Just saw this shit

just saw this shit


Who doubted Rogue One would be a great film?
Who among us does not belong?
Someone here does not belong, a stranger amongst the loyal.
I will weed you out.

Is it an empty meaningless shell of movie, designed as a cashgrab?

All info pertaining to Tarkin plz.

sadly it seemed like it, the first 30 minutes were horrible...I like the ending though

nothing...he has a few seconds of screen time...he's forgettable

Did you rebel?

id rebel on felicity jones's face if you catch my drift

I'm not watching that shit


i'm afraid i don't follow

Felicity's "I Rebel" line btw was removed from the movie

You could not get laid in a morgue kiddo

how does it feel to be an edgy 12 year old with an unhealthy obsession with your estranged father?

how many people does Vader kill


You are so cool, do you want to fuck my girlfriend and cum all over her face?

didn't count...some rebels in the ship before the movie ends

Projecting much.

thats not an answer senpai

Don't be mean

Does Vader have anything to do in this movie, or was he shoved in for profit?

he doesn't do much then just has this passive-agressive attitude to Krennic and then he kills some dudes

nobody wants to fuck your cum-stained body pillow user

Where do you think we are? Reddit?


Why is Vader in the bacta tank?

do white people get btfo

any other cameos apart from Bail Organa and Mon Mothma?

sneeve snokes is in it

So why don't the rebels ever try to disable Vader's suit? It's not like he could block electromagentic waves.

There are creepy CGI Tarkin and young Leia.

Also, one shot of R2 and C3PO. And I think some of the fighter squadron leaders and a few of the Rebel leaders were supposed to be the same guys from Episode IV. And Jimmy Smits.

Just saw it too

Holy shit, the title card is fucking crap. Felt like came out from a parody

Care to elaborate?

Just saw it, loved it, especially the ending

is Donnie Yen a force user? does he pull out a lightsaber and fight Vader to let the others escape?

something about evil white ppl and niggers


what does that have to do with political views, I ain't close from being left wing anyway

Next to Jar Jar, 3PO is the most irritating character in the franchise
So they decide to give it a cameo

How much did the audience clap, just the normal amount, or more?

no hes just a blind chingolian. vader cuts of his arms and legs and leaves him there

Force user, yes. Doesn't have a lightsaber, and doesn't fight Vader.

does he scream "I HATE CHOOOOOO" at Vader?

Tarkin's face used that CGI tech for Hank Pym and Tony Stark's face.

Wannabe force user. is lying because Vader never go near the protags of the movie.

>nervous Alt-Righter worried that a multicultural >cast and female lead triggers his sensitive nature

How does it end?

There's also the two thugs from the Episode 4's cantina scene.

>Doesn't have a lightsaber
shucks. seems like a missed opportunity.

Is it as bad as it looks like? Please say no

How was based Mads?

they try to hamfist continuity with Episode 4.

Everybody dies. Creepy CGI Princess Leia receives the Death Star plans.

hes revealed to be sneeve snokes

Considering it's set immediately before EP IV, they kinda need to

Are Star Wars fags btfo?


Uses the force, no lightsaber, doesn't fight vader, no one escapes

he purposely made the Death Star weakness as a joke.

Is this true? I have no interest in gay shit like Star Wars, but enjoy spoiling things for other people. Just want to make sure this is correct before I start posting it on random threads.

Is there an explanation why there's no U-Wings
and Various different StormTroopers in the OT?

but other Star Wars movies doesn't end just before the next.

about 8.

It is correct but this is a really pathetic thing to do lmao

yes it is

because they are run by women and minorities never think shit through

a white man had to sabotage the death with a basketball sized hole because he knew that only niggers could pull that shot. no one expected jedi boy to come along

Tarkin orders the Death Star to nuke the Rebels fighting on the planet, along with all the Imperial forces. New ships and stormtroopers, included.

They all die, the captain guy and the girl get blasted by the death star.

Shoved in for profit. And we all know why...

Darth Vader quips

you can't make this up. Thanks MCU.

When the Rebel fleet is shown, does Hera report in? I know the Ghost is shown as being in the Rebel fleet, but does she have a cameo voice line?

how do you even spoil this shit
basically nothing happens, everyone dies

Are they any annoying cameos?

How does he expect Sheev to sign off on that?

I thought it was an ok movie, but boy are they into rousing speeches in it. At one point we get 3 of them practically back to back (First to the rebel council, then outside the ship and then again once everybody boards the ship.
And Forest Whitaker has one of those movie deaths that I'm sure was supposed to make him look defiant till the very end but instead make him look like a complete dipshit with a death wish.

If it makes you feel any better my alt-right white supremacist fag in arms, they all die in the end, including the girl.

read the thread


Nope. Just a quick Ghost cameo.

her name is called out in the PA. Also the Phantom is shown

just the two alien dudes from the Mos Eisley cantina that abused Luke

That's good news.

At least these awful characters will never return.


Spoil me the ending, OP, do they all die? Do all the rebels die?

Awesome. Thank God.

The Rogue one squad dies. All of them. At the end, the Captain and the girl embrace as they get blasted by the Death Star. The rest die during the battle.

repost from another thread

Just saw it as well

Honestly 7.5/10 at best

>a lot of great visual direction, as expected from Edwards
>cinematography was fantastic
>more variety of set design, vehicles and worldbuilding
>great action, but the space battle was even more awesome
>k2so and the third act was the best part
>Vader's short screentime turned out to be really efective
>a lot of fan services, references and easter egg
>really like the whole concept


>it really took a while for the movie to become great
>the beginning was pretty jumpy with constant change of location and character introduction
>giacchino's score was pretty mediocre, nice cues but nothing really memorable
>not enough characterization for the rogue one team, they were pretty bland honestly
>felicity jones is a good lead, but her character in here was pretty bland and even worse by every cliche lines she threw even though she got most depth
>CGI Tarkin and Leia were creepy as fuck
>the rogue one title card was fucking crap, felt like came out straight from a parody

That sounds awesome!!!
Faith in Disney = restored.

