>"eh, manga to movie adaptation can't be that ba.."
"eh, manga to movie adaptation can't be that ba.."
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It was ok.
movie wasn't bad. emily blunt is my 3d waifu. I actually expected a lot worse before I watched it, so it was a pleasant surprise when it turned out to be pretty good.
Take your facebook memes back to facebook.
Eh, I enjoyed it. Prefer the movie over manga actually.
Certainly has a better title.
You meant novel right?
>thinking this is a bad live anime adaptation
user, you CLEARLY have not seen some of the crap that japan has pumped out. If anything this is probably a decent adaptation as far as adaptations go
It was good
Edge of Tomorrow was fucking good senpai.
I liked it. Was more of an adaption of the concept.
I enjoyed both but view both as separate entities that share a theme.
that's why you leave the adaptations to USA fucking gooks
USA harem LN adaptions when?
it's a start for live action movie adaption
the bar isn't really set high, but it's probably the best adaption by a american studio making a movie based off a manga
And then there's Dragonball Evolution.
the SAO live action will be the same as Evolution
Death note
Isn't the live action planned as a TV series?
what are you talking about silly user?
edge of tomorrow has been probably the first adaptation.
wait, any source?
all I find is fan-made "live actions" that worsen my cancer
It was LN adaptation.
Wasn't half bad though I wouldn't really call it adaptation because it was based on the book very loosely and besides basic premise of bad aliens attacking and time loops almost everything else was changed.
This is the man playing L in the american adaptation of Death Note. Now I'm not Sup Forums but at some point you have to ask if its a little bit ridiculous to have a rugged black man portraying a fragile sleep deprived Japanese autist.
Actually it was passable, rare but yea.
Gotta get the audiences cultural enriched somehow.
I agree. My issue is not with the black wash, but how much he doesn't appear to look the part.
Guess they're going a different route with the characters.
>"eh, movie to manga adaptation can't be that ba.."
>implying it was a manga
>implying it was an adaptation
>implying it was bad bad
If you think about it, the design behind L was to make you think "This guy is supposed to be L?"
So when you apply it to this, it becomes rather racist.
>almost everything else was changed.
>ice queen waifu who already went through this
>eventual win resets permanently
Nigga it was exactly the same. Worthless details like who can eat more sour plumbs and whether or not he started using a melee weapon are irrelevant- same as the dumb filler they decided to supplant it with.
I have to admit I actually liked it when I was a kid.
Speed Racer is still the best anime adaptation.
>that entire final lap race
Still the best thing ever.
If we had seen tidbits of his character acting as L and it was unconvincing then I would agree but you're just judging him as face-value, here. He's not particularly "rugged" for a black man and so far nothing tells us he can't play the part.
I want reddit to leave
Huh, wow, never saw it that way.
It was good and I'm glad they're working on a sequel. Hope it involves cage stuck looping back to after that battle after a long life.
Who's mah nigga? You're my nigga!
They had a visual representation of L and still decided to go completely off the rails. I mean, maybe he might be great and I probably won't see it because live actions are usually awful but man, they really went out of their way to change L's appearance.
not him, but I've seen the guy and he's not frail looking at all.
I like how in the AoT adaptations titans just look like regular Japanese parents
I know I read it somewhere, but I don't remember where. On the DN wiki, it says
>Obata speaks of his concern, during the development of the early manga chapters, that L would appear to be "so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met."
Depends, are they doing a straight adaptation or just taking the basic plot and making it their own thing?
I have no clue, I just saw it on the news. I'm kind of hoping they just say fuck it and change everything. We've already got a sub par live action Death Note. Might as well just try something new with the material.
>"so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met."
Isn't that how it ended up being? Light meet L and he immediately knew he was weird that he basically accepted right away that he was very likely the real L.
Might be because I'm simply not hung up on that kind of stuff but to me L's appearance was never a core element of his character (as opposed to say, Light's handsomeness for instance). His attitude, mannerisms and quirks were much more important imo. So yeah, if the dude can pull of the scrawny sleep-deprived weirdo act just fine, no reason to complain on my end.
I don't know man, doesn't seem particularly rugged to me.
That was actually a major tension point in the story. When they're in the testing hall and Light KNEW it was him. It ended up being the catalyst for the next several chapters.
yeah I guess you're right, maybe I'm just a bit too hung up on the appearance since I'm a lot more visually focused when it comes to learning and such. Who knows, maybe, it actually be good.
>When they're in the testing hall and Light KNEW it was him.
Oh yeah, when their eyes meet the first time. Jesus it's been so long since I read the manga.
Even the shit that India pumps out looks better than that. Makes me really appreciate Yamato
u dont mix a good movie with a trash manga
delete it now
I was happy when the janitor got super powers
>using a Sup Forums meme to start a thread
I hope the mods ban you
Is Hero Academia really Anime Sky High?
