SHAME on you Sup Forums

You filthy racist biggots only care about first world terrorism and when it comes to laughing of the LGBT lost lives!

What about Africa, huh? HUH?
Its your obligation to accept refugees. You caused it, you fucking white male!

Can you live with it Sup Forums?
Can you answer this man's question with all honesty?

Other urls found in this thread:


Any footage of this? Shits horrible.

Bump for answers.

lol africans die all the time, no-one cares.

It would be easier to throw a parade for every day people in africe don't kill each other.

Yes, the blood of Africans is worth less than the blood of Europeans/Americans

>are africans not on facebook?


I don't see any basketball American bitching about it, why should I?

When see shit in a toilet you don't freak out. But when you see shit on the counter you are actually concerned

When something has gotten so usual that it's no longer "sensational" people stop caring. This is literally daily life

Was it one of those radical racists christians, coming from the first world and killing everybody, who isn't believing in their religion?

there was one on liveleak when it happened.
don't know if it got removed

I sort of want to make a joke, but this is so sad and horrifying, I just can't. It's even sadder that I haven't heard any news stories about this. Sigh.

>You filthy racist biggots only care about first world terrorism
I live in the US and I don't care about the attacks that happen here. After 9/11 I'm not afraid to use air travel. After bombings I'm not afraid to go about my normal daily business. After shootings I don't get the urge to strip everyone of their 2nd Amendment right. People are dead and there's no way to bring them back but making extreme changes based solely on emotion isn't how you'll defeat 'terrorism'

1000 africans are not worth a westerns fingernail

What answers? Whenever people like you behave this way, you're not looking for any answers, the questions are usually rhetorical.

>What about Africa
They did this shit to themselves. We could intervene to help them and teach them better, but then we'd just get called racists, and those who try to do it anyway will likely end up murdered. A lot of Africa is a lost cause.

>Can you live with it Sup Forums?
Yes. It really sucks that it happened, especially a fucking school, but at the end of the day it does not affect any of us, life goes on. Some people have to work for a living, you know (not that you would know what "work" is)

>Can you answer this man's question with all honesty?
I feel for him, and it does suck that no one gave a shit when they should have, but that's not a Sup Forums problem - it's a liberal media problem. Western LGBT groups heavily outweigh anything else in priority.

Looks fake, everyone is on their back in 2nd picture. They have done these kind of acts before.
Even they got access to cheap special effects.

>caring about niggers

If you wake up in the morning and see poop in the toilet, that's nothing to be surprised about.

If you wake up in the morning and see poop on the kitchen table then you know there's a problem.

Nice. Less potential migrants. If i had EBOLA i would start working at the refugee center right away.

One, two, Trumps comin’ for you.
Three, four, We are ready for war.
Five, six, F*ck politics
Seven, eight, Youve sealed your fate
Nine, ten, America will be great again.

Aren't you edgy

the world doesnt care aboot negroes eh

next time I want a proof the africans genuinely care when there is a mass shooting in the west.
I think they don't. Is our blood worth less than theirs ?

Facebook isn't a global company it's in the United States. We don't get news about African countries on the regular than we do with the states.

Who the fuck cares about niggers, they're breeding too fast anyway.

Who let reddit in

>Obligation to accept refugees.
We need drastically less intervention not more.

Few negroes less to migrate. Good.

this happened a year ago, I remember laughing at it, because niggers

back to the coconut tree...

Pretty sure Kenya and other african shitholes don't allow their citizens to own guns in any circumstances. And yet they still have huge massacres every single day, including with machetes when people are too poor to afford smuggled AK's

It just doesn't fit the western left's narrative.

Typical day in Africa


This desu

hahahah fucking niggers
jealous as fuck i didn't get to do this

>What about Africa, huh? HUH?
Westerners care more about the lives of their fellow westerners than they about the lives of people in distant nations. It's funny, because only in the west would anyone see a problem with that line of thinking; of course you look out for your own. It's only natural.

