Why did anime peak in the 90s and then crash to earth with nothing but shit since?
Why did anime peak in the 90s and then crash to earth with nothing but shit since?
Pixar fucked them up.
Anime was never good anyway.
Why don't you ask on They have this thread almost every week and you can be the first one to do it this week
>television show isn't television
Because you never actually liked anime in the first place, you liked a narrow sub-section of it that made you feel cool and unique at the time. Now it just embarrasses you because you're a half-normie faggot.
Anime was never good, child of Sup Forums. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.
because japs have very low standards for entertainment. ex: 99% of jrpgs, 99% of anime, 99% of j-movies
Why does artistic expression have to be the same time after time.
>12 Angery Men
Whoever made that image is fucking retarded and you're retarded for posting it.
I'm not saying your point is retarded but using that terrible, terrible image invalidates what should be a very poignant point.
it's almost like it's a troll image
Anime can be good if it's well animated. Japs aren't artistic enough to write a good, consistent story without including some stupid fucking fantasy shit for kids and manchildren. In my opinion animation should be used for creating settings that would be really hard to create with sets in real life. But fucking retarded japs make it so 90 percent of anime is about high school and with characters that are boring high schooler romance or comedy. Serious projects have shit budgets that totally ruin it for me because some episodes will look good but others will be completely shit.
This. It's always the people who've seen less than 20 series in their life bemoaning about how anime is dead/dying.
>one punch man
>space dandy
>dragon ball super
>gurren lagan
>kill la kill
>tatami galaxy
wtf you been watching?
the real redpill is realizing that entry level anime is the only anime worth watching
Should day time sports shows be discussed on Sup Forums too?
Yeah that's a pretty normalfag opinion to have, since people like you don't really like anime to begin with.
Because Japan's economy crashed then and they turned into soulless robots that don't procreate that will likely die out in a few years.
Now fuck off to your gook boards
It's true. Go on Sup Forums and half the threads are about MUH DIK and fapping to anime characters from shitty anime with generic characters. The real redpill about anime is realizing every female character in your shitty anime is exactly the same with different colored hair,
The anime you posted is fairly average trash.
>mediocre "oh look it's another deconstruction of the genre" parody shitshow
>pandering uncreative shit
>literally who cares about DBZ now
>total shit
>total shit that pedos jerk off to
>literally what
This is the real problem with anime watching losers
>trying to debate OP
>posts an anime from the 90s
I still like Gundam even though the majority of the endings are shit.
And Sup Forums shows like oriley and redeye?
where is GITS?
Akira is actually good
Sup Forums doesn't like FOX News
GITS is literally exposition, the show, it sucks
I swear, japs must be the most autistic people on the planet. They're absolutely terrible at conveying emotion with any depth or subtlety.
You should become a talk show host, user! You're so clever and funny, haha.
Truth be told I only watch weird anime. I see normal stuff and it just doesn't catch my eye, but then I see something that's weird as heck (and usually a fetish) and I can't look away.
Its and old version and I don't have the new one
>Sup Forums doesn't like FOX News
That doesn't answer my question. Again. And Sup Forums shows like oriley and redeye?
Thats the point of anime. As japs lose their sanity year after year they have to give anime characters bigger eyes so the japs can understand how the character feels at any given moment. In 10 years anime characters heads will be nothing but a giant eye
How are they Sup Forums shows if Sup Forums doesn't watch them?
Didn't they just copy Disney?
>How are they Sup Forums shows if Sup Forums doesn't watch them?
Because they discuss the news/current events. IE something people like you say isn't Sup Forums related because its "Sup Forums" even though its on television
>anime characters heads will be nothing but a giant eye
I'd watch/masturbate to
The 90s was more of a transitory period for anime. The real renaissance era was the 80s. In the 90s you had the collapse of the Japanese bubble economy and the drying up of the video rental industry as well, the combination of these things is what made the OAV market shrink down to its current size. The main difference between the 80s and 90s and the era of 2000 onward is the number of OAVs produced. Back then, you had a lot more auteur projects. Stuff created by a small group of interested people, not large corporations as part of a huge marketing campaign. Not all these auteur projects were good or memorable, but within the auteur framework you had a capacity for greater artistry than exists in the more commercialized environment of TV anime, which is what now dominates the industry (and which also dominated the industry prior to the 80s).
All that said, modern anime isn't really bad. Overall its production values are actually much higher than the average production values of older TV shows. The downside is the loss of those few excellent projects that emerge from auteurship, since there really isn't a market anymore where you can just give an eccentric director and his band of disheveled animators a few million yen to bring their crazy script to life. Now making an anime is all about production committees and advertising campaigns and merchandising.
you gotta compare what was popular then to what is popular now.
you really think gumdam, pokeman and dbz were that much better than todays shit? You got your nostalgia glasses on a little too tight there imo buddy.
and if you want to talk movies, the 2000's anime's are stronger.
those are all bad shows
I think
is right, the average new stuff is better than the average old stuff, but there is nothing that rises above these days
Uh, isn't seeing more than 20 series a strong indication that you should commit suicide?
I actually like anime. This thing I dislike most about it is how the watchers of anime try to out taste one another. They are so focused on having the best taste or watching the most obscure thing that they forget they are watching cartoons for japanese children for the purpose of fapping to the doujinshi. Same thing with Sup Forums and Sup Forums. At least Sup Forums is self aware enough to make an ironic meme about kino, cinema, film, movies and flicks. People on this board don't give a shit. Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums, 2 b h m8s I love you all.
>At least Sup Forums is self aware enough to make an ironic meme about kino, cinema, film, movies and flicks. People on this board don't give a shit. Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums, 2 b h m8s I love you all.
Thats because retards like you came here from facebook/the likes and changed this board. The film half use to make /lit/ look like babbies
what about genius party, mind game, and the other studio projects?
>herp a derp da film side of Sup Forums was da bestest
>he says as he makes his third same hyde thread of the night
Your humor is soo superior :^)
get a load of this normie
Go back to your mde and feet thread. I've contributed countless memes to this board and the fact that you guys are acting elitist because I got a little chummy shows how terrible of a person you are. You are not welcome on my board.
Greed is like gravity
Anime is the canon ball
90s is the gunpowder
Anime studies were the canon
It was up to the japonese people to look up at the canon ball and shape it into something that could stay up against gravity, they didnt. And one of this days that giant ball of shit will fall on their heads
Why is it my fault you're new and need to be told that your favorite thing is only a recent trend?
Because once it got popular they started flooding the market with every anime and they made a lot of shitty ones.
If you want to go back to the good old days of Sup Forums there is another chan.
plenty of good anime still around my uninformed friend
>Its a someone pretends eva isn't the worst pile of shit to have ever been created
Its fucking awful. Please don't waste your time unless you enjoy listening to a whimpering pussy boy for 26 drawn out episodes
I wonder how Japs feel about the anime industry fucking up there once respected film industry and literary establishment?
Japs wrote the first novel