Don't be retarded.
>Don't be retarded.
I don't understand what you mean, user.
yo fuck off this movie was fucking lit
Would've made more sense to have them reversed, Light's actor looks more autistic. Would still be weird though.
>disliking this movie
It's like you hate having fun
First half was good but second half (when they leave the beach) was kinda boring.
The book is much better.
that movie was really good compared to the usual shit hollywood craps out. it actually tried to be fun.
This. What seperated this from other alien invasion movies was that it was "massive human army engages massive alien army", sort of like Starship Troopers. But once they made it past the beach it become your standard "small squad of spec ops soldiers single-handedly save the world"
But overall it was a pretty good film.
>''anine to movie adaptation can't be goo.."
>hmm must be a good live action adaptation of a classic
FUCK YOU Paper Town is fucking lit.
Ichi The Killer was great.
>having the black actor be the bad guy
I'm literally shaking here. It's 2016, user.
I didn't read the source material but I liked this movie.
>disliked by everyone that has no taste
the ending made me shit myself, Speed Racer was fucking 10/10
>yfw he's actually the fake L that Light kills at the beginning
The manga was never good either,it was mediocre at best
That would make too much sense for the Hollywood, because otherwise this L is fucking stupid.
Isn't that based on a book?
Eh, things that work in anime don't always work in live action, sometimes you gotta muddle stuff around. Especially to make it resonate with the audience shift.
what manga is this based on?
What? I absolutely do not recall this.
Also come on, tell me he doesn't look weird and kinda dweeby stood next to everyone that looks like professionals.
Who are you double quoting?
After all these years,this scene is still so satisfactory,there's nothing like it.
>Edge of Tomorrow is great, even better than the source material
Stop this fucking shit.
Original is a story of a young soldier growing up on the battlefield, with a bittersweet ending where he takes on the burden of his dead waifu and will, just like her, spend his life in the battle until the same thing happens to him and he leaves her legacy to the next person.
Movie is a story about a dude cheesing his way through every obstacle only to reach a typical sappy Hollywood ending because the world-destroying ayys have a conveniently placed Overmind right there and nobody dies because lol one last time shift.
It was good because it had good budget and professional cast in comparison to all other LA adaptations, but it suffers from Hollywood taking control of the plot and making it the same cookie cutter action movie as they always do.
Your dad didn't mind when a bunch of western actors filled the roles of the adapted 'Seven Samurai' previously held and portrayed by Japanese actors. And admit it, a bunch of non-weeaboos aren't gonna dish out money for theater tickets to see the original from Japan.
There's always the chance that it'll do just fine.
>looks like a fucking weirdo next to everyone else
yup, pretty in character to me
>sub par
You take that back. The ending makes it decent at least.
More "adaptations" should follow its standard. If you're going to make it different from the original and only take certain inspirations from it, then make a new name instead of slapping the original name on there for brand appeal like that shit they're calling "Ghost in the Shell".
An alarmingly-high percentage of those who watch anime and manga, have been deprived of the knowledge necessary to interact successfully with other human beings. Anime is nothing more than cartoons with featureless expressions, expressions that the audience often mimic and attempt to pass off as "socializing". More often than not, this is met with derision and scorn, as it should be.
Those who watch anime have not matured. They are stuck in eternal limbo between childhood and pubescence, completely unable to respond appropriately to others in the outside world. I suppose as long as they're contributing to society in some manner, shape or form by working a computer job from home instead of polluting outside with their awkward ugliness and foul scent, then I have no major issue with them.
>tl;dr: watch all the anime you want, manchild, but don't bring your stink anywhere near me
;_;7 jack will never come back
Stop there, user. Nobody in Sup Forums is allowed to be this right.
>no bluntfu to bully me
I can't wait to see the SJW outrage about that:
it's a clearly cultural appropriation AND Asian erasure BUT at the same time it's another Black lead character… I'm curious which side they'll pick
It was good, but the manga was ten times better
so the fuck what if this is based on an anime?
fuck you, i like it
What the fuck is this incoherent shit?
It's based on a light novel which has a manga adaptation and an american movie adaptation
thank you user, i was about to ask the original novel.
One question: which one you recommend, the LN or the manga?
this was babby tier shit nad blunt is terrible
>me on the left
That's because I made this post on Sup Forums and just noticed that newfag mod moved it here despite the Sup Forums rule that allows it.
Ending was perfect Hollywood adaption
It was a LN first, wasn't it?
It was great until the entire ending sequence. Also the kiss was not necessary.
Funny how people only care about L and not the rest of the western actors in the movie. Light isn't Japanese either but no one ever points that out.