What did (((they))) mean by this?
What did (((they))) mean by this?
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Some days I really wish the Holocaust actually happened.
The only one that was still triggered in the second movie was Koba.
Wasn't the whole point of the last movie that both sides were run by evil megalomaniacs who would bring the world to war?
I'm kind of hoping Caesar turns evil in this movie and works to enslave humanity despite his past convictions, would be an interesting twist.
>humanizing palestinians
Confirmed for not real jews
>who require a safe and secure home after centuries of anti-semitism
Can they all go there then? Please? Maybe if every country has kicked you out during history YOU'RE the asshole.
I wish this on most days.
For a holocaust, there sure were a ton of survivors.
They're literally sowing the cognitive seeds for White Westerners to just meekly accept being displaced and dispossessed, as if it were natural, as if it were inevitable. I used to think the cultural marxism stuff was just Sup Forums paranoia, but I see it everywhere now.
For some reason I got scared that this could actually happen if we made a smart monkey serum like that in real life.
But then I saw the trailer scene with the apaches and I calmed down.
I mean, did you see those apaches? They're treating the 20mm guns on those things like they're 30 cals or something! Those are freaking cannons! And don't even get me started on how they're flying, why are they so low to the ground?
Let me tell you how a real human vs monkey war would go. Humans fly apaches really high above the ground. Turn on infra red. See monkeys in tree throwing poop and spears. Shoot them with cannons and white phosphorus rockets. Enjoy them writhing around in pain and suffering in their own crap. The End.
well we know for a fact that that eventually happens anyway
Modern weaponry couldn't even put down the North Vietnamese and America dropped more bombs on them than were dropped in all of WWII. I don't think a few thousand surviving humans with a couple of helicopters is going to beat a shitload of monkeys.
If Americas goal in Vietnam was to kill every Vietnamese person including old and young then the war would have lasted about 6 months. Like the weapons, modern war is usually a little more complicated unless you're Turkish, German or invariably African.
>modern weaponry couldn't put down the Vietnamese
user, we killed a million of them and lost 50,000. That's a kill ratio of 20:1. We weren't even fighting to exterminate them either. We didn't have infra red, and we were too afraid to use gas weapons, and seeing as to how the monkeys probably don't have gas masks, and number in the few hundreds at most, they don't stand a chance.
Of course, they should've died much earlier, but the main character killed commissioner Gordon and stopped that from happening.
>it's a "let's inject Nazis into another popular franchise" episode
>it's a "let's make political statement" episode
>it's a "white supremacy is problematic" episode
If one of the actors just came out and said "we should've killed them all in the last movie" would that affect their career at all? I'm trying to gauge how much actors have to pander to Hollywood.
>I used to think the cultural marxism stuff was just Sup Forums paranoia, but I see it everywhere now.
>I used to think rape culture stuff was just /Buzzfeed/ paranoia, but I see it everywhere now.
>I used to think racism stuff was just /BLM/ paranoia, but I see it everywhere now.
>I used to think the illuminati stuff was just /AlexJones/ paranoia, but I see it everywhere now.
That's what happens when you adopt a narrative.
Anybody kinda like the holocaust theme because you get to openly root for the nazi's?
They're not even TRYING to hide this shit anymore
>Look! The antagonist is a white skinhead killing innocent apes! (black men) Don't you want to betray your own race yet?
Yes. I'm pretty pissed that they killed commissioner Gordon in the last movie, he literally did nothing wrong. I hope that even if the "bad guy" dies, he'll at least kill enough of the monkeys to wipe them out.
Seriously, how the heck is Caesar going to get out of that execution? You know that the scene is just gonna be bullcrap.
God I fucking hate jews so much, the sheer ego of this race of humans is unreal they make anything about the Lolocaust,, any normal human race would have buried that genocide in the history books because what sort of sick fuck wants to remember their genocides?
Why can't it just be a fucking movie about intelligent apes vs humans in a post apocalyptic world? Why does everything have to have a political agenda behind it these days?
Because you gotta blame the ""alt-right"" boogeyman for something, or else people get bored.
