Why aren't you circumcised?
Why aren't you circumcised?
not subhuman
I'm a spic
It just dawned on me that this is why people hate the Jews.
I'm not the product of Jews or perverts.
I'm uncut and I love it.
Cutfag masterrace reporting in.
can't wait until the new janitors are hired! scum like op will be finished!
I am, sadly.
My parents believed they didn't have the right to mutilate my penis against my will.
>it's a botched circumcision episode
>people lead such amazing lives they're left to be concerned about this
>tfw circumcised and it doesn't affect my life at all except being immune to smegma
Jews got the idea from the Egyptians
Why are you so redditorcore?
>good goy, gibe me the foreskin AND let me bill you for the operation *rubs hands*
I am
I'll never forgive my parents for allowing some kike doctor to mutilate me.
I was born with a foreskin but over time it has vanished no joke and it is as if i am circumsised even tho i never was...
Any1 experience this?
But I am.
for you
>being cucked by jews
>except being immune to smegma
>not even Jewish
>Doc who delivered and circumcised me was literally Dr. Goldberg
Me too. Feels good.
Sex and fapping using a penis that hasn't had all the nerve endings destroyed also feels good.
I almost had a massive serious onfection as a kid cos my parents never told me to pull my foreskin back and i had so much smegma built up that i had extreme pain.
One day I went to doctor when I was like 12 and he pulled foreskin back first time and I was amazed my skin could go that far back and there was all the smegma..
Fucking hell dad shoulda told autistic me to take care of that area
Soap and water
i get you don't understand the mechanics but it's not some terrible chore to actually clean your dick. Unless of course you're the type not to wash your stank ass on a regular basis.
I'm Arab
>they get assmad
Every fucking time. It's fun fucking with you morons. You think you're so intelligent but fall for this shit every time.
Arabs are cut, you dumb shit.
Muslims also practice religious circumcision.
You would know, yuronigger
Should have just had it removed and be smegma free at all time guaranteed.
Why do you cut your ears off so you don't have to clean them? You'll still be able to hear fine since the ear holes will stay intact
>can't even manage to spell the word "don't"
Luckily I passed 1st grade English so I could deduce what you were attempting to communicate to me.
>You'll still be able to hear fine
Yeah. I am autistic. I guess we're naturally better at things like spelling and punctuation.
Because my mother asked my doctor if it was necessary and the doctor wasn't a complete retard.
Every grill I've fucked has loved my T H I C C uncut cock and claimed to now prefer it.
What a whiny bitch you are.
>You'll still maintain all sensitivity
I'm not an American aka jew slave.
This is what you're concerned about? Seriously? I guess I'd be too if I was a whiny little fag bitch.
Oh did that come across as whiny?
I love not being cut, a lot. My father wasn't cut nor my two younger brothers so we're a pure Aryan family and it feelsgoodman.
Are you even trying anymore?
I had a circumcision at age 27 because of swelling complications due to shrapnel. Dick looked like a eggplant, shit was gnarly. Could have lost it, did actually lose a testicle.
Orgasms don't feel any different now. I haven't noticed a loss in sensitivity pre-orgasm, but if there is any it would frankly help me out because in general it has always taken all of my willpower not to shoot my load in 30 seconds.
TL;DR circumcision really doesn't matter, your dicks are all fine, cut or uncut
I was circumcised when I was born and only a year ago did I even become aware that there are people strongly against it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with this current "everyone gets a trophy" whiny faggot bitches that cried when Hillary lost.
This is actually true. 80% of a woman's orgasm comes from being uncut
>Every grill I've fucked has loved my T H I C C uncut cock and claimed to now prefer it
All 0 of them
I don't know but I hate my parents and went full Batman trying to track down the kike doctor who did it to me for a while.
Fortunately for them, their name specifically was never in the paperwork. Otherwise they'd be dead right now.
>cutanon calling everyone else whiny
Gotta delete those cunny threads though―they're so dangerous.
>Americans literally getting cucked by jews in their earliest days
>They seem to enjoy it
You can't make this shit up kek
gotta laugh at how fuckking rtarded americans are that they don't even know how their fucking dicks work
I mean, jesus christ. Actually it's not funny. It's fucking pathetic.
Some of us recognize it at least
I wish it was 0, would have saved me a lot of drama and money.
I'm between 60 and 65.
At this point, hunting grillz down IRL is funner than video games.
What did he mean by this guys?
means women don't want to put ugly cheesedicks in their mouths
i don't even anymore
>it's a circumcision thread on Sup Forums
Never change
>Site run by a jew is pro-mutilation
How does it feel for you cutfags to know some old jew sucked on the end of your penis as part of your religious ritual when you were a baby?
>You should do it to your newborn sons, too, as early into their lives as possible
Yes, inflict a barbaric jewish ritual on your infant son without their consent
Fuck I hate people
I am, parents had me circumcised like a little after birth.
I'm glad they did, fuck them disgusting uncut dicks.
We're not even Jewish, we're Christians in an Arab country.
When will people admit to themselves the whole alt-right/ redpilled movement is just another Jewish trick?
>watching medical video on youtube
>boy with phimosis
>they touch his penis so much he gets an erection
how is that not considered child porn
thank you for your service
spam ALWAYS gets worse when we "get new janitors"
Because you're a prude, like when they need to induce children to orgasm for medical reasons, if they don't film it no one will learn how
Egyptians got the idea of jews
Oh sweet, summer-child...you aren't aware of how stupid grillz are and how nothing will stop them from putting your cock in their mouth if they think it'll help them become your grillfriend.
>The Almighty Jew chops off your foreskin and uses it to make face cream for old hags and essentially make money off of you
>be okay with this because now you don't have to spend ONE additional minute in the shower cleaning yourself