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Only state polls matter.

As sad as it makes me that Trump isn't going to give us a grand ol Apocalypse, this shit makes me happy as fuck because it will cause massive butthurt to this board, and nu/pol/ a rancid, cancerous shit.

shoo shill shoo

>d-d-doesn't count


I no longer support Trump

>muh media polling


Trashed, OP is a faggot cuck.

>media polling in favor of Brexit is reliable
>media polling against Trump is not
How come Sup Forums? Is it de joos?

>alright this isn't looking good, how do we compile this votes?
>Dems 50 percent, repubs 30 percent, ind 20 percent

All the new polls after Hillary was announced the nom have been like this. And this should not be brushed off! They will try to steal the election and use these bullshit polls as justification!

You're a Brit do you shouldn't be paying attention to American politics, you don't tell Americans what to vote for. Plus the elections is by electoral votes not by popular vote. Refer to Gore v Bush 2000.

Them newfag tears gun be so sweet.

>>Dems 50 percent, repubs 30 percent, ind 20 percent
No, the Bernouts will split the Dem vote.

>They will try to steal the election
Exactly as the data predicted.

Im not murican so i could give but a mere thought abot ur elections but i want to see Trump win just to see the shitstorm that would happen.

Welp, I used to #StumpforTrump but now o #MournfortheDon

That's it I'm a #ShillforHill now

no you fools, Don has a massive lead against Hillary with both Republicans and Independents, while lagging behind with Democrats.
All of the new polls political is using are under representing republicans, and to an even greater degree independents even though independents made up the majority of the polls

Sure. It's all a conspiracy even though the entitled faggot has alienated literally every demographic but hard-right White men. Stay delusional nu/pol/. Stay cancer.

Its accurate. You think its some new revelation that 50% of the population is Democrats while only 30% is Republican? Liberals own the media and educational systems. They also are flooding the US with poor, liberal foreigners. If Trump doesn't win in November, it will without a doubt be a one-party system in 4 years.

She'll break through the 50% after the Sanders endorsement. Wait and see.

DoomTrump when?

Same. Too bad he never had a chance and le alt right meme was just deluding itself the entire time. Trump was always too stupid to win, even for America. That shit may play big with the mental midget republicunts, but it won't fly in the general election.

He's not telling you who to vote for, he's making fun of you because your candidate is getting BTFO

stupid shillposter

Some actual british media is reliable.

Surely the most corrupt organization in the free world, the virtuous and honest media, would never ever run disingenuous polls meant to mislead and discourage people. Surely.

I know this is many people's first election, but try applying just a tiny bit of common sense if you care at all about not looking like a complete retard.

>T-trump's gunna win guys! Y-y-you WATCH!!
I can just taste the mad buffet already. Oh man, November gunna be fucking delicious.


It's another increasingly nervous liberal comes to Sup Forums thread

doesn't reddit exist to comfort these people?

> the virtuous and honest medi

FOX News, WSJ and Rasmussen have no reason to lie. They'd get more clicks by skewing for Trump whom they support.


also it hasnt even been enough time for a poll to be conducted since the attack. Clinton about to be blown the fuck out.

What is being deflected? Trump was never gonna win, you retarded infant shill.

also I expect russia to work with wikileaks to put clinton in jail shortly before the general election

Why do I get the feeling that you're trembling right now?

p-please... FBI... Assange.... Russians..... anyone.... s-stop H-Hill.... i'm r-ready for H-Hilar-ry....

>polls are rigged to over represent dems
>"lol no they're not"
>present evidence
>"lol trump is not gonna win, you mad?"

see my Id and know that by this time next year you will be paying for its construction paco

check out the projection on this one

>Fox supports Trump

Get your shit together.

Clinton will turn half the red states blue. And that's without the undocumented immigrant amnesty.
Neo-fascists permanently btfo it's time for single party system deal with it.
Also fuck you for stealing the red color and using it for right wing shit. It's the color of the revolution, it belongs to the people, not the capitalist pigs.

