
doctor who edition

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If you watch Doctor Who you need to bin yourself.

fuck off, its is/was the only decent british serial

HOWLING at this scouse rorke with his sword talking about purple aki

alri lads?

why is the authoritarian conservative the only male


women talk about the dumbest stuff


They are literally porch monkeys, one nigger goes out and the rest of the niglets (I have seen 3 adults and 10 niglets btw) just sit on the porch watching them

what the fuck is wrong with these creatures. They are biologically programmed to be subhuman vermin. They simply cannot be civilised. Give them free housing, education, healthcare and opportunities in one of the richest cities in the world and they still act like monkeys.

>radiation is a significant problem after a nuclear attack

would love to be at the receiving end of that x




throw away the books rally in the streets

now the rest of the niglets have spilled out onto the street like little rats and they are running around in people's gardens. Why don't their parents teach them basic rules and respect for other's property? never, ever seen a white person do that but then again I haven't seen a white person with 6 children

You cannot convince me Britain will be a first world country when these things are a majority. We are going back to the stone age

Fucking hell, the state of them all

global warming is a lie


I wanna warn you now, my temper is at the best of times fiery and I'm feeling VERY pissed off today

Don't post in this thread, I'm going to be attacking people at random

quite like the idea of trains

at what age did you find out you will probably grow up to be a loser?

eupho > k-on

quite like trains and aeroplanes

fuck off cunt

praise kek!

imagine being so uncultured that your favourite book is happy potter simply because you can't think of anything else you might've read

Hahaha lol :)

The world has enough nukes to cover the surface of the world many times over. it would be demolished. Whoever says otherwise stop posting

>I haven't seen a white person with 6 children
ah yes, not part of the problem at all


literally only had this revelation last night aged 18
i cried so hard my dad came downstairs to see what was going on

i heard him walk to the door of my room, pause, and then walk away again

your joking right? fuck off paki

*knocks you out*
pathetic little runt, don't get back up

the radiation from nuclear blasts is only present if the bombs are detonated on the ground, and most of the time superpowers would opt for air bursts as they cause more immediate damage, which is more important than needlessly irradiating large areas. a nuclear winter could only occur if firestorms were prevalent across all urban areas struck but mostly concrete urban zones are unlikely to catch fire. hiroshima has a firestorm because most of the houses were constructed of wood. dresden had a firestorm because the bombs used were incendiaries.

of course the political ramifications would be a geopolitical end-of-the-world scenario but as i said, it wouldnt be the meme extinction event normies and pseudoscientists harp on about

lads what are corned beef slices like?

never had them myself but got a pack of them earlier in lidl intending to give them to a dog that was scavenging in the car park but it was gone when I came out so just took them home half-intending to have them in a sammich or something before going to bed but I'm quite iffy about sammich meats (love luncheon, but hate ham for instance)

these are all leftie nu-males trying their best to be masculine btw

that's what makes it so hilarious. a bunch of low-test, limp-wristed chinless wonders with refugee welcome stickers in their bedroom windows


Actually most people who have read HP are voracious readers. You might have to Google that word, I know it because I read HP

>The world has enough nukes to cover the surface of the world many times over.
Not even close to being true. I wish people would stop repeating this lie.

went to a sounders game and it was a good laugh (yes I have been to the USA)

wish rosy was my gf

Football is for numales in america

I work in the NHS surrounded by women (nurses, APs, physios). Every day, there's some sort of drama or conflict between the women working on each ward, like a microcosm of high school even though some of these women are over 50 years old. Good lasses they are, but perpetual children.

wish rosy was my bf

idiot fucking stupid cunt
if i wasnt so lazy i would obliterate you with an avalanche of wellevidenced counterarguments

additionally mild radiation exposure only causes cancer slowly, so since noone would get sick until they got to 45 or so, it wouldnt affect recovery efforts. miscarriage rate would go up 3%, but considering Xray scanning makes it go up 2% and nobody cares about that that probs isnt an issue either

in a rather melancholy mood

look at this runt

this guys arguments against global warming are usually pretty convincing 2bh, doesn't help his image that his lazy bug eyes make him look fucking crazy though

she's mine

wish rosy was my gf (male)

corned beef is from argentina you will get aids dont eat it

>these are all leftie nu-males trying their best to be masculine btw
>that's what makes it so hilarious. a bunch of low-test, limp-wristed chinless wonders with refugee welcome stickers in their bedroom windows

*goes straight to the big-titted lass*

Alri' love, how's it going


Who is he?

*surreptitiously googles voracious*
N-no mate I already knew that word a-aha

surely putting all of those chemicals into the environment isn't a great idea anyway though?

might go to northern norway this winter

>high school


is that jonah hill in the back? his career has really taken a turn for the worst

fuckin ell

might make a 'wall of fame' of all my favourite humans and put it by my bed

thinking Herman Kahn might be the first chap on it

business idea: mope about

work in offices with lots of women, 100% agree with these sentiments. they take work WAY too seriously


Actually going by blast radius all the nukes in the world would only destroy 1% of the earth's land area presuming a land area of about 150 mio sqkm, a global nuclear arsenal of 15,000 and a blast radius of 6 km per bomb (equivalent to 1 Mt).

Fallout is another story.

its only you americans who need stupid old yank men to tell you global warming is real

made diner

>haven't drunk for 4 years
>just had some tiramasu
>now I feel really sleepy

Ahh yes

Literally nothing wrong with regenerating the doctor as a female

not even remotely. all of the world's nuclear weapons could cover an area of roughly 5 million square km, which while still massive is a long shot from the earth's total 510 million km2.

and 5 million km2 is a very generous estimate

can't stop watching this





The creatures aren't speaking English, how do you think they got to this country?

genuinely think border force let these people in through the backdoor with a NI number in hand

Anyone from Cornwall here? I'll fuckin blast ya

i saw jeremy corbyn today and spoke to him.

people were chanting his name like a blind cult

t. 1950s yank labourer who just finished his latest construction job




It's not the blast radius, it's the fallout radius. It would be enough to cover the entire world.

Ah yes, digging up the classic.

So let's say I am on the underground at the time of a nuclear blast, and I return to the surface to discover london only made slightly better by all the pakis and blacks wiped out, do I immediately run out of the blast area to escape radiation poisoning?

Camera wobble makes a big difference

sounds cute enough 2bh

fallout is a meme

read an article by this mong proclaiming that arctic sea ice had made a sudden resurgence

he was comparing winter coverage to the previous summer

denying man made climate change is more delusional than denying the holocaust

feel like I used to be a lot hornier

24 now and manage maybe one or two wanks a week if I can be arsed. I may be a legitimately low test beta

fallout is a MEME PROBLEM


I believe the business was ruined by the destructive jealousy and in-fighting of an all-female staff. Their selfishness and insecurities led to my company's demise. When I needed the so-called 'Sisterhood', believe me, it just wasn't there.

-Samantha Brick

we're all immigrants, don't know what the fuss is about

Not true. Nice meme.

this post, and nuclear fallout, are certified memes

is doctor who good? haven't watched it since that choong ting billie piper was on

Are we posting tindr profiles?

Check mine out.


it actually doesnt though

the sum of all the blast radii of all the worlds nukes doesn't even cover 10% of the earths surface