Say something nice about Mormons.
Say something nice about Mormons
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They're not muslim
They're super nice. Nice double double digits dudes.
I'm pretty sure they're just biding their time, ready and waiting for American balkanization.
They have an efficient brainwashing system
Super nice people, have alot of white kids and are mostly none degenerate. Also Utah
I live in Utah and the church tells everyone to save food not money. If shit hit the fan, a state of Deseret would be declared and I wouldn't feel safe anywhere else.
I feel exactly the same, except I'm a bit worried about their water supply. Do you know how they plan on dealing with that?
I grew up in St. George and I'm thinking of moving back.
The keepers of the Mormon faith are some of the kindest, most noble people in America. Their morals are enviable, as is their faith, commitment to family, and general demeanor towards life. With that said, everything they believe is batshit insane and I'm not sure how to reconcile these two facts.
They have lots of white babies and are prepared for the apocalypse. My only real complaint is their support of mass immigration.
If it gets so bad, they would desalinate the Salt Lake. Utah isn't cucked like California and wouldn't vote a desalination plant down.
They're like non-shitposting Canadians
Good people and usually great at being human beings that others.
What exactly is wrong with Mormons? Their beliefs are really fucking stupid, but that's it. They don't hurt anyone. They oppress the fuck out of themselves, but not others.
I like Mormons, they're good people. They prove that you can be a good person regardless of what it is you believe in.
We are actually really nice people. We're as strict as the Catholics without being hateful.
I was born and raised a Mormon, here to answer questions to the best of my ability.
I knew a Mormon girl with a big, fat, sweet ass once. She liked to wear skirts.
Same basic model for their religion though, without all the killing and whatnot.
This colored individual is correct
Also, we banned niggers and interracial marriages at one point within the church
>everything they believe is batshit insane and I'm not sure how to reconcile these two facts
It's true, but it doesn't matter because their beliefs don't infringe on anyone else's. They think the Native Americans were actually Jews and that drinking coffee will send you to hell. That's a bit over the top but it doesn't hurt anyone.
I wonder if its the same one I knew. She rode a motorcycle which perhaps accounted for said ass.
Was it this one?
I'd rather live next to a Mormon than most other Protestant denominations. And I say this as someone who attends a Baptist church.
They're still totally wrong though.
We're ready for the habbening.
We have a relatively homogeneous society in one of the most beautiful areas in the United states.
very well could be. never saw her naked. hair color is a match though. since you couldn't even bother to rename the file I will cease further inquiries at this point.
They are generally trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.
Looks like my girlfriend.
who else /eagle scout/ here
They're situational allies against liberals
No we don't. Coffee contains caffeine and caffeine is a stimulant. Putting harmful things into your body is considered disrespectful to God, because according to our faith, we're here entirely based upon God's gift of life and free agency. We don't even believe in a hell. It's more like a Constantine situation where Lucifer and his followers exist here on earth, and all they can do is try to influence us to keep us from returning to God
Its less shitty than scientology.
Yeah, we meant to tell you. Sorry.
I thought buddha would be more based, but now hes just a hippiecuck.
They are always very helpful and polite. They also didn't blow up the South Park Broadway show, instead the sat outside and said nice things to people.
Imagine a Broadway show about life of Muhammad? You'd get a heaping dose of "diversity" on the first day.
Pretty much this.
That's the idea, yes.
They are making more white babies then the rest of us.
Ah sorry man, I'm just speaking from vague things I heard. So is it allowed and just not smiled upon or is it the sort of thing that could get you kicked out of the church?
I'm a Mormon and I am going with my Atheist boyfriend to go see The Book of Mormon at one point. I also enjoy the South Park episode which mocks Mormonism. We're encouraged to love others, even if their lifestyles differ from ours
They are really good at basketball.
Oh look, the weekly Mormon shill thread. Fuck off faggots.
>muh preeesthood
>muh temple and Masonic handshakes to get into heaven
>muh families can be together forever
Your religion is bluepilled as fuck.
I feel like Trey and Matt have a sweet spot for Mormons. They mocked the religion, because its South park, but at the end of the episode, Stan was a dick to a really nice kid for no reason.
