MDE Appreciation Thread

Season 2 could still happen with all the complaints [as] has been getting.

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lol. (((Tom Heidegger))) btfo

Fuck off shill. He's not funny.



Trump is president and MDE World Peace is coming back for a second season. Suck it!

In the original Timeline, MDE doesn't get cancelled but sHillary gets in and later cancels season 2 halfway through by blacklisting all alt-right content through executive order.

We crossed over!

>shilling for your faggoty hero
Weren't all of you homos talking shit about liberals who whined after Hillary lost?

Sam lost. MDE lost. You're just embarrassing yourselves at this point and reminding us all that you're gigantic fucking hypocrites.



Is this a baneposting thread? Do you know what the fuck you're even talking about? I know you fucks can only communicate in meme responses instead of actual arguments but you've even gotten your fucking wires crossed there.

And a fucking Star Trek image of all fucking things. Holy fuck, you must be Sam Hyde yourself because you're a goddamn post-ironic genius and (totally) not a complete moron.

Ive been enjoying their recent youtube content so much anyway I wasn't even that sad about the cancellation. Itd still be cool if it comes back though. Id say in another season they could really hone in on their craft and ~possibly~ go somewhat mainstream one day

lol kek confirms it

t. triggered memelet

>if you get good ratings, you lose

you must be canadian or something

I'm glad things are moving now. MDE shouldn't have been cancelled with all the alt-right traction that we got from this year. Hell we even got Trump elected I'm pretty sure we can get Sam back on tv in no time

Oh yeah, real fucking comedy "genius"

The show got cancelled by the network. Trump got elected to the office of the President of the United States via our electoral college. What's the difference?

>MDE thread
>/r/ShitRedditSays shows up immediately and spreads their delicious asspain all over the thread

They're pretty triggered desu

>Hillary won Commiefornia by 4.5 million votes with untold cheating and illegal voting

>take away just Commiefonia and Trump won the other 49 states by over 2 million

>he didn't campaign there whatsoever because we have an electoral college so he concentrated on PA, OH, MI etc.

>this is exactly WHY we have an electoral college, to prevent large rogue states from dictating the nation

>it's like the losing team in the super bowl claiming they won because they gained more yards of offense

Thank you SJWs for giving us trump, the savior of the west, never change

If there is a season 2, would it take long to film? Only

I'm literally so fucking pissed off. Is it possible to get Trump to reinstate Sam? After all Sam is one of the biggest proponents of alt-right. I hope Milo helps us on this

Saw a post a couple of days ago comparing these retards to the twitter cunts who got booty blasted because Fallon had Trump on and it's incredibly accurate, they're treating mde getting canceled as some sort of liberal victory against the evil problematic sexist racist alt-righters and le poleeee

lmao, do you think sam's actually a liberal

>mazda miata
>loose butthole farts
>gay accent
i hope scott was okay

What does that have to do with anything? Am I disputing that Trump won the election? No. I'm a Trump supporter myself though probably for different reasons than you.

The fact is, the same way that Hillary lost, MDE lost. It was cancelled by the Network. It doesn't matter that the show had decent ratings for its timeslot compared with other adult swim shows. You don't fuck with the private sector's business decisions as long as they're legal.

It's not a very conservative thing that you're attempting to do here, meddling in Cartoon Network's private sector business here.

If a business in Arizona decides it is going to refuse service to homosexuals or say, muslims, do you believe that they should reverse course and start serving them because a bunch of SJWs whined on twitter?

That's what you're doing here, you whiny liberal cuck. He lost. It got cancelled. Take it like a man and stop acting like the people we make fun of here, you're fucking embarrassing us all.

>implying that wasn't the most kino skit on the show



You can stop shilling and trying to make the term 'alt right' seem uncool. It already is uncool. There a reason no one fucking uses it, except fags from /r/thedonald and TRS.

MDE themselves probably are probably laugh at them, and every other cringey larper that would identify with the """"alt right"""

Fuck off autistic shills.

That's MDE'a fan base.


They cancelled it because they didn't think (and rightly so) that BABBY SAMMY WANT MILK could sustain another series.

