Go ahead.
Justify this.
Go ahead.
Justify this.
justify what?
daily reminder that snipers are cowards
nah thats roadside bombers
Lmao not as big a pussy as someone who would type this comment behind a computer screen in their moms basement
>he fell for the RT meme
In other news, the Soviet Union has dissolved.
camping sniper sissy spotted
London has fallen was a lot better than that turd american sniper
Go to bed Jesse
what the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch
I'll go to your mom's bed, faggo.
This tbqh. Iraq would have been over in months if Chris Kyle had just PTFO
20 years, and a trip to an oven too late there, bucko.
You cant justify it. Rotten Tomatoes has no consistency
>Star Wars - 147 reviews
>American Sniper - 255 reviews
>London Has Fallen - 168 reviews
RT is shit Colonia has like 30 reviews
American sniper is a terrible movie though
just saying
if they get captured it's getting tortured to death at worst and summary execution at best
The movie directed by an Islamic immigrant has the worst score.
Islamaphobic media!
London Has Fallen is legitimately one of the worst movies i've ever seen
i doubt you have the mental capacity to differentiate between good and bad action if you enjoyed that film
>Islamic immigrant
isn't the movie pretty anti islam though
Civil War, Zootopia, Finding Dory, The Jungle Book and TFA are some of the worst movies Ive ever seen and they are in the 90s
i'm not justifying how highly some films are rated on RT - that website is certainly bullshit and is, quite literally, killing cinema - but to complain about a film as bad as London Has Fallen being rated poorly is absurd
I wasn't I havebn't seen it, I was stating how the higher scores are inflated and usually shit movies. So if anything london has fallen is inflated too
low RT score doesn't make a movie good
London has fallen is absolute trash
Why are liberals so easily triggered that they resort to typing in all caps?
>caring for Star Wars after the prequels and TFA
Just because it features some iconic figures?
TFA was completely underwhelming and they just remade the story of ANH without a threatening villain. The effects were kinda mediocre too.
Because liberals tend to be underage. Most people grow out of liberalism when they grow up and get a real job.
>this nigger thinks I'm a liberal
be fucked
says the neet
London Has Fallen is great. It carries on the legacy of Escape from New York.
t. coward sniper
I didnt say that i said if anything its probably too high because its so accessible theres more who liked it than should
prequels were unironically good, tfa and rogue one are not
I thought American Sniper was piss-poor. Watch Enemy at the Gates if you want a fun sniper-film.
I dunno I haven't seen it lul
>that fucking force-throw
at one point Gerard Butler tells a guy he's currently stabbing to "go back to Fuckheadistan"
Can't believe my dad laughed at this part. I'm ashamed to have such a caveman as a genitor.
I could cherrypick and show you the ottah gunga scene which is better than anything in tfa
They all equally trash?
Why Sup Forums hates American Sniper again?
Well, American sniper and london has fallen are trash movies for people with trash brains
Can I get a non-meme answer?
I just gave you one you homosexual
It wasn't very well done, simplistic story, obviously fake baby.
It was aimed towards the Michael bay audience who wanted a little more from their action movie. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
On that note, even, "good" war movies can be shit. I can't even make it through the hurt locker.
michael pls
so much about it being the best movie since new hope. not that I was gonna watch it anyway.
I´m more or less done with star wars
it triggers liberals since it has a pro army / pro america message
>liberals hate their country meme
He said non-meme answer
London has fallen is such a fun movie
it's got a trash plot and the acting is a bit gay but it's just so brash about it that I can't help but love it
almost feels like an 80s action movie in some ways