I didn't believe the hype but just went and watched this tonight.
It was amazing. Romance + anime not usually my thing but everything in this movie just worked. Wow, I cried like a little bitch.
This is KINO Sup Forums
I didn't believe the hype but just went and watched this tonight.
It was amazing. Romance + anime not usually my thing but everything in this movie just worked. Wow, I cried like a little bitch.
This is KINO Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
How cute is the romance?
It's subtle but cute
They look pretty cute enough as it is,I'll give it a watch then
it felt geniune. Not a lot of cliche anime cuteness but it comes out in comedic moments.
I felt like the movie was highly relatable, even though the character's were in a different culture, country etc.
but just watch it, the animation is amazing and there's a chalk/pastel scene which blew my mind
best scene imo was the one where they're on the caldera, broke down and cired then.
How is the dialogue? My problem with most anime is how the conversations sounds so embarrasing.
It flows, I promise you
Some of it is even cute
How old are the people ITT who watched the movie? Teens? 20-25? 30 or above?
I'm 26
As of this moment Your Name is the second highest grossing Japanese film, fourth highest grossing film in the Japanese market, and second highest grossing anime film (behind Spirited Away). Seems it reached a pretty broad audience.
It's better than Spirited Away though
Probably not going to win that Oscar though. Funimation is in charge of Western distribution. Disney backing it would have guaranteed a win.
how do I watch this?
I've said on Sup Forums already, the animation is great with a few sequences that are fantastic but the story I think fails to rise above 'really well done genre' which is a shame because it had the potential to be more if you ask me. A couple of ballsier turns in the story and attempting to hit a wider spectrum of tone would made this kino, as it is I consider it a high-tier movie/low-tier film. Definitely one of the better things I've seen recently and gives me hope for the future anime industry.
Now watch as this thread dies because anime is even more anathema to Sup Forums mods than blatant gore threads.
Had a pretty broad audience when I saw it. Me and my friends, a few 25-35 weeb couples, young azns and some other miscellaneous gathering. No fedoras in sight. This is a movie that can genuinely appeal to pretty much everyone.
Cinematics was top tier just like any Shitkai's films. The story was rather cliche tho. Its a flick at best
Which country are you in? In Australia a handful of the bigger kino emporiums are showing it a few times. If your country isn't doing something like that you might need to wait around for a decent torrent. If you ask Sup Forums nicely they might already have something passable.
24, saw it in theaters in japan
thoroughly enjoyed it, it's not a masterpiece of cinema or anything of the like, but for animation (whatever that may mean) it is certainly compelling
tfw saw it with qt girlfriend
I'm so salty just thinking about it
Cheers lads gonna try and track it down in English
This has got me thinking. What else stands a chance this year? Is there room for it to at least be nominated? I can't imagine anybody in the Academy actually voting for it because they'd actually have to watch it but there's at least some prestige in the nomination.
The Japanese dub is so much better though
I'm in burger land so guess its gonna be a while :/
Zootopia, Moana, Kubo, Finding Dory, Sausage Party
The movie had an English dub? I appreciate them since this is a visual medium but holy shit do they tend to be lame. The producers could save money and get a better product if they just hired local theater faggots to do it. The 'professionals' have just memed the industry into thinking they're good. They've created their own little school of 'anime-acting' where nobody speaks like a real person and only a dozen people are allowed to get decent work.
Surely somewhere in your hugeass country someone is showing it outside of some fancy festival thing.
Let's see, there's Zootopia, Moana, Rudolf and the Black Cat, My Life as a Zucchini, The Red Turtle and A Silent Voice (another anime film which is cliche romance)
So, to be honest, I don't even know
Would I like this movie if I'm a KHV 25 y/o NEET? seeing romance just makes me bitter and more depressed
>huge ass country
The romance isn't in your face, bro. Though who knows, you might not like it anyway
Well I mean the japanese teen language is there but I thought it was done tastefully. I think if you let yourself be absorbed into that world, it flows very naturally and you feel a warmth in the dialogue thats very 'japanese' as stupid as that sounds.
I'm 25 and I watched it with a girl i'm seeing, who's the type that likes nocturnal animals and dark/hipster shit and usually avoids anime but she was really surprised by how much she liked this one.
I honestly thought it did it's job in terms of delivering on the thematic undertones (natural disaster/adolescent longing/modern vs tradition)
I think trying to delve into any more shit would've made this film over saturated.
>Sausage Party
I actually tried watching this after my brother gave it a decent endorsement and had to leave after about ~45 minutes. It is legitimately one of the least enjoyable experiences I've ever had watching a movie. I enjoyed Olympus has Fallen more. I enjoyed Hard Rock Zombies more. It is the absolute low point of human artistic achievement this millennia and I'm genuinely saddened every time I remember it exists. It's an ugly, juvenile excuse for a comedy and every 'critic' who gave it anything resembling praise doesn't deserve their job. You know I think I might actually start sending angry emails to all of them one by one I'm that angry now.
I haven't seen a single one of those so I can't comment.
It's a romantic movie but swings between some other genres and can be taken as a pretty enjoyable mystery/comedy thing as well. You will probably be reminded of your KHV status at several points though. How do you even watch anime at all? This stuff is so prominent.
>#1 in the Japanese box office for 12 weeks, 11 weekends
>Has surpassed Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle as #2 Anime Film of All Time in Japan
>Earns 20 billion yen and counting to surpass Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Japan
>Reached 10 billion yen 9 days faster than Frozen
>Now beyond 20 billion yen (US$243.1 million).
