NY Post Rouge One review

"For the thinking fan"

Maybe their is hope that it won't be the cringe fest we were all fearing.

Also, keep in mind who the NYP supported durning the election for those touting the NYT review.

What's that shot meant to convey? No, really. It doesn't scream lifelong prison convict nor does it scream war hero.

I can't wait for the backlash against DisneyWars

It took a few years for everyone finally agree the prequels were shit, but boy was it worth it. The backlash against Disney's (now yearly) turds is going to be glorious.


Disney movies aren't so much directed as they are mass produced on an assembly line.


For fucks sake.....

Who cares. I'm just happy we're getting a new HitB out of this.

Literally "Really Makes You Think: The Movie"

that was the revenge of the sith line too

"man it had some really deep political commentary"

I'm just glad the RLM dick riding wagon is over and PT can be considered "classic" Star Wars now."!

Oh you only like the prequels because of the sheevposting

The prequels (and EU) were shit. But Disney and JJ managed against all odds to make something even worse. It's almost miraculous when you think about it.

>for le smart ones
Is this how they're going to justify it being a snorefest?

We should get a plinkett but mike and Jay are cucked af so they'll probably say it wasn't that bad to copout


No, I've always liked the preaquels even during their corny moments. I've always found Palpatine amusing and cartoonish wile still a threatening villain. Kind of has a Judge Doom effect.

Though I agree with the haters, Palpatine is one of the best things about the prequels.

>disney thinks they can outdo the emperor
Seriously what the fuck are they thinking? Why didn't they make the big bad villain a Khan ripoff or some shit? Have the dark side be a Ben Solo thing independent from the First Order's antics.

They said the same shit with TFA, and they're going to with every movie. The saying holds no merit

If Snoke turns out to be Plagus, then he is lame. Like really lame!


>“Lobotomized and depersonalized, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the latest entry in the film franchise, is a pure and perfect product that makes last year’s flavor, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, feel like an exemplar of hands-on humanistic warmth and dramatic intimacy. Sure, J. J. Abrams’s movie offered merely effectively packaged simulacra of such values – but at least he tried. The director of Rogue One, Gareth Edwards, has stepped into a mythopoetic stew so half-baked and overcooked, a morass of pre-instantly overanalyzed implications of such shuddering impact to the series’ fundamentalists, that he lumbers through, seemingly stunned or constrained or cautious to the vanishing point of passivity, and lets neither the characters nor the formidable cast of actors nor even the special effects, of which he has previously proved himself to be a master, come anywhere close to life.”

That's from The New Yorker, one of the snobiest publications around.

i always thought the prequels were boring, when i saw them originally when they were released

the prequels lacked 2 things the original trilogy had that helped push through the rough patches (every star wars has some really stupid imo backstory parts)

1. star power such as Harrison Ford, obi wan's actor, Carrie Fisher. (also c3po, r2d2 and wookie were iconic this may be due to #2)

2. really good special effects. most of the movies had clean visually interesting special effects, from costumes to outer space.

3. characterization was a lot better in the originals. could be attributed partially to 1 and 2

any way. i would still want to watch the prequels again, they're probably entertaining with a little patience. i only watch the new star wars for free just to see what they're about and there is some effort in the effects, but the stories are completely moronic.

no, the new yorker isn't usa today.

>“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will not change lives for the worse or for the better, and it will—or ought to—offend no one. Welcome to the Republic of the Just OK.”

time magazine is the most pleb of publications. if they found it mediocre, you know it's shit.

>star power
Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman, Sam Jackson.
Christopher Lee if you want to go beyond phantom menace.
>really good special effects.
I'm not going to call your opinion wrong but it is an opinion

>I'm not going to call your opinion wrong but it is an opinion
You have to be underage to even think this. Do you remember the special effects of the 90's? Nothing comes close to Star wars SE in the late 90s

Its believed Lucas wanted to pay homage to the original trilogy by casting less known actors... same with the seaquel trilogy.

And I agree, the chemistry of Han, Luke, and Leia is classic stuff.

If you ask the OT purists, you think every movie had CGI as good as Episode III or EP I.

Episode II CG-I was downgraded a bit mesa thinks because they needed to use more of it for the clones,

Harrison Ford became one of the top names of the 90's. Sam Jackson is a niche actor even if he is ubiquitous, he never is the leading man. Liam Neeson is great, but that character was horribly developed. Harrison Ford was as big as Tom Cruise in the 90's. The prequels never had that kind of feeling, with Luke played by someone no one remembers.

maybe it was chemistry. can't put my finger on it. Ford was great in American Graffitti, not surprised Lucas cast him as Han Solo.