>He's not funny.
MDE isn't a person????

this, jesus christ you people are autistic

what do you want said instead, "nationalistic NRx"? it

> That's what you're doing here, you whiny liberal cuck. He lost. It got cancelled. Take it like a man and stop acting like the people we make fun of here, you're fucking embarrassing us all.

All I did was point out that your "muh popular vote argument" was flawed. I couldn't care less about Sam's show, he's entertaining but I have my own problems.


oui, je suis autiste

What popular vote argument are you fucking talking about? I said that Trump got elected via the electoral college because that's the system we have here in the US, dipshit. The popular vote is irrelevant, just like whining about it by the left was irrelevant and incidentally, just like your whining about MDE's cancellation is irrelevant.

>just like your whining about MDE's cancellation is irrelevant

It was whining that got it canceled in the first place dude. Have you forgotten what timeline we live in? This is the one where literally whining about shit on the internet will fool company execs into doing pretty much anything

You were passive aggressively implying that Trump's win was not a true win because he didn't win the popular vote

>tfw sam will never be worldly enough to actually hone his craft and become a great comedian
>instead he will complain on the internet

pretty sad.

no bullying below this line

Wrong. I was aggressively implying that Trump got elected via the same means that MDE got cancelled: the only way that matters. I haven't even followed the so-called popular vote controversy because it's irrelevant, just like your personal opinion about MDE getting cancelled should be irrelevant to the head of adult swim.

But yeah, keep telling me what I mean. Fuck, I might be a faggot like you without even realizing it since I'm obviously so oblivious to my own opinions.

Season 2 will still be shit though, how do we fix that part

Season 1 was shit too

Reminder that janitors are numale beta cucks actively shilling against MDE

WHy did I laugh at the first video? Am I retarded? Or is Sam a Genius?

>>Hillary won Commiefornia by 4.5 million votes with untold cheating and illegal voting
>with untold cheating and illegal voting


ive seen tons of reddit-tier anti-mde threads get deleted; what are you blabbing on about

Project Veritas


Direct Evidence

Direct evidence of wide scale and systemic cheating and voterfraud on November 8th? Bullshit.

If a city will shield illegal aliens from the federal government because its "right", why wouldn't they also let them vote?

The law means nothing to them.

Not evidence.

How much more direct of evidence can you get than the people in charge of the organizations who coordinate the efforts with the DNC and HRC campaign admitting to it, explaining why its wrong, then telling how they get around it?

Because it isn't actually proof of voter fraud/illegal voting on November 8th. Point out verifiable and demonstrated acts, not circumstantial evidence that is evidence of intent only. If it is was widespread as the person I originally responded to was implying, it shouldn't be hard to prove this.

stop baiting this hard
there is always an MDE thread up
go try to make a bane-thread and see how long it stays up

>it shouldn't be hard to prove this.
Its an anonymous vote without ID collection, there is no way for a third party to verify any results.

If you follow Milo or Sam on Facebook, you'll see there are plenty of people that think that unironically

where can i send a complaint to adult swim?

i could probably write some lengthy invective

MDE cucks on suicide watch, desperately trying to start a twitter campaign.

Your shitty show got canceled, deal with it crybabies.

awww does wittle babby need mummy to kiss his boo boo goodnight?? stupid KEKS you lost get over it

he's been doing free standup in some guys house for the past few weekends in boston saying he plans to do a tour.

they made more money from selling their book than they did from working at adult swim. i think they'll be fine, and get better over the next year.

LMAO just like take a state away senpai
Just don't count the votes because they hurt my little version of reality
Just like DON'T you know?
You know, just DON'T?

It's not happening, get over it alt-douchebags

>not muscular enough to be a bear
>too fat to be muscular attractive
>ugly face
>awful style

(((Tom Heidegger))) on suicide watch

Threatening people on Twitter isn't going to get your shitty show back

>He doesnt the pic
Tipical mde fan

>finding any of this garbage funny

Fuck off you sjw retard


you desperately want that to be true for somereason

I'm a real go getter type of guy. I want to completely dominate you liberals in politics and in tv.


/r/ShitRedditSays don't know how to say cucks lmao