The film was cut to ribbons. There are plenty of scenes in the trailers that aren't in the film at all. Or happen completely differently.

I'm gonna repost my fist into your face.

I agree with most of what you said, I actually loved it while expecting nothing out of it, so I'm very satisfied

So it was better than TFA?


get rekt fag

>a lot of fan services, references and easter egg

This is what takes me out of it. Every disney movie will just be DUDE REMEBER THAT FROM THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY???

Here's a summary:

The movie starts with the classic "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" then gets straight into the action. We see an Imperial Shuttle land on this rocky planet and Jyn as a child runs home, her father gets her to run off as he goes to confront Krennic who wants him to rejoin and help build the Death Star. His wife pops in and tries to shoot Krennic but is shot down. Her dad is taken and she runs off to hide where Saw then gets her.
Film then cuts to the title then back to the film. Jyn is now in a prison and we see Andor in a city where he's talking to this really nervous guy. He tells him how there's an Imperial defector (Rook) who speaks of a planet killing machine. A stormtrooper sees them talking then Andor quickly kills him and the informant guy. We then see Jyn being transported and suddenly rescued by rebels and K2SO. She is taken to Yavin IV where they tell her they know who her father is and want her to come with Andor to meet Saw who has Rook imprisoned.
They travel to Jedha where they wander around and meet Baze and Chirrut but they don't join yet. At the same time Saw's men attack a hovertank and they get caught up in the battle. Andor shoots one of Saw's men and runs. They eventually get cornered but are saved by Baze and Chirrut and soon after are captured by Saw's men.


What isn't?

Also OP did you spot the car easter egg in the background?

The scene is now in Saw's base where Jyn is shown a message from her dad, who ordered Rook to deliver, who explains he willingly went back to the Empire so he can put a fatal flaw in the Death Star. During this time Krennic tests the Death Star (not at full strength) to blow up Jedha. This causes panic and Baze, Chirrut, Rook and Andor escape with Jyn while Saw remains to die. Jyn tells Andor of the message and Andor says he knows where Jyn's dad is.
They arrive at this rocky rainy planet and crash land. Andor and Room go out to scout, Baze and Chirrut do their own thing and Jyn goes off on her own. Andor takes a sniper out and peers at this landing pad where we see Krennic and Jyn's dad, Galen talking. This whole time Andor has a clear shot but keeps resisting. Krennic asks the engineers to be all brought out because he knows someone is helping the rebels out and asks someone to step forward. Galen eventually steps forward to prevent everyone from dying. A Rebel fleet is sent to attack but Andor notices Jyn who managed to crawl to the landing area and tries to tell the Rebels back at the base to call it all off. It's too late since they're enroute and they start bombing the base. Jyn's father is killed and Krennic escapes. They all regroup and head back to Yavin IV.


I'm 99% sure the reshoots were the Rogue Ones dying after Disney read how Sup Forums anons thought that would be a good ending.

Back at the base, council leaders are arguing because some are ready for a war while others aren't. Jyn gives a speech but is shot down. As she leaves Andor says he has men who are down to volunteer and fight. They all leave Yavin on an Imperial Shuttle.
The plans are on Scariff in a tall citadel. The entire planet is encased in a shield. They land and Jyn, Andor and K2SO get disguises to run in an take the plans while Baze and Chirrut lead rebel forces. Rook stays behind in the ship. The rebels plant various bombs and detonate them while Jyn and the gang make there way to where all the files are kept. K2SO dies protecting Jyn and Andor who manage to grab the files. Their plan is now to head to the top to broadcast the files.
Back on Yavin, they intercept messages from Scariff talkingn about revel forces attacking. A fleet is then mobilized to help them. Andor is shot by Krennic but Jyn escapes to the top and begins to try and transfer files over. Rook then tasks them with flipping a master switch to aid in transferring files. Chirrut dies as he does this and Baze goes out in a blaze of glory killing the Death Troopers attacking them. Rook is also blown up.
Up in space, a Star Destroyer's engines die and they send out a Hammerhead ship to ram it, destroying one more SD and the shield encasing the planet. Krennic catches up to Jyn and starts a speech but is shot by Andor. They send the files successfully but up in space Tarkin orders the planet to be blown up. The Death Star fires and we see Jyn and Andor on the beach embracing as a shockwave takes them out.
With the files on the ship, we see rebel soldiers with a floppy disk thingo and they're running off to hand it over. The door closes and the lights go out as Vader goes on a killing spree. The rebel manages to hand it over and we see the Tantive IV break free and go into hyperspace. The final scene is Princess Leia getting the files and we cut to the credits.


K2 was better than expected. Surprised at how much screen time Tarkin got. Other than that I pretty much predicted the entire movie.

hello Plebbit

There are cameos from 3PO, R2 and the two dudes from the Cantina. Dr. Something and Ponda Ass Face. There is also a mention from Bail of a jedi friend who is in exile. I may have missed a few details, feel free to ask questions.
Also man, K2SO was great, he was really sarcastic and blunt.


Jokes on you I was merely pretending to be a reddittor.