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>watching that hype opening for the first time
One of my greatest experiences at a movie theater was watching that opening sequence. I will never forget it.
>dont call it a comeback
>numale RLM-watching redditor nostalgiacucks will not defend this
I can already taste the 'practical effects' cancer comments
My dad saw Star Wars in a theater in Germany in 78.
Told me this was the most hype opening since the Star Destroyer in anh. I was 10 when ROTS came out and had seen the original trilogy, and I chills
>I was 10 when ROTS came out
congrats ROTS was good for 15 minutes
Is Isengard the tower or the fortress or the valley?
Is Orthanc the tower?
Not even that, it was good for two or three minutes. The buzz droids knocked it down from 'good' to 'passable'.
So we initially see underneath the ship and there's NOTHING. Then after the fighters have flown past and dived down there's SUDDENLY HUGE FLEET BATTLE OUTTA NOWHERE.
Whoever missed that needs to be shot.
was JJ even trying?
Solid file name pham.
Should have been the opening of episode 1 desu.
Orthanc is the tower, Isengard the fortress and is placed in the valley of the river Isen
Because you were 9.
Anakin - War years, Anakin The Fall, Vader Purge years, hmm?
If anything the prequels shouldve just started with 2.
thanks senpai
>Explosions in space
>wanting documentarian sci-fi
There's air and gas inside those spaceships so why wouldn't there be explosions? Also Star Wars isn't sci fi
>buzz droids
You that same user from /swco/?
I think he meant the sound of explosions.
This is where the FUN begins
I'm so sorry Lucas
At least you created something special
*dun* *dun *dun*
> Mamma said knock you out
I love that opening. probably my favorite.
I was 7 and I'm allowed to post here :^)
>not lurking for a year before posting
Literal fucking nigger
>he only lurked for a year and not three years
Not her/him, but I feel the same. I was 18, though.
What's it like knowing I had sex before you?
It is a worse space battle than Endor.
it's finally happened, as prophesied.
Start the prequels off with Anakin being a shitty padawan and use some exposition from a frustrated Obi-Wan to explain that he was brought into the order at too old an age and wasn't dealing with attachments like the other students, but his force abilities made him too important to leave out. They go on some adventures, we build Obi-Wan and Anakin as characters and introduce a bunch of important side characters, set up the basics of the Republic and the Jedi order and have them run into the Sith apprentice, maul or whoever and have them foil that plot, but the apprentice escapes to fight another day. This movie also sets up the beginning of the clone wars as a helpless feeling Jedi order is powerless to stop this invading army of clones. The Republic turns to mistrusted cloners to get an army of their own making "The clone wars" title make sense since it would be a clone v. clone battle and not the "clone vs. robot wars".
Episode II is the thick of the clone wars and follows Anakin and Obi-wan waging war as Jedi, we learn more about them, we watch Obi-Wan do his best but ultimately fail to properly train Anakin, and we watch an ever more rebellious and independent Anakin become seduced by the dark side during the horror of war and snaps at the end of the film causing the climactic fight between him and Obi-Wan that is the equivalent of the Vader - Luke fight in ESB. Obi-Wan wins, but the Jedi as a whole lose as the clone wars causes the republic to crumble and it's only through Sheev's cunning leadership that a military coup takes place and the empire is established, beating back the clones.
Episode III is the rise of Darth Vader and the Empire, the hunting down of the Jedi, and the planting of the seeds of the rebellions as Obi-Wan & Co fight to survive but are ultimately forced into hiding. We spend this movie getting to apprecicate just how powerful and fearsome Vader really is in his prime and we see the Empire rise counter to RotJ
it was probably the best part of the whole prequel trilogy tbqh fampai
Friendly reminder that there were heroes on both sides.
Honestly T2 has some of the best sound direction EVER
fucking nerd
>get down
I remember I went to see ROTS in the theater with my family. At school the next day, our classes resident manlet sperg (we made fun of him for being on growth hormones and he "played star wars at recess") asked me if I had seen ROTS. When I replied yes he began to freak out about "how cool" the opening scene was. I can clearly recall telling him it didn't leave any impression on me (not in those words I was like 11 or so)
>his fucking face when
From then on whenever I passed him on the playground he and his sperg pals would scream that I was a sith
I seriously use Terminator 2 to set up my speakers whenever I get a new sound system, the sound is just that good.
user..you spend a lot of time here..he's right you know. You are a Sith.
It's the first movie I watched when I got my new sound system