Which do you prefer, Sup Forums?
The terminator, or T2?
Both are cinematic jewels and the best films of the franchise but markedly different in style and tone.
Which do you prefer, Sup Forums?
The terminator, or T2?
Both are cinematic jewels and the best films of the franchise but markedly different in style and tone.
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T2 all day erryday.
T1 because it has far more style. I love the sci-fi noir atmosphere and how tight the pacing is
T2 is more "fun" but it also has that sunny summer blockbuster vibe to it that isn't as appealing to me, and I think Furlong is kinda irritating. The scenes with Sarah in the mental institution are the highlight of the entire franchise though IMO
The theatrical version of T2 has tight as fuck pacing too though. I agree on the generic blockbuster feeling it gives though, but unfortunately I think that is part of Jim Cameron's directing style that got sucked into subsequent blockbusters because it just worked so damn good.
T1 definitely. T2 is kiddy shit
>The theatrical version of T2 has tight as fuck pacing too though
True, but I still prefer the extended edition. More of Linda Hamilton's amazing performance is always a good thing. Also the pacing of the TC is tight but nothing compared to T1 which is basically one long chase scene with a few breaks, it's so much more tense than the sequel
>I agree on the generic blockbuster feeling it gives though, but unfortunately I think that is part of Jim Cameron's directing style that got sucked into subsequent blockbusters because it just worked so damn good.
I don't know, there are a lot of movies from around that time (some released before T2) that are very similar in tone. It's a great movie don't get me wrong, but it definitely lacks the incredible ambiance of the original
Hasta la vista. Baby.
Good fucking lord.....
>Dissing classic arnie one-liners
Chill out, dickwad.
I'd say they are on par.
People like to shit on T2 but it gave us fantastic scenes like this one.
It also gave us Arnie who didn't kill anyone with a fucking MINIGUN of all things. That's tonal dissonance at least.
When Arnold says it, ok. Edward Furlong? Cringe to the max.
T1 > T2
Alien > Aliens
I'm a sucker for suspense and atmosphere.
What I like about T1 is Arnie is fresh from his Olympia win and is freaking huge.
In T2 he is noticeably a bit smaller.
It felt blockbusterish even back when it came out. I admit it's a good film but it was always a Hollywood "hey we can make lots of money here" kinda flick.
>there can only be one kind of atmosphere
If anyone asks me to quickly name my fav movie it probably would be T2.
I love both but T2 is just too damn perfect. Everything went so fucking right.
They're both 10/10's for me
Sup Forums's consensus will probably be T1 in the same way they shit on Aliens and suck Alien's cock.
I prefer T2. T1 is a fucking masterpiece but T2 is one of those movies i could just rewatch everyday and never get bored.
Stan Winston is god.
Not as big, his last olympia was in 1980 right? He is still huge and his face looks aesthetic as fuck. Chiseled and godlike.
Still looked young even though he was like 37 in T1.
T2, it's the defining action movie of my childhood.
Childhood is loving the action of T2.
Adulthood is appreciating the cold hard horror of T1.
I feel a similar way about T2. When I was a kid it would randomly play on tv and you could just leave it on and watch it, it's so damn well put together.
If a friend happened to be over watching it would be maximum comfy.
terminator was a better film but t2 was more entertaining
>Cameron have not made a movie in nearly 10 years
>His last movie was Avatar
>His next movie will be Avatar again
Why even live.
>the man who made groundbreaking action movies like aliens and terminator movies is reduced to shitting out avatar movies every decade
What a fucking tragedy. What happened to Cameron that caused him to lose his mind? Was is the deep ocean shit that got to him?
Cthulfu fucked him, lel.
While T2 is an incredible film it marks the start of the state the Terminator franchise is in now where it's just another family action franchise where le heroic robot man saves the day and not the unnerving bleak horror that the first one was which is what a movie about a killing machine from a nightmare world really should be.
What is even going on with his avatar sequel project?
Something tells me that if he really wanted to do a sequel he'd have done it already, he sure is taking his sweet time.
What if he realized that avatar was crap and he is just making excuses to not film the sequels?
It's his magnum opus. He can't let it go
Terminator is better.
>people prefer le kid friendly, catchphrase spewing Arnold to killing machine Arnold
>Cameron is wasting the rest of his career making shitty Avatar movies instead of doing Battle Angel
>inb4 abatap wannabe redditors flood the thread with their memefuckery
>Not appreciating Robert Patrick's superior unnerving cold ruthless killing machine acting abilities
God damn, I need to watch this again.
T2 had the character development of a fucking robot, and u even asking?
I don't know if you're praising or criticizing the movie
Terminator 1 was successful and he set out to get as much acclaim as possible by doing things in a cynical appeal-to-all-audiences thing.
He probably did the same thing as Lucas did with the prequels, but Cameron had the talent and nous to make a movie that's perfectly crafted for popular appeal while being unimpeachable in terms of making an above-par story, so he gets off lightly for his "selling-out" or post-T1 lack of vision.
>T1: Kyle Reese is just a guy, Sarah Connor is a scared and helpless woman, both fleeing from an implacable cyborg death machine
>T2: Sarah Connor is an invulnerable badass psycho, Arnold is an implacable cyborg death machine able to drive off another, less interesting cyborg in situations which would have been far more tense in the first movie, all while a twerpy 90s kid makes dumb quips that Arnold then memes into oblivion
T1>T2 by miles.
>magnum opus
I hope you meant this in terms of sales
>easy money
>pasta la pizza, baby
This. It never made sense to me that the Terminator would look like Arnold. Why make your killing robot look scary?
T-1000 is what a terminator is supposed to be. He looks unassuming, and impersonates someone the community trusts.
Praising. I cared much more about John/Sarah/Terminator in second movie, than to Sarah/Kyle in first one. I cried as a kid every time when Arnie had to die. How many times in modern movies u really care when character dies?
Cameron at first wanted Lance Henrikssen to be the terminator, but they ended up deciding for Arnie because he was larger than life and brought his physicality to the role.
Lance Henrikssen got cucked into playing a character who constantly gets interrupted when he is talking instead. It's jarring when you know the story and can tell Henrikssen is delivering his lines with every ounce of acting ability he has but his character is ultimately little more than an extra.
What's wrong with Sarah being ruthless and militarily organized? In T1 Kyle Reese basically said she was going to become a badass and teach John how to be a badass.
They even slightly foreshadowed how she has the inner strength to do this when she goes all "on your feet soldier!" With Kyle. Also the T1 ending.
I agree with Edward furlong though, such a shitty rendition of John Connor.