>"For the thinking fan"
the nigger actually fucks the white chick in this?

Sup Forums on suicide watch!

>>Episode II CG-I was downgraded
The effects substantially improved with each movie. It came a long way from stiff and awkward movements.

>needed to use more of it for the clones,
They were fine, especially since they were motion captured in ROTS. Most of people couldn't tell they were CGI. StarWars had to release information that no suits were even created to correct people.

Cool! I remember being blown away by the car chase as a kid. I also really likes the Kaminoens for some reason. I heard they made the VA wear a mask so Ewen would no how tall she was when interacting with the female one.


I dunno, they hit the nail on the head with TFA there. Considering the universal praise that turd of a film received, anyone willing to criticise to a decent extent probably has at least some integrity of opinion.


>but that character was horribly developed.
Everyone says this, but the characters in the OT were all cardboard cut out archetypes too.

Qui-Gon is an unorthodox jedi who is not afraid to bend the rules, which is what draws them to Tatooine, and to Anakin being trained.

That's better characterization than Obi-Wan in ANH, which is just "wise mentor figure with ties to protagonist's past".

The OT is so overrated, it's insane.

Some of Lama Su's CGI looks amazing.

archetypes aren't inherently bad characters. liam neeson's character would have benefited from any development including as an archetype. there wasn't any characterization. Obi Wan had a very good actor so that helps, plus Obi Wan was a mentor plus a protector archetype, we also knew his history, which was deeply woven into the main story. No one remembers anything about liam neeson. plus since everything was in green screen there is no connection to the audience.

>there wasn't any characterization.
Flat out objectively wrong.
>Qui-Gon is an unorthodox jedi who is not afraid to bend the rules
>which is what draws them to Tatooine, and to Anakin being trained.
His characterization is crucial to the plot.

>plus since everything was in green screen there is no connection to the audience.
Oh, but you're a shitposter.
Carry on then.


For a trog like you maybe

It conveys big robot that nobody but kids can identify with so they can push toys.

qui-gon was a generic forgettable character. that's why the prequels were critically disparaged.

You're wrong my man. It's okay.

Qui-Gon is hands down one of my favorite Jedi's! More likable the Mace hypocrite!


wow man calm down
I blew you out, you'll recover

fuck this sjw shit

ill tell you how it is after i see it friday

Hey, guy. I hope you have a great time at home with your mother.

Yeah its prolly lousy. I'm gonna go see it Friday. Want me to pick up some adult diapers for you from the store on the way back.

Seeing it Thursday at AMC. Will tell Sup Forums my thoughts about it after.

Im gonna see it standard IMAX. Its gonna be a fuckin zoo.

Think Ill stash some crab cakes in my pack.

I'm seeing it because of this

Oh my god. This will surely shut the fence sitters up. Right?

>le prequels wuz great and shit meme again
>le prequels have great characters
Let me guess, your favorite director is Cuck Snyder.

Does she want the D?

It's like they both just realized they want to fuck each other and then try to laugh off the horny awkwardness.

In case anyone is curious, here's what happened:

The Empire is fascist. We can all agree on that, right?

Well, a lot of Trump's detractors labeled him a fascist, simply because it has a negative connotation.

For this reason, the writer compared Trump to the Empire.

However, some of his detractors also consider him a racist, and a white supremacist, so they interpreted the comparison to mean that the Empire was also racist, and make corresponding based solely on that jump.

>Hilarity ensues

Sup Forumstards, it's time to recognize that "libtards" are lying when they say Star Wars is againt you in the exact same way they lie when they say the whole world is oppressing them.

This shit has no place on this board.

corresponding headlines**

>Qui-Gon is an unorthodox jedi who is not afraid to bend the rules, which is what draws them to Tatooine, and to Anakin being trained.

>That's better characterization than Obi-Wan in ANH, which is just "wise mentor figure with ties to protagonist's past".

Acting goes a long way.

Alec Guiness was a classicly trained actor.

Liam Neeson is an okay actor at best who only came back into the mainstream because his wife died and every casting director felt sorry for him.

>Also, keep in mind who the NYP supported durning the election for those touting the NYT review.
you people are fucking retarded, who cares if they supported shillary, its a review for childrens entertainment.

one reviewer should not represent an entire catalog of other writers

its mostly what the editors agree on being released, and their connections

WSJ ripped it a new one in its review.

is this what Americans consider political satire?
Nothing quite like getting your immersion ruined by hamfisted political messages that will be laughably out of date in ten years