Don't feel bad Brazil. If 167 of your people got gunned down we wouldn't care about that either.

>nigger on nigger violence is news
you might as well as put out a breaking news when ever a nigger takes a dump.
as far as I can tell, these ded niggers could be killing themselves to get out of work like they always do anything to be the biggest lead weight to the world

Wow, that's really fucking awful.

Just Niggers, nothing to see here guys.

"If you find shit on the toilet, you won't be suprised, but if you find some on your kitchen, then you must ask yourself some questions."
-Japanese philosopher

>Africans massacring each other

In other news, water is wet.


African solutions to african problems.

As a white male I take great care to not pass judgement on other cultures.
Who am I to say whats right or wrong in Kenya.

There is something inherently racist about caring about black peoples lifes from the safety of your own first world home, best to avoid it.

>Don't feel bad Brazil. If 167 of your people got gunned down we wouldn't care about that either.
same goes for you,leafy.

>are our bloods worth less than europeans?
yeah, africans are hardly people. arguably not.

this is a slide thread, these are images from an attack on a kenyan university a few months ago.

>You filthy racist biggots only care about first world terrorism

You got me.

Fuck even I wouldnt care if we lost a couple hundred liberal voters

You're the same tier as them Finn

people who don't use int or pol don't even know you exist

Tits or GTFO


I don't care if niggers get wiped out, no.

>Trini scum
Reminder that you will never be as great as Jamaica

its good we are going to take over the world hail mongolia and pew pew pew 'merica

>Are our blood worth less than that of The Europeans...???:(

Ironically I only see these kind of posts whenever there's an attack in the west.

>What about Africa,
dont give a SHIT about africa


>Africa and the Middle East have been in a constant state of conflict since the dawn of man
>We're somehow supposed to give a single shit about the newest in a constant stream of nigging

really makes you think...

Its just nature running its course, human interference would mess with the natural order.

The narrative is this: rich college graduates with connections to international corporations are correct. Their opinions, which are correct, are:

The class just beneath us is terrible. Poor white people are terrible. Small white employers are terrible. The class just beneath them we never interact with except to give them middle class money and ask for their votes.

Poor white people are Christian, so Christianity is terrible. Religions that aren't Christian are therefore good.

Poor white people have a tradition of keeping firearms, therefore guns are terrible.

Their frictions with the class beneath them, poor black and brown people, are reprehensible. How dare these underlings look down on anyone?

Poor white people are homophobic, therefore homophobia is terrible. The majority of gays are necessarily white and poor, therefore non-Christian brown people are less terrible than they are, therefore rappers and muslims get a free fagbashing pass along with their foodstamps and military equipment.

>What about Africa, huh? HUH?
what about it? niggers still inhabit it which is it's main problem
>Its your obligation to accept refugees. You caused it, you fucking white male!
blushed too hard for being called a white male that three wallets almost fell out of my pockets
no it's not, fuck em'
>Can you live with it Sup Forums?
>Can you answer this man's question with all honesty?


Shil thread

No it's not the obligation. It's funny to see you cry white male every time nature btfo motherfuckers.
We're here for survival and replication. How does taking in africans with IQ's less than the children western countries produce.
They have an overwrite gene code, and taking them in is dangerous. It goes against both survival and replication.
It's funny how it's the white mans responsibilty to take care of other human beings like they're retarded children.
Actually it's fucking hilarious. The counter culture to arise after this progressive period of fascism will be the largest slaughter ever witnessed by man kind.
You'd think people would be concerned about independence and not relying on the white man when that time comes.

...Republicans traditionally represent military-industrial corporations and foreign resource corporations. They have the angry, steak-eating, team-sports watching demographic on lock, so it's easy for them to advocate adventurism, which they and their allied corporations use to pocket taxpayer money.

The Democrats traditionally represent transnational corporations, and they rely more on pork barrel environmental and social projects to pocket taxpayer money. They advocate internationalism so that their corporations can benefit from foreign slave labor and imported illegal labor. They have a devil's bargain with the black "working" class.