You won't get kicked out of the church for messing up. Personally I don't believe in the laws of good health to be what God wanted from us, because Joseph's wife is the one who made them up. My church knows I've drank alcohol and smoked tobacco. One of the elders was addicted to painkillers and still struggles with going back to it. We have to represent the church when we live our lives, though. Sex is typically the only thing that will get you banned.
I saw a documentary on some mormon branch where people lived amongst themselves in their own villages and all had several wives.
Thought it was pretty cool, especially the closed, all white community thing. I might dig that.
My dad was a Mormon but he gave up the Priesthood because he was addicted to coffee. Him and my mom said that was one of the reasons they didn't go to church, like it was a huge deal breaker or something.
I am LDS and I rather enjoy my cheap tution from BYU and now I make 100 k and have a nice house and we have a 10 month supply of MRE's in the basement, a few hundred gallons of potable water in our basement and most of all my gunsafe is full of loaded pmags and I am a veteran and ready for the balkanization of the US and will gladly welcome it and we will be great allies Sup Forums.
God bless America and Trump2016
It's okay, user, we love you all the same
It's so cute to me that you're like, European so you think of words like villages. We call them communes. Those people are technically sort of like a different religion because they're F(undamental)LDS instead of just LDS.
Polygamy is now banned and practicing it could result in excommunication
they are like our taliban, they are cooks they hate us and think were evil....ayyyy FLDS
we love you user. I hope your day is great
>Love everyone, even ur enemies [^=
Mormons believe in a fake religion created by a reportedly unstable con man to fulfill his own ego and possibly his schizophrenic tendencies. My ancestors told the Mormons that if they dared to cross the river from Wyoming into Nebraska they would be pushed from this world into the next, obviously they left Nebraska and never returned. That's called standing up for yourself gentlemen when weirdo's and dumbasses try to deceive you, your family and your community into joining with their idiocy.
The ShayTards used to be entertaining to watch.
Work ethic. They don't dick around.
My boyfriend is an Atheist. He has gotten me into drinking, sex, and tobacco. I haven't been baptized into the church, and I am really torn between my faith and the person I care about most in this world outside of my family. He does not want anything to do with my church, and I don't blame him.
My church was literally talking about accepting refugees two weeks ago. I walked up and left church. Fuck that.
Well, that's the point. Other Planets and golden whatever, but they are super nice. So who really cares?
They're pretty based considering that the only real religious force still pushing real family values and gender roles.
love your enemies but kill them if you have to is a common expression with LDS veterans....You sir are the cucked one
lol sure....I guess you dont realize that the LDS church can defend its self
You female?
Mormons are not nice in big groups, when in small numbers they act nice to fit in. Mormons threatened to burn down Salt Lake city folks, they are fucking crazy and no one should take them seriously..
I realized when the apostles were saying that they meant Christian refugees and not Muslim...kek
Yes, although gays can apparently achieve priesthood in my church
I almost got baptized once when I was thirteen, but I decided not to because it felt wrong in my heart. If you don't feel 100% that it's the right choice, just wait. But also, I can understand if you feel like this guy is for sure your soul mate, but if he isn't into the same religion as you you might want to reconsider. This is the guy that's going to lead your family someday. Do you want this man to be your protection and guidance if shit ever hits the fan? But I do believe in soul mates, so if he's the one, that is all that matters. Just try to listen to your heart.
The LDS don't have Soux and Cheyenne as allies, that's an army of 50k vs. 500 Mormons, Mormons did the math and never returned to bother my people. So much for their god and faggoty golden tablets, but Mormons are such fucking retards they actually think Utah is "Zion", Utah was the only piece of shitty land their founders could hold onto. Even the Mormons in Mexico got pushed out of it by the Indian natives, fucking pathetic, weak, faggots.
Also, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is incredible
Oh yeah, this has been my biggest beef with Utah and Mormons lately- they're so bluepilled! They're one of the few states basically going spread eagle for the refugees. It sucks! And my stupid Mormon aunt has been posting so much anti Islamophobia crap since Orlando.
>Say something nice about Mormons.