There's literally nothing wrong with that, though.
Because in the movie, the apes aren't presented as noble and perfect Mary Sues. Their motivations are clear, but their end game is morally dubious. It's a fair representation of the reality it's based on that doesn't sugar coat it. The humans are bad. The apes are bad. The humans are good. The apes are good. War is futile and life isn't fair.
they meant they wanted to trigger Sup Forums niggers and I fully support it
you really think liberals are making a movie where black people are monkeys? I wish I could get inside the head of you people just to see if there was any activity
lol I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you aren't a PhD candidate
I'm waiting for BLM to equate themselves to the apes all on their own.
Kek willing the memes are strong enough to bring it into being.
you realize you believe it's political propaganda because people on 4cha are framing it that way? how do so many of you retards allow your perceptions of reality to be altered by memeing retards with an agenda?
Sup Forums, just stop it, stop. STOP. If it helps, I'll look directly to camera. STOP!
Let's just enjoy movies together, big beautiful movies.
>I hope something happens to reinforce my goofy paranoid political projections that I incessantly insert into every aspect of my "life"
get a job
Ironically the kid was black.
I was referring to the article in the OP.
skinheads DO want to kill black people tho so I'm not sure why this would trigger Sup Forums
>not wanting the obviously hilarious outcome
It's like you hate fun.
The kid was black. I guess black lives don't matter when an animal dies. Set loose every pit bull in the ghetto
I always get offended when people compare apes to niggers. Apes have more humanity and soul in their eyes than a nigger ever will.
they meant there's a global Jewish interracial breeding conspiracy to destroy the white man that only poor, unemployed, uneducated, white virgins living with their parents can identity and resist.
godspeed you white neets
Isn't shaving your head just a thing in the military?
This was before everyone knew and we just assumed he was white for reasons.
>Say something bad about jews
>Your a fucking retard
Even Sup Forums is infested by these devils from Canaan.
Holy fuck, is WW2 the only historical even that modern Hollywood writers can call on?
You know there's other shit that's happened in the past that you can shoehorn into your monkey movie.
What about the great Emu War of Australia! It even involved non-human animals!!!
I want to see an Ape movie based on this event!
I dated a black girl for awhile she was pretty cool. you'd probably shed some of your disdain for minorities if you found some to fuck
Hey nobody forced him to take the red pill. He sees the Truth now
Shit, I shave my head. I have a beard too. I probably look like a skinhead to ignorant fucks.
haha sure thing pal what's your level of education? do you have a good job and a social life? I'm just curious if there are any pollacks who aren't miserable neets
My gf of seven years is a Southeast Asian Muslim. I'm not racist, I just don't like niggers.
I unironically loved the first two films. Libshits are going to take it away from me, won't they?
The majority of blacks are uncivilized wild animals mentally, just because you found one genetic outlier doesnt mean blacks are people you stupid fuck.
I bet you think if a Hyena didnt bite your dick off on the african prarie after it saw you then NOT ALL HYENAS ARE VICIOUS PREDATORS.
Your a fucking gullible idiot who will believe anything to support your mad urge to altruistic.
maybe, you definitely look like a fucking dumbass though post a picture for me please
Like any jew all the kike can do is try to make you feel bad, jews never use logic to manipulate you they are psychos they specialize with emotional manipulation.
Did you live by minorities? Did you walk down the street at night around minorities?
Why'd she dump you?
Indeed blacks are the absolute worst animals on earth, even chimps are better behaved than fucking niggers.
In the last movie (((they))) made a monkey ride a horse and shoot 2 aks.
I think they did already
>just finished watching the first two films (and really enjoyed both)
>wanted to see if there were any threads on Sup Forums to discuss them
>only get this shitty bait thread
>I'm just curious if there are any pollacks who aren't miserable neets
>implying trump isn't a pollack
I live in midtown sacramento and actually have left my house numerous times. there are a lot of niggers, but there are a lot of black people too. I've never had an altercation with anybody in the year I've lived here. I think you just live in a bubble created by the internet that shapes your reality. if I'm wrong, share your experiences. also, why do you get so mad when people dont hate nigs?