>The next president of United States

Nice ad hominems you got there

This is actually pretty disheartening. I though for sure that Trump would rise at least a little since the whole Orlando incident. Perhaps Clinton really will win.

Are you saying FOX News supports Clinton against the official GOP nominee in the general election?

>let's make a poll
>ask 90% dem, 5% rep a 5% ind
>lol Trump BTFO. Hillary wins with 90% aprovation.

This is so stupid that even a monkey like me can see thru it.

I'm going to make an outrageous claim: this polling took place before the fag attack and Trump's newest speech

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton.

In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee. WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”

Can I have a job doing what you do? It looks fun and easy, though I assume you feel a little sold-out while you eat a Hot Pocket after your shift.

Why cant kikes spell out the word jews?

>The poll was conducted online from June 6 to 12, surveying 10,604 adults, including 9,355 who are registered to vote. The margin of error is plus or minus 1.4 percentage points.

What could have happened recently that could change it................

See, that's the thing. Most voters aren't either Dem or Repub, independents are grossly misrepresented in these polls.

I want so hard to see Hillary arrested for her crimes.



If the white race is to die, it won't be because of me. MAGA

Yup...Politico is complete shit

Can we decide if polling before the general begins matters or not now? The whole, "winners gloat when they're winning but then say polls don't matter when they're losing" thing is getting old from both sides.

What, the one in which he states that this one shooting perpetrated by a Muslim is somehow more worthy of attention than the 400 or so since 2014 that were done by white people?

fuck you trump is a loser

>online poll

into the trash it goes

>If the white race is to die, it won't be because of me. MAGA
>that id

Not on my watch

Nothing to see here.
Move along.

hillbag is going to have another stroke.
live on national TV.
at which time she will fall down some steps, and break her hip.

Lay off the moonshine, put down the meth pipe. The primaries are over, even Megyn started changing her tune and it'll only get better.

Because you're projecting. Why would I be trembling? I wanted Trump to win, so he would wreck shit with his big ham mouth.

>Things aren't going my way
Forgot that part again about Trump literally alienating anyone who isn't a hardgay republican?

And a nice salty tears from you. Delish!

You newqueers are SO FUCKING MAD. This is a wonderful day.


Did anyone here got asked on a poll at least once in your life?

You need to spend several weeks on the random board before you can sell your disinfo shit in here. You don't know board culture, and stick out like a sore thumb.

Your starting place on Sup Forums is . Spend about 3 weeks there, then try again.


the fuck is going on here

I did once during the primary

Nice pasta

They haven't debated yet. The elite don't have a lease around Trump so we don't know how far he'll bark.

I am now a #HillDog

Maybe unironically if she picks Al Franken as her VP. If she picks Pocahontos, America is doomed.

State polls are objectively more important than nation-wide polls

was this conducted after the attack? get your shit together burgers


trump is done for do the math

>Say it with me


little canadian faggots should not be allowed in to pol and no one is messing with you

Women don't like each other very much, actually. Her approval ratings with women aren't that great.

you are not building the wall anymore? what happend annon? i were thinking you cared about mexico

You are just likeall men

they literally do this every election cycle. the democraps pump out bullshit polls that are always wrong to give the false impression that their candidate is winning.

>says the virgin who dont have contact with women

you are belgium dud, my property is bigger than your fuckign city.

show me those "aproval rating on women"

and google hard faggot i want to see a reliable source dont come here making shit up.

if you dont know basic math thats your problem.

or are you a payed cumskin?

why the fuck belgium? fucking proxy faggots

Looking into the stats of the poll, I found this gem. 7% more of those polled considered themselves democrats. Hillary has a 7 point lead on Trump.

Really makes you think

Her suit almost fell off, the reptilian inside was struggling to keep it on.

Also: pay for that wall paco.

relax it hasnt been enough time

also look into the details of the poll. It's surveymonkey, and it's a poll of people who identify themselves as "moderate."

>conducted before the attack
phew, i thought it was over