>Nominated for an Oscar
>Wins LA Film Critics Award
>On the cusp of going beyond the box office gross of Spirited Away (289.1 million USD)
So this is meme magic. Not bad.
is there a good rip out yet?
Doesn't seem so, you could check Nyaa.se though to see
I'm not saying that the movie had to do more, I think that it could have handled what it did have more strongly. I don't want to go into explicit plot details so it may be hard to articulate what I mean. The main thing I think is that the idea of 'star-crossed lovers' was the strongest thing the movie had going for it and I think that the movie began to lose sight of that towards the end. It pulled everything together in a way which I would call 'satisfactory' but I think that there was potential for more. I'd really have to go scene by scene to get the full gist of it across.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
Just spoiler your review.
Like so
Is this why Miyazaki has been salty about 3DCG as of late?
Fuck off, Sup Forums. This movie has nothing to do with your shitty meme.
People still end up seeing it. Who can resist looking at spoilers. I'll be vague.
A particular problem I had was with the ending. I think that they kind of wimped out and went the pleb-route of satisfying every single little loose end and providing absolute closure on everything. I think that this was a story that would have benefited from some ambiguity. I'm not saying that everything has to be an indecipherable edge-fest or anything but I think that the cost of all of this closure and unambiguous positivity was some depth.
3dcg looks pretty shit in most circumstances.
It stole Shin Godzilla's thunder. Before the release of Your Name, Shin Godzilla was the Japanese success story of the year. Now its $78 million looks meager compared to Your Name's $276 million.
Well this just looks like a completely generic anime. Why the fuck can't nips draw anything unique?
What if Shinkai himself meme'd Keit-ai in order to promote his movie?
It is amazing though and I don't even enjoy anime
>I don't even enjoy anime
I really don't, I think it's lacking
the real problem is the dub casting directors are either incredibly lazy or just failed actors that cast themselves & their friends
Threadly reminder that it has been made into a wiki, a fanfic, a fictionpress story, a manga, a meme, an anime preview, an anime episode, and an honest-to-goodness anime movie that's Oscar nominated, and a critically acclaimed box office success, so stop talking about it.
Shinkai doesn't try to be above trends, instead he tries to elevate them.
> Anime can't be good meme
Here's your (You)
It says consideration, not contention
>Sup Forums memed Trump into the presidency and made Britain Brexit
>Sup Forums memed Keit-Ai into the no. 1 movie in Japan and no. 1 anime in MAL
>Sup Forums memed a plane crash with no survivors and a Bane porno
>Sup Forums memed Gamergate into existence
Is there nothing meme magic can't do?
Get lost, weeb.
Wow, I sure am mad at this post. Everyone reply to this guy because he's so hardcore.
watch it and try something outside your comfort zone buddy
anime may be cringe to you but mastery of any form should be appreciated
>watching an Sup Forums meme movie
Not kino at all. I'd sooner play Katawa Shoujo.
they really cant
thats a bad promotional image, watch the film and you'll see the good animation - its a lot better in motion and they do this weird faux 3D animation that blew my mind, also the chalk pastel scene was great
Jokes on you, Sup Forums doesn't even like the movie
>mastery of any form
>looks like 99% of all anime
>same stupid faces
>same stupid hair
The backgrounds look nice, I'll give it that. It's just a shame that Japs are so lacking in creativity.
No wonder Keit-ai is no. 1 on MAL and Spirited Away is no. 16.
m8 just watch it first and then spew some shit, i'll be perf fine if you watched it and still thought it was shit. but basing a film (moving picture) on a still image is stupid as fuck
He has to wait until a good rip is out, otherwise he's not gonna spend money on it
Sup Forums hates Keit-ai but loves the movie. If Keit-ai didn't exist Sup Forums would love Your Name more.
why are you answering for him? or are you referring yourself in third person?
do you guys fuck every tuesday?
Just my two cents, you cuck
This Keit-Ai meme has had more transformations than Pepe!
would you suck my dick for a penny? you fucking faggot
Only if you suck my dick after so it's not gay
This is the story where the boy meets the alternate universe version of the girl he likes and vice versa right?
I meant subbed. I'm In Korea so might be tricky
Wait until there's a good version out
Cure cancer? Oh wait.
hey sorry for calling you a faggot user, couldn't sleep without replying
good night Sup Forums
It's cool, bro. Have a goodnight. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays
>people think this has a chance at the oscars
Dumb story, hackeneyed romance, and overt melodrama, as with all anime.
But it looks pretty.
So kudos to the korean painters who were responsible for the only good part of this movie.
Moon Hyungjeong please go
What a pair of faggots
Eat a cock, fag
I'm salty af, I want it to win even though I hate anime
Why the fuck are you posting this on Sup Forums, you fucking retard?
Bearded Riker is so likeable.
All the Moana threads are okay, but post one thread about an anime movie and Sup Forums loses their minds
Yes because you have a whole containment board for your cliched kawaii uguu chink cartoons so fuck off.
Sup Forums is for cartoons too, you faggot
When the entropy comes I will murder anyone I overhear using that word.
Yeah but Moana is much more relevant just because of the fact its western. No one gives a fuck about your boring anime shit about highschoolers except weebs. Most people dont even know this shit exists.
>All film and tv is Western
You heard him, no foreign films, guys
Sorry, I don't visit that weeb containment board.
Yes, that is actually the plot
Where can I watch it? I keep seeing
>widespread release in 2017
But shit it's been 4 months
Do you mind quality?
very limited release in theaters or some shitty chinese leak
It doesn't have to be fantastic
How shitty is shitty?