Trump has probably even posted on Sup Forums once
>Hurr if you dont worship mexican cock your a racist nazi!
lol I'm welsh you dumb nigger. but good luck getting the world to open their eyes to the Jewish menace, maybe you can finish hitlers work lmao
> I've never had an altercation with anybody in the year I've lived here.
Yes and many white people even white people today have been attacked by blacks for no rational reason, dont get me started on the animalistic violence blacks do to eachother in AMERICA EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. If you actually saw the things blacks do on a daily basis like listen to Chicago police radio it is absolutely insane that shit that blacks do every single day in America, and its always fucking blacks no mexicans no asians no muslims only blacks only blacks do this stuff.
Thats right cuck let your guard down around your nigger buddies you never know when one of them will try to kill your ass and believe me its happened before niggers who were treated nicely by white people only for that nigger to kill those white people.
Yh sure your welsh only a freaking jew is this devoted to defending jews lying kike rat.
I live in midtown sacramento which is majority black. I walk home at 2, 3, 4 in the constantly. there is very little crime here that I'm aware of. where do you live?
I feel like the Palestine-Israel conflict is a fairly and they need to take a step back and need to realize they are making a movie about monkeys.
This the only one I have.
>only a freaking jew is this devoted to defending jews lying kike rat.
lol why are you so mad. what bum fuck town do you live in?
>muh noble savages
>Muh let's cuck humanity
Fucking ape faggot nigger lovers
Yes I remember. Once everybody knew that the kid was black they went into full damage control claiming that letting your offspring fall into a pen with a dangerous animal doesn't make you a bad parent.
Very little crime in Sacramento???
So why did you break up with your black gf?
nah you look like an ok dude
Didn't the mother get shitted on quite a bit?
>You have to be poor and stupid to not worship jews goy!
You can even hide your jew nature kike rat..
I live in midtown sacramento which is majority black. I walk home at 2, 3, 4 in the constantly. there is very little crime here that I'm aware of. where do you live?
only sneaky liars survived
By white people, and Asian people, and Latinos, and everybody else who isn't a nigger or completely brainwashed.
You can't just make a movie in this day and age. You have to push your mentally ill agenda into it.
Watch our great new films, goy.
Black people are so civilized.
Im gona guess correctly that your a spicc
You love Karl Marx I would be angry too son :^j
Your the Jew lol try to cloak himself by saying he's welsh unironically kill yourself
you're talking about the second film. This third one has different writers, one of which the jew in the article
>there are a lot of niggers, but there are a lot of black people too
please don't
Most vietnam battles were a swift US victory. Vietnam has heavy mission creep, no clear land goals and a dead homefront. The will of the gooks was amazing though, those fuckers are tough.
he's right tho
belief systems self-reinforce
you look like the type of guy who hates black people but 'not [my black friend] x, he's my brother. he's not a nigger. i've got no problems with black guys like him'
don't quote chris rock?
if you think all blacks are niggers, that makes you a racist.
niggerdom is about the way you behave.
>if you think all blacks are niggers, that makes you a racist.
>niggerdom is about the way you behave.
oh god pls stop
>Not all blacks are niggers bro xdd
Hello plebbit faggot
Stand for nothing fall for anything son class dismissed.
So you think there are blacks who don't think other blacks are niggers?
Or did you escape from Daily Stormer?
You can't name a single famous black person who is not a nigger?
You think all black people act the same way?
You're embarassing yourself.
Just stop your so obviously shitskin
Race war commence
oh he said it boys, now we're in trouble. If I have to spell it out for you, using fancy terms for "different" things makes you a coward edgy teenager who wants to be part of le secrit internet club but is afraid of being called a bad word. do you understand now?
Funny that the idea that not all black people are niggers used to be quintessential Sup Forums.
You'd know that if you came here before 2012.
after years of being called monkeys, theyve finally started recognizing their own
Except Palestinians aren't using superior technology to drive their enemy from their homeland. The Israelis are.