Nobody know size of korea is big as UK

Nobody know size of korea is big as UK
Between china and japan, korea seems relatively small but in fact, korea is not that small country

WTF they look identical

I believe in God now

UK is not a big country fag


I would've thought Korea was much larger if anything

the uk is small too

i thought korea was bigger than the uk

>south korea 100,210 km2
>iceland 102,775 km2

>Comparing to Eurosmalls
You are not making a good point for the size of Korea


When will they learn?

Because Nobody cares of your country thus its size too.

Oh yes very big

ITT: """"""Countries""""""" smaller than Canada

t. barren wasteland

Korea is too big. Someone should split it in two, desu.

South Korea is about the size of Guatemala.

Lol and hope they'll never unify themselves back forever. I like my country just the way it is now. This tiny place feels so comfy

South Korea is at best as big as your extra small cock.

We should unify and fucking kill leftists

Unified korea will be even stronger than France Germany and UK
Why would you disagree?

But the UK is a tiny country user.

>Spain: 505,370 Km2
>Korean peninsula: 219,155 Km2
And we are not even that big

Why should I be forced to spend a shot ton of money to feed the North Koreans when it's not even certain whether I can keep feeding myself or not.

we are very biggg

Korea a CUTE


You should even risk your neck to make Korea great.

It's not only for your life, it's for 70 million korean people

When korea get unified, We can even find our native land Manchuria. So don't be so negative about unification. We can't do anything living in small country


After unification we have 70 million people, advanced technologies, cheap but high skilled workers, abundent resources.

And we will have nuclear missiles.
Chinese will be so much afraid of unified Korea.
Economically strong but also have Nuclear Mussiles

Why so many photoshopped Roh's? Why did he fail as a president?

I know neighbor countries are opposing to unification. It's because they are afraid of potential power of Korea. We just showed half of it.

What a qt :3

Korea never lose and always be king

Unification is our destiny. There's No future living in divided small isolated land.

Unification will come before 2020. And neighbor countries are so nervous about this

Fucking leftists who don't want Korea to be a great and powerful nation should fucking die and go to hell

I doubt that, since Moon is elected as President.

I thought Korea was larger lol

also Britain is not considered large by anyone

this. sk is fucked with this commie prez.

He is disaster of Korea
I don't know why koreans are so dumb and stupid
Koreans are ugly and dick is small
I fucking hate being korea today

could you elaborate?
btw, those pics literaly freak me out.

Koreans elected communist as their president
I want trump as president of Korea

indeed, Hong Junpyo should have been elected.
Are Koreans propagandized or something?

Moon is gonna build factory in north Korea
And give money, food anything Kim Jong Un wants.
Moon thinks kim jong un is a companion of conversation.
I really don't know why koreans voted him as president.
It provrs koreans are dumb and stupid

Looks like he is not thinking rational enough to rule and protect a nation.
He doesn't even realize that Kim Jong Un is not someone who can make decent compromises.

Can say so but biggest problem was division of conservative party.
Korea is the most hopeless country in the world

Btw, wouldn't you get arrested for making these anti-government comments? Beware.

Ohhh, Park Geunhye did mess it all up.

I'm afraid a little but I'm okay thank you

I didn't know that!
Korea is super big

I thought you were bigger 2bh

We have big influence, money, army and culture.

ahahahahah btfo

I believe that a certain foreign major promoted the impeachment of Park Geunhye in order to push THAAD.

We need thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad so much. Even more! I believe USA will let south korea to develope nuclear mussiles.

Germany is a big country

too bad britain has way larger territorial waters

people care about other countries not because of their size but because of their influence.

worst korea is only known these days because you export overpriced electronics and sissy boys.

>putting another cunt together
>land area close to some celtic rapebaby island

The UK is fucking tiny

We have farms almost as big as the entire country

yes you are smalltime, deal with it