>Shows That Lose Every Ounce of Charm and Become Soulless, Flanderized Parodies of Themselves By the Second Season
I'll start.
Boy, what a fucking trainwreck this was.
Shows That Lose Every Ounce of Charm and Become Soulless, Flanderized Parodies of Themselves By the Second Season
I'm 99% sure Joel McHale has fake tits ie pec implants. they're comically disproportionate to the rest of his body, and the way they sag looks fucking weird.
I thought Sup Forums loved community?
fucking Reaper
So every sitcom ever.
Back to tvtropes with you.
Rick and Morty, Harmon's podcast/D&D/Cyberpunk
Is this an e;r shill thread?
It was decent until the late seasons when half the cast had gone. At that point it just became depressing to watch it struggle on, slowly dying
That 70's Show
not really. the show totally lost any kind of charm after the first season and relied purely on "theme" episodes which were just an endless string of lazy movie parodies to make up for the extreme lack of jokes. also the flanderization became apparent from the very beginnings of season 2 and progressively got worse. Britta becomes a retarded person, abed becomes a schizophrenic, pierce a megalomaniac, etc.
I dont understand are you suggesting tv characters slowly becoming enveloped by their defining traits isn't commonplace in shows?
1st season was great television,it had some absurd epidodes like chicken fingers and the paintball one, but even those didnt get too tasteless or zany.
Season 2 was still a bit okay but noticeable worse than season 1.This is where the show writers got full on lolrandom humor and reddit pandering(Im not uzing buzzwords here,they made a Q&A thread on reddit and told that they wouldnt be there if it wasnt for reddit)
By season 3 it was simply unbearable for me.so much that i didnt even bother checking rest of the seasons.what a shitshow
I really miss season 1 though,cant find any other shows that was like it
Eugh fuck it. Thinking about it you're probably right actually, but I still think it maintain it remained consistantly funny, and if not charming then at least not soulless either through the first three seasons
You're lucky that you stopped there. What season had the episode with the haunting house? That was probably the worst television I've ever seen.
Actually don't answer the season I don't want to be reminded.
I'm starting season 4 now and I don't know if I can keep watching. it's unrecognizable from the show it was in season 1. I've read that they pull it back a bit in season 5 so I may just skip to that. where did the comfy go??
season 4 is a no go but it kind of gets its mojo back in 5 & 6 imo
yeah I'm not saying it's bad, it's certainly a decent show throughout, but the disparity in quality becomes so apparent in such a short time imo that it's just really disappointing
Heroes (Obviously)
Dan Harmon didn't do season 4, because he was already flagging at season 3. Harmon comes back in season 5 though.
how's 5 and 6 compared to 3? does it pull back on the zaniness and theme movie parodies? I hate that shit
It's the same. It never re-captures that S1 charm user, if i were you i'd just let it go and move on to something else.
dexter. good show that becomes unwatchable almost immediately
I cried when Troy left the show
This is indeed a TV show.
Season 5 starts off well enough with the 'repilot' then devolves into the same season 3 messy shit.
Season 6 is a lot more balanced and watchable IMO.
what year are you from?
been here since 05
It was always being held together by a thread. There was a lot of behind the scenes drama going on that probably messed with it - though Harmon did let the show get too 'look we're so quirky'.
Season 1 is pleb Scrubs tier shit
>zany music cue
>Who's Jeff hooking up with this week?
Just watch 30 Rock. It's the only show that didn't have a horrible fate of late 00s NBC sitcoms.
as much as i love archer now; i really miss what was essentially american james bond in the first season
>Season 2 worse than 1
3rd season is still okay, it has literally the best episode in the show, but that's when the writers really started to go zany because "Community is that one zany show!" instead of just doing it naturally. The show never recovered.
Season 4 is shit, Season 5 is meh, Season 6 is decent, but it's too late.
Season 6 was the worst one. It gets overrated because Harmon came back but it was painfully unfunny to watch (like instead of just being bored at the attempts at humour you actually cringe at them), I couldn't finish it.
By that point it was pretty hard to care since like half of the cast had moved on already. Even Shirley.
Looking back, every single moment of Community was shit. Not one second that wasn't complete reddit cringe. The only problem here is anyone actually watched it.
Season 5 is fucking FILLED with event episodes and movie parodies.
There's a fully animated GI-JOE episode that's supposed to be "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" 3.0 but just fucking falls flat.
The worst thing is that it started good, when Troy leaves the show goes back to being PARODIES AND EVENTS AMIRITE shit.
The finale for season 5 is the worst thing in Community, it's somehow fucking worse than the awful season 4 one. Which is a damn shame since this was when Harmon came back and was going to make Community great again.
Season 6 is a much needed return to form, episodes are more character-based and the main writing finally goes back to focusing on the Study Group, but as it's been said in this thread it was too late, a lot of the cast had left and people were still with that sour taste in their mouths.
But the series finale is pure perfection. I still don't know how Harmon pulled it off and didn't fuck that thing up.
Hopefully the movie will close this thing off in a positive note. The show deserves it.
He's not wrong though.
I stopped watching halfway thru season 5, it was picking up but I stopped watching tv at the time.
The last episode I watched was the GI-Joe parody, I wasn't completely sober then but I literally cried from laughing at some lines that I don't remember now.
Community's bread and butter are the event episodes, take away that and it wouldn't have anything to differentiate from every other mediocre sitcom.
Season 2 was the best one, as it had the right balance between events and "normal" episodes, followed by 1 and 3.
