Whats the most beautiful city in Latin America?

Whats the most beautiful city in Latin America?

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None of them. They all have slums.

>14 lanes total
jesus christ


Granada, in Nicaragua

We including US cities?

I vote Seattle

> yuropoors have no space to build their roads

Are those finished red bricks?

please don't summon the bricks autist

Bariloche possibly based on my limited knowledge about Latin America.

adolf pls

This one


is that morocco?

>Unfinished bricks

Come on Medellin autist come and chimp out at me

Nope, Its san miguel de allende

What are you talking about, plain brick buildings can be God-tier if done well

Golly, what a shithole.


1. these are finished bricks
2. red bricks are great

t. ChicANO


Guanajuato if you want a small city where you can't use the car
Guadalajara if you want to live in a big city

Yeah that's actually beautiful, but those are red bricks

t. adolf

Lima looks pretty nice.


arSHITina is an amerindian shithole filled with subsaharan africa tier slums full of brown natives

Nothing beautiful here

What a shitty thread

Buneos Aires is the only not meme answer

Oh i thought you was proud amerindian nation n sheit

yeah beautiful

>Buenos Aires

No, no capital city isn't going to be the answer
It has to be a minor city

Santiago de Chile is the obvious answer

Buenos Aires... i'm from Rosario but my dream is to live there!

>tfw no born in the capital

no, it's at the 4th place

ya llegaron los euroPEOS

Sopa de gatouma delicia

Santiago is not even top 5 in Chile

btw, any porteño who could give me any advice? is there easy to get a job in the capital? is the rent expensive? should i move to the conurbano until i got any job?

la cagaste peruANO


Nueva York

It still clogs

Post your favorite city then, I've been in Santiago and I loved it.


I wanna go now

Cherrypicking much

How is food in venezuela my commie monkey friendo

yes, it is

I'll be completely objective. The most aesthetic is Buenos Aires. The best ones to have the motherfucking time of your life are Rio de Janeiro and Medellin for sure

New York is literally filled with people from all over the world dumb cunt

Brb contacting Mossad


Just like Sao paulo

The town is quite meh but the nature is like Switzerland on steroids


not even here there are places like that, the worst you can find are favela tier areas, that looks like literally africa

My gf lived there and she is not too fond of it

Miami is the true answer like 70% of the population are spics



Posting pics of the most Colombian per capita district I see
Santiago is cheating because of the mountains in the background

That's true lmao, my uncle lived 16 years in usa - miami and don't even know a single word in english.

Still has white people rule over border hoppers like yourself

Argentina is top tier

Pseudo-highways make me uncomfortable. You would spend 3 minutes just for crossing that thing.

Si bastante facil. Un amigo labura 4 hrs en una cancha (lo unico que hace es avisar cuando se termino el tiempo del partido) y gana 8 lucas. Antes del conurbano lo mejor es algun barrio del sur/oeste como devoto/flores/caballito

Reminder that buildinglets cities need not to apply

What is the Sup Forums consensus on Montevideo?



Ah genial entonces, yo quiero irme a estudiar a la uba y de paso probar el estilo de vida porteño, mi ciudad rosario es grande pero tiene alma de pueblo :/ capaz que el año que viene me vaya, mi idea era meterme en un piso compartido o buscar algo por el conurbano hasta ubicarme bien en algun laburo y de ahi moverme

labura -> lavoro

Smelly dumb beaner scum

It's very true literally everyone speaks Spanish a white person is a foreigner outside of aventura/Miami beach

Stop posting medellin then

Not that one

Dude pls. There are some seriously rich mofos living in this country. Daily reminder that most of the largest latinamerican companies are mexican brazilian and colombian and we all are really unequeal, unlike argentina. Socialism is a hell ova drug

São Paulo :^)

Born and raised in BA
Overrated trashy slum amerindian craphole.

Any city in latin america is far better.

stop stealing our slang italy

Sorry bro, but medellin has nothing to do against Buenos Aires,Lima or rio.

>those small few buildings

What a shitty dream you have

>There are some seriously rich mofos living in this country
t. 6k gdp per capita country


That's obvious. But don't say it again or we'll need to put him on suicide watch

Concepción for example

I'm taking a trip next summer and right now my choices are between Buenos Aires and a places in southern Argentina, or Madrid in Spain, and some towns in northern Spain, which do you lads think I should go with?


What's Argentinas per capita?

> nominal
> mfw everyone in argentina treated me like a god just for having a cheap as fuck iphone

>Tallest building in Medellin is less than 200m tall
Pathetic desu

what happened in Argentina? it was richer than the majority of EU countries....

is it recovering?

>Build crappy apartment buildings on a hill
We civilized now
Doesn't look better than Santiago tbqh
>Concepción de la Madre Santísima de la Luz
We get it you're catholic


We are full.

also most of the other cities may look pretty from the air but when you look at them in google maps they all look like shit, they're all natureless and the houses look like shit, medellin is the most aesthetic one

wow, concepcion is really beautiful.

>16 yrs olds

Go to spain. If you come to Argentina with that plan you will spend most of your vacation with your ass sitting in a bus.

Some parts of your capital looks much worse

Show slums now smartass

i agree, our capital is shit

bruh learn2google
>I stayed in favela because I'm poor and only interacted with mestizos because white people were disgusted/scared by my daddy yankee face

Your belongings will be confiscated and given to the community


Medellin sucks, colombia has better cities than medellin, is a totally catastrophe and is too dirty.