Someone say something in german

>someone say something in german
>you don't speak german user?
>goes on to speak german again
REEEE I hate only speaking two languages

Duhmanon was geht?

Lügst du?

Sprichst du kein deutsch user?

Lego ruuuhee

du pratar inte så bra svenska?

>Norddeutscher sein und kein Deutsch sprechen
Wew NorthGermanHat.

rodgrod med flode

Ist das jetzt der Neue Faden?

Ich fang dann mal an. Was studiert ihr denn so?

neuer faden hier oder wie?

Hnusnej jazyk, nemá Ř a slovosled na píču.

hello where are the mämmi :DDD

>He didn't pay attention to the German lessons in school

>you will never smear mämmi on a finnish girl's ass and then eat it

Und warum sollte das ein Problem sein?

Etzela wird hier der /deutsch/e Faden ausgerufen uezs

was erzählen sie euch über deutsche und deutschland? dass wir alle nazis sind?

Každej dobrej jazyk má Ř.

In his defense, I don't speak any French, despite learning it for 3 years. How long do you have German lessons?

Reichsprotektorat RUHEEEE

>Die Einzigen die das Zeichen benutzen sind Tschechen, ein paar Schlesier, Sorben und Berber

>Han snakker ikke tre spräk

Had it for 4 years or so, but I have forgotten most of it by now.

We were just taught the language itself, grammar and so on. It was quite complicated if you didn't pay attention.
Didn't even learn about your past, just the language and a movie once in a while. I remember we watched 'Knallhart', 'Der Untergang' and 'Das Leben der Anderen'.


Where did this situation happen? In Germany?
I can't speak French either after more than 7 years.

wie fandest du ihn?

NEIN! A-A-Anticapitalista!

Das Buch "Das Kapital" oder das Kapital im Sinne von Vermögen?

I really liked this movie, to see how the young boy got into the foreigners criminal world and earn some money, very interesting.

How did you like it?


Právě. Zbytek smrdí.

ich hasse juden. ich hasse moslems. ich hasse ausländer.

>Speak english
>have travelled across the world, from Peru to Japan to Cambodia to Tanzania
>never bother with the local language, just speak in English to everyone
>watch people struggle with my language, defiling their own nation's language and jurisdiction in a small way
And my favourite
>watch two people from different parts of the world (ex. China, Iran) struggling to interact through the mutual lingua of their broken English

Warms my heart so much

We all hate something :)

was hasst du?

Illogical people





Finally a good Canadian post

I'll be shitting gold when some reindeerballsnapper tries to banter me.

Go herd those mighty animals since it's the only thing in your "culture" worth mentioning.

I don't know any Spanish and like 1/4 are Mexican here, no regrets so far.

wie gehts OP?

I wasn't trying to banter though. Being bad at Swedish isn't a bad thing

did you ask for this apu yesterday in /fr/?


>spent 3 years learning german in hs
>mfw I've almost completely forgotten it by now

wer /dumm/ hier?

nice thread bro

shit thread

shut up canada

just you