They look good
your ass sounds chapped sir...its ok we still love you
> t. has never gone to a chili cook off at the church Wednesday evening or a Stake basketball game
It's their city. I don't really care. I hear that they are abusive to some members. But they are nice to me and don't blow anything up, unless militias. So, idc.
And don't think for a moment my people will ever fucking forget what Brigham young did to us, we will NEVER convert to your evil religion.
You should not give up your church. A clean life in a community of decent successful people is objectively better than drinking, fucking, and smoking yourself into middle age where you will find that all your good time friends abandon you when you are in need. Better to pull your man back from the brink of nihilistic life wasting with good values and pretty wholesome goodness.
Just my take. Enjoy your life.
They sell storable food on the cheap
>muh 15 million members
>less than 1/3 are active
>missionary program is in decline
>no growth in developed countries, and resorting to baptizing hordes of stupid third worlders in order to keep the numbers up
no one cares, go get killed by temple guards
Acts as though a fucking "chili cook off" is reason enough to believe hook, line and sinker in a false religion with a baseless ideology made up by a man arrested for fraud. How can you be this dumb?
Furthermore, you act as though we don't have our own community events. The caviat is that we don't have an evil group of religious zealots leading our group and you do.
their Star Spangled Banner (verse 1 and 4) is GOAT
I was in Tucker Georgia and drove by the Bishops storehouse(?) and they had a random brown building with razorwire and a few humvees in the fenced in area...Why would they need those?
Nigger, can you follow directions? The directive was to say nice things about Mormons, I can say mean things But that wasn't what OP asked for. Kys.
Dude, you're missing my point entirely. I'm just saying that your claim that Mormons in larger groups aren't nice is bullshit. I'm not even Mormon myself.
They're hypernluberal and adopt niglets. They allow abuses against women and children. They're anti trump. They out mormon ism above the country. They're consistently changing their book. They're pushing mass immigration from Mexico as "they're retaking the land mormon ism promises them" they're judgemental and put rules above Christ's passion. They'll kick you out rather than help you.
T ex mormon
What upsets me is how Mormons pretend to be nice when, if you look at how the religion was founded and the history of their religious leaders, the entire religion is a cult plain and simple. There is literally nothing good to say about Mormonism unless you're indoctrinated into it (because you lack critical thinking skills or mental courage to challenge what your parents tell you is "truth") or you're ignorant. There is nothing else to say really, you're either ignorant or indoctrinated. My people are neither thus if "speaking the truth" equates with "having ass chapped" nice ad hominem faggot.
They underwear is cool.
they took "book or mormon" pretty well
most groups cant handle parodies
Oh and
> evil group of religious zealots leading our group
LOL, Mormons are like the most blue pilled religion ever. They hardly take a stand against anything- even things like abortion and LGBT people they teach you to be tolerant and nice. They're super pro-refugee as well. And the women are really progressive, I think I heard that they're going to start letting women hold the priesthood? But okay...
This. I'm ex mormon and people get psychologically forced into thinking were nice as a tactic to help convert and keep people from investigating us against abuses.
you wrong jew, they are for legal integration and alot a proTrump and the book has never been changed they just added footnotes and I dont think you are Ex LDS...nice try
Yup. A bunch of my friends I'm my stake just went to help refugees move into europe.
I don't give a shit about your "directions", faggoty OP has absolutely no authority over me and neither do you so fuck off with your nonsense shit head. You faggots want to go have a Mormon circle jerk talking yourselves up, go ahead, but please do it somewhere off of Sup Forums because this IS a political forum and Mormonism is a baseless religious ideology NOT politics.
What world are you from? Are you fucking high?
They dress well.
You're an autistic if you're not paying attention. This is why I left that cult. They see what they want to see.
are you going to go kill yourself now?
I can't believe nobody's posted this yet.
they provide a framework for a working nuclear family and are mostly courteous and reasonable people. i don't want to be one, but i can definitely respect them.
I want to fuck and marry cute Mormon woman, so many Mormon girls are pure wife tier.
Caffeine and their batshit insane beliefs though...
I don't know man.
not an argument
Really nice, responsible, make great neighbors, conservative.
> Mormons are one person
You are such a God Damned retard.