltimore.

They really got hacked. The accounts in question posted saying not only their account was hacked, but Gmail, Twitter, etc. Watch this video, it explains and shows what happened.

nah, doesnt look believable

>Hillary is the same

It's around the 3:10 mark.


I'm not the one that seriously believes a couple of BLM riots would result in nationwide martial law. :)

Lmao this obviously is fake as fuck, but if it were real only niggers would be this stupid

>niggers chimp and destroy neighborhoods
>police do almost nothing, no displays of force

>bunch of betas and hippies camp out in plastic masks
>microwave beams, stringrays

Watch the video above. This is being slid so hard.

bump because interesting. if true this is fcking gold...


You fuckers better start pushing this everywhere

wow that sure was a long video and a lot of talking for getting no information through. jesus christ.

>He will destroy everything we worked so hard for


especially towards the Don desu

>one leader is a Soros funded dyke
>the other is literally a pimp exploiting his own people for profit


She's probably a CIA asset

They sure would be lost without Obama and Hillary who they affectionately refer to as "mum" and "dad" respectively

what we know, the leaders of BLM were hacked, and they have met with white house officials at the end of this last year. We can assume "Mrs Lynch" is Loretta Lynch the Attorney General of the WH. What we also know is that Obama signed some shit into executive order this last year that lets him bring in Foreign UN/NATO armies onto US soil, if martial law is declared, we also know that the UN/NATO is now TOTALLY leftist. I am sure I don't have to explain what Martial Law is, or how it sets off the elections and postpones them.

We also know that Cleveland RNC just purchased 2000 full riot suits and 340 semi riot armor sets for bicycle cops. (in Cleveland newspaper)

What we also know is the Philadelphia DNC and the city just changed a bunch of laws, allowing people to block streets, smoke weed in the streets, gather in large numbers to protests and several other things that make rioting much easier, including not being arrested but given fines for anything not a felony. (in Philadelphia newspaper.)

What we also know, and are offering 15$ an hour on the Craigslist for both cities to protest these conventions, we also know Soros is following a plan for colored revolutions and BLM can use social media to call for more of this on a nation wide level.

The scariest thing the number of people who have agreed to protest both of these conventions ranges from 20,000 - 30,000.

This also syncs up with George Soros colored revolution tactics.

It's also entirely possible they could false flag Red Hat protestors as aggressors to turn the tide.

Because they know Trump will win if they allow the election to take place

These apes are retarded

They are NOT prepared for the SUFFERING and DEATH that Samuel J. Hyde

"We chimp. Obama is kang forever."

Dear world, niggers are this dumb. Believe me.

Hillary will lose

>black father
>2016 landline
1/10 first SS had me going

I thought this was fake at first, but it's a fucking stupid enough plan that I can actually believe someone at BLM thought it up and thought it would work

Meet Cavin the father.




uhm got any paste/ghostbin of this?

I haven't payeded attention dunno if real or not yet.

Oh and don't worry by the way, if this is real, it ain't gonna work. Manafort has been coordinating with Cleveland and the area around the convention is gonna be LOCKED THE FUCK DOWN.

From what I've read, Philly's preparations are a lot less, and they have 40k people with permits ready to """protest""" already.

Not all of us
most have caught on that being the 'first black' doesn't really count for shit

meh I call bs, don't bother checking
dunno if this is b8 or not

would have been cool OP, indeed

Because they know she's not gonna win, so that's the only way they can have their way.

Like Zach Galifianakis said, the last Black President. He ruined it for all the other Blacks.

13A US Army burger

idk if any other militaryfags can weigh in but my unit has had drills, day after day at bragg, about pacifying hostile crowds.

not even close to my MOS but they the brass has made us do it non-stop, and a ton of my enlisted guys have been been involuntarily switched over to 31Bs even if they scored high on the ASVAB.

and i've heard through the grapevine about more training ops like jade helm. I'm an artillery officer and they have me learning about crowd pacification and patrol strategy? shady as fuck senpai

screencap this fuck you NSA

This might actually be real.. Looks as if the guy was actually hacked.

I just really doubt the fucking Attorney General, one of Obama's top lackeys, would be DIRECTLY conversing with agent provocateurs in BLM. Not even they are that dumb, Obama knows about "buffers", he's seen the Godfather.

I saw this exact reply in another thread.... what does this mean?



Sure my reply was a copy and paste from the other thread too, I did the one with the Dale pic. But it was my own words.

i'm just lazy and its either to copy and paste

>I saw this exact reply in another thread

Post link to thread, you should be able to find it in the archive.
ctrl+f is your friend

Dang, good stuff famalam

It has to be real, clearly one of us hacked him, they posted tweets from his account, so it makes sense they'd have his DMs too

>implying obama is going to leave office

Police won't even patrol these nigger-infested shitholes. Much less enforce martial law.

ahh k cool. I understand.

Crashing these elections...With no survivors!

The font on the timestamp looks off.. check your DM'S on twitter

>am cop in high school
>regularly shake my head at the hair brained nigger schemes
>I read their plans on confiscated phones

This is all extremely believable whether it's true or not.

it's probably true given that he admitted that his account was haxxed like 4 days ago.

BLM are terrorists, plain and simple.

>implying the secret service won't arrest him

Yeah but do you think its plausible that the highest law enforcement official in the land would be talking face to face with BLM agitators? I know she's corrupt, but I doubt she is dumb enough to take such a risk.


Nigs literally don't think the way we do.

It's hard to assplain sometimes. You just have to watch them operate in their natural habitat.

I feel like an ethologist sometimes.

Couldn't they also have just faked the conversation?

Why the fuck is this kind of shit happening?
I have several black friends and they're all total bros. What's going on?

They aren't niggers?

this guy @ritchiepage2001 on twitter is one of the agitators supporting this treason.

I suspect he has links with

Reboasting caps from last night



Thanks man

What the fug is this Hashtagspeak....



>cop in high school


That would need some heavy heavy rioting on the verge of societal collapse resulting in anarchy.

They'd need to sacrifice a hand full of trayvons and browns to satisfy the Loa of chimping out.

Anyway fingers crossed for the happenings

>Shut it down