So really elections cycles are more about rival factions of the upper class and their useful idiots below. Ideology is just the color of their chess pieces, completely irrelevant.

Trump represents the middle class. He wants to shut down both adventurism and globalist trade. Some say he's a traitor to his class, but I don't think he ever felt at home in it. He's more of a cowboy than George Bush ever was.

Westerners also care more about Africans than Africans care about Africans.

You see dog shit in your back yard or on the side walk you don't react. You see dog shit on your living room carpet, you would have every right to be furious.

Why should western world care about niggers?

>"our blood"
>Not even black

That's because it happens every day in Africa and it's their own governments fault for not cracking down on it. We look at another continent that has been shit since a hundred years ago, stays that way, and is seemingly incapable of bringing itself above constant guerilla warfare and tribal infighting and coups, so we don't feel the same personal sense of loss as we do in countries that we live in where people we actually know got murdered by religious zealots we could've done something about.
If I cried about every unjust death in the world that I have no connection to, I'd be a shriveled raisin by now. In fairness, I don't expect other nations to mourn the victims of Sunday's shootings either, unless it's France or Germany or any other nation currently being infested with muzzles who have recently experienced the inevitable downside of playing nice with them.


Honestly I didnt know about this but it is way worse than happened in Orlando here.

It's not that we are racist, though many on Sup Forums are.
But besides Sup Forums, the rest of the people out who lose their minds over a mass shooting or terrorist attack, in a first world country and yet they don't give a half fuck if that happens somewhere in Africa or Middle East, it's not because they're racist.
It's because they're apathetic westerners who care nothing for the plights of others, only their own.
I would dare say that they don't care about violence in their own country, against their own people, they just pretend to. They go on social media, condemn the attacks, say things must change and then go on, amusing themselves with the narcotic western way of life as if nothing happened.

Same here with me too, I will admit. I am as apathetic to American or European lives lost, as I am to African or Asian ones.
I'll get mad a little if Greek lives and I'll bitch about it a lot but I'll get over it, pretty quickly. Because I'm a westerner and there's too many distractions around. I can't miss the next episode of my favorite tv series over this now, can I?

>are our blood worth less than the Europeans
FACT: african blood is worth 100x more than the europeans due to high content of MELANIN.

>this entire thread
So it's true. White people are fucking inherently evil.

Where are the Kings and Queens when we need them?

FACT: africans today can directly trace their lineage back to the nephilim, making them God's holy people.

I can live with it. Fuck Africa.

Blame the media. Seeing as Kenya has a big terror problem this was almost certainly caused by radical islam.



Kenya is dealing with the same religious violence as the west. Infact upper class kenyans are very westernized. Id take them over the thugs in the US ghettos.

True. And 1000000 European albino lives aren't worth 1 square centimeter of a Hindu's shit on a designated street.

Murder and genocide is very common in Africa.

It making the news would be the equivalent of reporting every single time someone died during WW2.

Shit in the toilet =/= shit on the kitchen counter

We're nationalists here, huemonkey.

Let the Africans care about Africa.

we don't want to play anymore. go home.

The Superman shirt is in the wash. Sorry.

But we can't save the world.

But maybe we can do some little things that build up by many small things into something larger and that can save some people while bot being able to save others in the world. That is why brit/pol/ should consider Brexit to save their country even if they cannot save their other dead people overseas or gay bars abroad.

The answer is yes.
European blood is worth so much more to the point that there is more value in shedding african blood than simply not doing anything.

God damn niggers

i stopped caring about Africa the moment i was born.
>hurrrrr stop caring about this thing that happened in your country and care about this thing that happened in 6th world shithole

That shit happens every day in Africa. That's why no one cares

> answer this man's question with all honesty

I can but why bother

A life is only worth as much as it can contribute to society.
Also noone wants to hear about dead niggers.

normal day in shit country

Said hindu and licked his white master's ass.

Who cares they're niggers.

Who cares about dead niggers? Not me.