Im 23 and I've avoided anime like the plague my whole life because the "weebs" I met going through school were all cringe as fuck. Only anime I've ever watched in my whole life is Pokemon season 1. Are there any worth watching? If so where do I start? Don't redirect me to Sup Forums plz I don't want to go there.
Im 23 and I've avoided anime like the plague my whole life because the "weebs" I met going through school were all...
Cowboy Bebop
Yu Yu Hakusho
dragon ball z is all you need to watch Tbh
Akira is brilliant as a visual piece although many details fell through the cracks as a result of the transition from page to screen
Pokemon season 2.
No. Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums
99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.
Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't be.
Name three shows more patrician than Legend of Galactic Heroes, oh mighty anime conoisseur.
shut up sperg
Naw, reddit. He's spot on.
Anime Movies belong to Sup Forums
and we only have patrician taste.
ONE PUNCH MAN is a shit, but Papikra is AnimeKino
99.9999999% of anime is awful and should be avoided.
The core mainstream picks are:
Grave of the Fireflies
Ghost in the Shell
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Then if you're still interested, you can check out tv series (+movies) like 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' and 'Cowboy Bebop'.
M.D. Geist
Black Lion
Cyber City Oedo
Cowboy Bebop
Ninja Scroll
This is all you need to watch, everything else is weeb trash.
All anime is weebtrash. Just because you watched it when you were a "mature" 14 year old doesn't make it not weebtrash.
Who is this semen demon?
This. I marathoned the first episode last night, was awesome man.
Nah, Reddit. He's dead wrong. Gonna keep bumping this thread btw.
what have they done to you
The thing with anime is that a lot of them have really stupid tropes, moments or character archetypes that are prevalent throughout the medium and if you get into anime, you don't really have a choice but to simply get used to them, even the best series fall victim. The titty fanservice gets old after a while.
A British tart.
Please don't bully the nuweeb. This is all he has after leaving /r/anime and Sup Forums
most anime is shit, the acclaimed stuff is the only stuff worth watching
Cowboy Bebop + movie
Samurai Champloo
Neon Genesis Evangelion + movie
don't fall for memes like Death Note or Code Geass, retarded twist based shows might have been fun to watch along with Sup Forums but those days are over
My favs
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Full metal alchemist brotherhood
Death Note
Code Geass
Ghost in the Shell
Princess Mononokee
Code Geass
ive seen probably 50+ animes and i wouldnt recommend them. there are a few ones that arent total garbage but you're better off watching film or a live action series
>the garbage taste being posted itt
>this image is actually true and not some meme sit
This. Anime is painfully unwatchable for non-virgins.
Is Berserk very good? One of the more popular animes that I know pretty much nothing about
Don't force yourself into it.
I can't usually enjoy anime because the sound mixing is always shit, but there are some shows that are good enough to see past it.
Bebop and Kill La Kill are both great. Full Metal Alchemist is good, but depressing at times.
A 16yo bong off of instagram
>what is ris
>Gay porn spammed on Sup Forums
>. . .
>Pedo shit spammed on Sup Forums
>. . .
>Blacked threads spammed on Sup Forums
>. . .
>Somebody makes an anime thread
no it's already too late, anime is made for children 8 and under
Fuck off you mong
If you go the dragon ball/dbz route dragon ball is all great. Dbz is good till the end of the cell saga but honestly reaches its peak at the Frieza saga. Only watch dbgt if you loved the series that much.
I think so. Great OST, good plot with zero filler, decent animation. If you're looking for more anime I'd say don't miss it.
why does this upset Sup Forumsedditors so much? is it because they tried so hard to fit in but keep getting caught?
not to mention lack of character development and flanderization that happens in anything that runs past one season.
anime is shit, you cant get in to it if you actually have decent taste in film/tv alrdy
This guys got it
I've seen this post before...
Neon Genesis Evangelion
followed by EoE
This and also the fact that I'm not sitting down to watch 600-700 episodes of teenagers dicking around being ninjas or pirates or whatever is why I usually stick to shorter 1 season series. The only anime I've watched with more than 1 season has been Jojo.
>tried so hard to fit in
This board has no posting standards, this board has no taste standards. You're a one man army in the land of capeshit and Star Wars, which undoubtedly you watch too.
I'll keep bumping this thread since it upsets you so much.
Yes. If you watch the original run the first episode takes place in the future then flashes back to the past. I've only seen one of the three movies they released and the first one was pretty good. The only thing that sucks is the creator uses the anime to get people to read the manga where a lot of cool stuff does happen. He's been writing the manga since the 80s so there's A LOT.
It fucking used to have standards, and God damnit if I don't love telling redditors that they're stupid pieces of garage
Yet here you are every fucking day (based on the rest of your post) trying to "in"
Of course you'll bump it. its your thread and going to Sup Forums isn't an option because you don't have 'backup' from other rejects like you do here.
For any other actual Sup Forums posters itt: Why do these outsiders come here always if they hate it so much?
It is like if Game of Thrones and Final Fantasy Tactics had a baby.
Start with the original anime, then try the movies and the newer anime. Story is still good, but the new cgi style looks really bad especially during action scenes.
OP here. Thanks for all the (you)s guys. Ill try a few that came up a bunch in the thread and I'm gonna go into it blind.
so, watch the original version?
