How many have you seen?
13 here
300 movies directed by women
>The Matrix
The Matrix, Citizenfour, Selma, American Psycho, Zero Dark Thirty, Point Break, Monster, Frozen, Boys Dont Cry, Big, Wayne's World
bravo women!
But basically just because of Sofia Coppola and Leni Riefenstahl. Where is American Psycho though?
>The Matrix
>by women
I got 5.
>films from Nazi Germany.
Women confirmed for being on the wrong side of history.
Drumpf BTFO like Kawazaki in Vietnam
>The Matrix
16, not counting The Matrix.
>the matrix
> hurt locker
> american psycho
> zero dark thirty
Bravo womyn
6, and out of those 6 i liked all of them. bravo women, i guess. also waynes world? i thought women arent funny
The Matrix (doesn't count), Lost in Translation, Innocence (MUH DICK), American Psycho, Point Break, Microcosmos (doesn't count), Big, Wayne's World
>not having the full titles behind the images or something
>people should just remember every movie by the posters, even the asian ones where all are the same
Shit site.
You can change the view to a list.
Strange Days
Wtf does everybody have a Letterboxd? I've seen 26
I saw 10. One of them i didn't like it, "Antonia", what a horrible movie, could not finish it.
That movie is utter shit. It makes sense that a woman directed it. It also explains the strong empowered woman of color theme.
17 without making an effort. A lot of these are just movies about men though
>The Matrix
American Psycho, that's it.
the matrix (ha "female directors")
lost in translation
american pyscho
zero dark thirty
hurt locker
point break
near dark
enough said
waynes world
i got selma and belle on blu-ray from work so will watch them at somepoint
of everything fucking else the only ones i might watch are
the babadook
fast times at ridgemont high
monster (do want to see this)
little miss sunshine
quickly looking at the cover of the rest i wouldnt watch them
dont care if the director is female or whatever, wouldnt know if the director is female or whatever
the cover just doesnt appeal to me
if i turned the tv on and one of those films was playing.... thats a different matter
i might watch it, i might go meh and change channel
my usual actions for whether to watch films or not is
-whats it about?
-whos in it?
-do i have anything else to do?
-ok, ill watch a bit and if its ok, ill go with it otherwise change the channel
i dont go "whos the director? its a female! well i better watch it or else im sexist"
i dunno.
fuck, what was even the point of this thread?
Like 70%.
AChantal Denis and Reichardt are my favorites.
top lmfao i only got 2
american psycho and big
shit taste
reconsider browsing this boa... w8 nevermind
the matrix
american psycho
little miss sunshine
we need to talk about kevin
morvern callar
me and you and everyone we know
wayne's world
jesus camp
feeling suitably ashamed t b h
>>who's in it?
>watching flicks based on actors
that's why scarjew is doing ghost in the shell
>not caring who the director is and how their background affects the final product
>>do i have anything else to do?
>watching films not always being first choice
why can't we be a serious board like /lit/?
>Matrix (7/10)
>Lost In Translation (9/10)
>American Psyco (7/10)
>The Babadook (6.5/10)
>Beautiful Thing (7.5/10)
I've seen parts of
>Little Miss Sunshine
>We Need To Talk About Kevin
>A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night
They were the Wachowski Brothers back then. Pre-transition. Pre "The Wachowski" and pre the more modern "Wachowski Sisters"
It was saving face
This. What is this shit? You wanna get rid of your dick, that's fine. None of my business. But don't tell me The Matrix was directed by a woman because it wasn't. You're free to feel whatever you want but you're not free to re-write fucking history.
>The Wachowski Brothers
>Good Movies
>The Wachowski Siblings
>Bad Movies
>The Wachowski Sisters
>Triumph of the Will was directed by a woman
TOTW is good but Olympia is better
Maya Deren's been listed twice, I'm assuming one is for At Land and the other is for Meshes of the Afternoon
Also a few are co-directed with men
You've never heard of Leni Riefenstahl, you moisture farmer?
I think I've seen 2 films on this list. But there were already ~10 of them in my backlog and going through this list has made me add ~10 that look interesting but I've not heard of before.
based Riefenstahl
The Matrix (Doesn't count)
American Psycho
Point Break
Wayne's World
I'm more familiar with Italian fascist cinema than German
I've only seen 6.
The Matrix (lel)
American Psycho
Little Miss Sunshine
The Second Mother
American Psycho is great and Persepolis is one of my personal favorite animated movies. I don't really care about the others.
I wish we had more movies like Persepolis that are told from a female perspective and touch on politics without excessive pandering and unnecessary messages.
Wait, Bound was also done by Wachovski. Did they put their full filmography into that list?