Bob's Burgers
You're a cuck and a faggot
I can vouch for the first 3 seasons being pretty good. S4 was okay not bad some good episodes.
watch the paintball and halloween episodes, maybe a few of the other special episodes as well
fuck the rest desu
Listen fags, we have this godman argument every month.
2 > 1 >> 5 > 3 > 6 >>> 4
It's pretty fuckin simple.
It started getting progressively worse after season 4.
The more characters they dropped the worse it became.
>Troy and abed RIP
>Pierce gone
>S6 Chang is no longer chang
>Literally-who is now the leader
No reason left to watch.
>The last episode I watched was the GI-Joe parody
I skipped that one along with all the other musical/format changing ones.
I really enjoyed the rest of it though.
Besides britta, she's always been a shit character/actor.
You can tell she's mentally competent until she's about to become the butt of a joke.
The latest season was particularly bad and every character was so flanderised
>not watching community for Brie's Breasts
the show is utter commonfolk gargabe
The first season was passable, the rest is as what OP says
Seasons 2 and 3 are GOAT, season 1 is really good too and establishes the characters and Greendale itself.
Don't know why season 3 gets alot of hate on Sup Forums. Yeah, it was the beginning of the more "wacky" episodes but they were done fucking great and were some of the shows best episodes, so I don't see the problem.
Season 4- onward on the other hand felt really off from the first episode of season 4 and got really bad really fast, it just didn't feel like Community. Someone else can probably descirbe exactly why that was better than I can, and there was probably a bunch of shit going on behind the scenes plus budget cuts or something, I'd love to here anyone's take on this if you know about it.
>his wife is on his podcasts
>she divorced him
>she's still on the podcasts and Harmon brings up their marriage at every opportunity
Biggest cuck since Anthony bitch
The Office, as soon as they ran out of content to copy from the UK version.
>Hey people loved that concept episode
>Let's make the entire season concept episodes
>Let's ditch the "they're going to college" because who cares
>Wacky and random humor is the way to go
They even had the balls to actaully say that in one episode with "Remember when this show was about college?"
Wow you took my Godfather Every Episode and turned it into Boring Cuck Has Super Seriose Mental Problems U Gaise, Rly!
didn't even start season 3. gone was my witty dialogue, replaced by regular old shit and janice
Chevy Chase leaving and the writers borrowing ideas from Reddit completely killed it during season three.
Yeah, this is pretty true. Season 1 was impeccable and the show had so much promise.
I liked the new characters,
>>Who's Jeff hooking up with this week?
This starts in S2, numbnuts. S1 he's mostly just after Britta. S2 is when they pair up Troy and Abed as the reddit bros, they start the Annie/Jeff romance crap, forget Troy was supposed to be a jock, turn Senor Chang from a funny side character into an annoying mess and start going in a very lolsorandumb direction.
i only watch this show because alison brie is so jiggly in it
2 > 3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>> 4 and 5
Think I stopped watching after the GI Joe episode. Harmon rerurning for season 5 did nothing to improve the show from what I noticed.
Someone please greentext the remaining seasons and what happened in the finale for me
Because being self aware and pointing out these things is kino. Only a true connoisseur could point out their own flaws, laugh with the audience and then laugh at the audience. People are tired of try hard shit, TV is supposed to relax you.
entertain, not relax
I honestly think this is one of the best tv series ever because its self aware to the point of cancellation and yet always entertaining just because sometimes its fun to see how close the hindenberg is getting to the ground
Maybe Abed was, but the show was devoid of any depth
mate, just watch the last ep ever
even if you've never seen it before it still works
Community's first 2 seasons were excellent.
Sesaon 3 was decent. 4 was a shitshow. 5&6 were mediocre.
Changes to cast and writing and showrunning obviously affected the show greatly.
Still, like any show, once the characters have been introduced and have experienced their basic character arcs, its difficult to keep a show original and fresh.
>Are there any sitcoms that have been able to keep a show fresh and original after a few seasons, or do they all suffer from flanderization?
The show started it's decline after the animated christmas episode.
As good as it was, after that the concept episodes had Simpsons tier relevance and had lost their emotional core. It's like the energy and brainpower was spent on justifying the claymation and then they thought they could get away with anything.
here your you
S1>S2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other season
Flanderized is a retarded term used by fags from tvtropes. Flanders has changed the least on the simpsons. It's an extremely dumb made up word.
god, this
seasons 1 and 2 were GOD tier
season 3 was alright and the rest are bad
2>1>3 > who gives a shit about the rest
Dexter had two good seasons before going full retard.
Jesus that's fucking pathetic.
>Dammit we didn't make it into the history of ice cream class.
I honestly thought they were being sarcastic at first, but then I realized the writers thought they were genuinely copying Harmon's writing style.
Seasons 1 and 2 are great, Season 3 was whackier but still fun. 4 was terrible, 5 forgettable, and 6.. just sad.
archer became so fucking reddit it hurts
when producers realizes its fans are the plebs that are so desperate to enjoy things and are afraid to criticize(redditors) they tend to pander to that audience the most. Later Archer, obviously Rick and Morty, and of course Marvel movies are like that. Quirky try hard meta from being too self aware of what the audience liked causes reddit syndrome, although some shows do start off reddit like R&M.
>watching nu-sitcoms
>implying Sup Forums was ever good
1 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 5 > 4
I don't care what anyone says that D7D episode is some of the best TV ever.