>don't fall for memes
>lists meme shows
top wewerino amigo
Overlord any good?
Yeah it's pretty good.
Sup Forums talking about anime is like Sup Forums talking about tv and film
Watch the anime, then read the manga from the beginning. [Spoiler]then writhe in despair as you wait through the hiatus[/spoiler]
>he says while listing weeb trash
You actually like this shithole? If you like old Sup Forums you should hate it more than anybody.
>Gordon Ramsay posting, MOM'S GONNA FREAK, JUST, Army Dog, IMAGINE BEING ARNOLD, pepe movie tropes, baneposting, to smart for X, how did Raimi get away with it, Neganposting, WATCH IT X, Robbie Rotten,
famous dogs that are probably dead, BLACKED, Hi daddy thanks for picking me up from school today, Shaneposting, dude weed lmao, was it autism?, Chloe / pablo, "is this kino?", "What did he mean by this?", "Who was in the wrong here?", "Was it autism?", "Villains who did literally nothing wrong", "This is objectively kino as fuck", "best kino of 2016", "Best [plot/setting/story element]kino?"
In all honesty it's not a bad bunch of suggestions if you're too scared to go full weeb
>no animekino like Bleach
Bleach was less about what Tite Kubo intended to start out with, and more about what happened in his life. By itself, Bleach is pretty bad until you read up about what happened in his life.
>The captains in soul society were Tite's contemporaries and equals
>Ichigo's meteoric rise to the top was Tite expressing himself
>Yamamoto represents Kubo's oppressive editor
>Ichigo represents Kubo
>at the beginning Ichigo is all cocky and arrogant
>at the end Ichigo has zero personality, and does stuff because others want him to
>Hueco Mundo's vast emptiness represents how Kubo felt, dealing with the asshole editors
>Yawach represents the CEO of Shueisha, who is seemingly godlike and omnipotent
>Shueisha runs the magazine Bleach was printed in
>Quincies represent the Shueisha suits
>Ichigo cutting him down is what Kubo wanted to do to the editor
Shit manga though. Shounenshit at its best, unreadable drivel by its cancelation
everything from Studio Ghibli
one of the better ones that is recently released is Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)
Stuff by Satoshi Kon which has been ripped off by so many Hollywood directors. Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers etc
How's terrea farmers.
Note how the increase of those threads also has come with the increase of these threads.
But its merely a coincidence right? it isn't you fucking retarded tourists
Sora no Woto user
I don't watch anime and I loved that one
Poorly animated and censored to hell, unless the BDs fixed it up.
>Cyber City Oedo
I'd also add Genocyber, Wicked City and Battle Angel
Note how the increase in you being upset about these threads also came with the increase of these threads... hmm, really makes you think.
yup, I think it covers the best part of the manga and the new movies they've released look like such shit that I've never watched them
Why not? You come here and talk poop about how shit this board is yet you know almost everything that gets posted and then turn around again and say it a shit board so who cares. My suspicions about you are 100% correct(an Sup Forums reject from Sup Forums or Sup Forums)
>this shit is still up especially with this image
just more proof that Sup Forums and people that don't block ads get free reign over this board. duly noted though, SANGE, REDWOOD, SWAGLORD :^)
what was old Sup Forums?
Summer Glau and Avatar?
are there anime good animes without those retarded "zoom in on a characters head as they make gasping noises and their mouth vibrates through 2 entire frames of animation for 10 seconds" scenes? i watched 1 entire ep of dragon ball z and krillins mouth vibrating took up a good 30% of the runtime
We was good boys, we was getting our board together, but then outsiders just came here for no reason at all and enslaved us! and everything bad you see anywhere is their fault!
We was kings of this board, we was beautiful great posters.
You're honest to god better off not watching any of it.
Instead of the memes we have now it was much cooler memes like Lost and green oval.
Why don't you ask Sup Forums, you fucking faggot? does this look like the anime board?
is this the hary potter of anime
Shin chan is good if you like comedy
>(an Sup Forums reject from Sup Forums or Sup Forums)
Haven't made 1 (one) post about anime in this thread, much like you. Unironically posting strawman MS paint comics, u truly are an oldfag!
U gay
I know its >2011 but that should give you an idea.
Then the right of picture related came in and took over(people itt) with the help of gingermod
fuck off nigger
I was the one who started this meme. I don't appreciate you appropriating it for your retarded pasta. Would you really rather be recognizable on Sup Forums as one of our most autistic posters than nothing at all? The Harry Potter poster isn't cool, he's a giant faggot. Do you really want to be him?
Sup Forums used to be the tripfag worship board, now it's the daily meme repost board.
I brought up some Sup Forums-core stuff last night in an Sup Forums thread and everyone was very civil and generally more knowledgeable than the average Sup Forums poster. Also funnily enough despite the barneyfag-like shitposters they attract Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums aren't THAT bad. Better than Sup Forums talking about Sup Forums related stuff at any rate. There are like 3 on topic threads in the catalog right now. Weird as it is these threads are arguably among the most on-topic ones Sup Forums gets. Sure beats the hell out of some tv-actor's instagram posts or a clickbait headline.
>Sup Forums reject
how does a board reject you? Most of Sup Forums is blatantly new and shit and that's just accepted as how it is.
Over the fucking line. Sup Forums has finally gone too far