Letterboxd General: LSD is cool edition
QOTD: Do you intend to try and find a film to beat your best of the year so far in this final half of December? If so, do tell names
Letterboxd General: LSD is cool edition
QOTD: Do you intend to try and find a film to beat your best of the year so far in this final half of December? If so, do tell names
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Shin Godzilla MOTY by far, that said I wasn't interested in much and even Shin isn't GREAT, but definitely the best 2016 release I saw
Stupid fuck
>likes Japshit
Even more stupid
lmao okay pleb
down to the depths this thread goes
I guess the other thread archived
Wow, so smart
You forgot to put /lbg/ you freakin amateur
Why watch before trilogy now when the blu release is so close?
I agree I could have put it into subject, but really what's the difference, who wants this general will look for it and find it anyway
i mean, i'm not actively trying to, but i am catching up on 2016 releases.
>1 start for The Handmaiden
That's a pretty rough blow, mate
i only really enjoyed the second act. found the first rushed, and the third tedious. not to mention it being completely bogged down in these obnoxious cinematic "winks" towards the audience. it was an okay film, but nothing i'd ever want to watch again.
though i should probably point out that i recently changed over to a positive rating scale, meaning any stars at all means i at least liked it. if i dislike a film, i'll leave it unrated
Not that weirdo but there's already a blu ray you dummy and waiting till the end of February isn't worth it
>there's already a blu ray you dummy
That's great. Could you give me a link now?
Because non-embryos go straight to and they're easier to find on the archive. First week here?
>"non-embryos go straight to and they're easier to find on the archive"
>threads are either dead or shit and always full of embryos
I'd like to see some of these non-embryos characters
>I'd like to see some of these non-embryos characters
me desu
Me too
Also me 2bh
>manchester by the sea more like manchest I had to pee because I was laughing and crying so much that I urinated in my jeans and the stream leaked down my leg and onto the floor, gradually and narrowly flowing down the aisle until a theater worker approached me and asked me if I spilled my drink, and I whispered to myself, "yeah if I'm the cup and the drink is bodily fluids spilling out of my eyes and genitals as a result of being so emotionally eviscerated by this film that I've lost complete control of my bladder and general command over my muscles, including my tear ducts," and then the theater worker hesitantly started to wipe it up and, upon getting an eventual whiff of the liquid, gave me a look that spelled out, "I know this isn't soda you nasty ass motherfucker, we both know that you left me a piss and salt water potion to scrub up, you sad excuse for an adult."
what did he mean by this?
he pissed hisself
Flying faggot. Cue 5 gorillion likes for the ''''review''''
>7 posters
>25 replies
/samefag/ general?
back to Sup Forums
/lbg/ is very kill today
no /lbg/ in the topic makes it harder to find tbqh fĂ miglya
I hope you see your films in a theatre with your friends lads.
>implying I have friends
What are you boys watching tonight
I think I will watch either La Residencia or 99 Women (not the x-rated cut)
>Why watch before trilogy now when the blu release is so close?
it's on ptp
Anyone ever get a strong hankering to rewatch Demolition Man
No, I haven't seen it
I got a strong hankering to swerve into oncoming traffic once, but fortunately reason prevailed.
so i take it you've never seen before sunrise then? because that's as good of a rip as you'll find.
It's a good a rip as you'll find, until the Blu in a couple of months, which was the original point
If you've already gone 11 years without seeing it seems to me like it would maybe just worth hanging on for another couple of months?
That's a shame.
That's a shame.
>If you've already gone 11 years without seeing it seems to me like it would maybe just worth hanging on for another couple of months?
lol do you plan your viewing habits by the BR release dates?
i'm not being thick. i understand your point. but it baffles me that you wouldn't watch the movie when you feel like it.
I don't like the idea that I'd watch it, potentially like or love it, then realise that I could have had an easily foreseeable better viewing experience for that first time
It's not as though there aren't thousands of other things to watch to fill that time.
If I'm going through a director's filmography in chronological order I will watch the movie in the best format available at the time. If a better release appears I'll rewatch it. Get to revist lots of movies this way.
That makes sense, it's a project of sorts and waiting for another release would hold you up for ages (especially if no planned release)
But just a general film watch idk why you wouldn't wait
I'm going to try and watch Lowlife Love and Moonlight before the year is over.
Anybody seen either?
it's sad. i miss the senpai
I've waited for certain releases before though. Specifically Synapse's release of Suspiria