You petty motherfuckers were celebrating too soon.
You petty motherfuckers were celebrating too soon
84% for a disney flick is shit
every fucking time
Sorry, what am I supposed to be looking at here? All I see is a blank post.
Doesn't look like anything to me.
>Christmas is coming
>Heavily marketed Disney children's movie does well.
It's like poetry.
stage 1: denial...
It's gonna go down though, theres a significant amount of reviews to come in expect 75-81%
w-well, it's time to hate this kino again...
those match the audience score so they are genuinely correct
Kino indeed...
>only 84%
Yeah the reviews are really trust worthy
7.6 on imdb
go there and like the most liked negative review and we can make it go lowwww
you gave BvS a 10/10 didn't you.
Roughly 50-60 reviews ago it was at 78%. It's been steadily going up since then.
This is what happens when you DON'T pay the critics.
i havent rated it and i didnt like it what do you want me to give it?
>Not black and white
You can't make people call shit great. You can, however, make people call mediocrity good.
/po/ btfo
So it's a very large film?
That's a Cool looking trooper
every fucking time
>rabbit plays the main character
>a fucking samurai
>nigger in a robot suit
Adults actually watch this shit? You mean to tell me, they actually get hype for this? They watch the trailers and go "OMG I can't wait to see this!" and tell all their friends about this? You expect me to watch this all unfold with a straight face and act like nothing is wrong with the world as talk show hosts bring the cast members over and 40 year old american women cheer and clap for this? You got to be shitting me. Grow up, you diaper wearing fools.
>"Grow up, you diaper wearing fools.
>Hangs around on Sup Forums
board is called Sup Forums not /starwars/ senpai
This, Sup Forums is always wrong.
It has never predicted a bomb that wasn't already obvious like Fantastic Four or Ghostbusters
Yeah, if that is your way of justifying it.
But you will always retroactively claim the movies that Sup Forums did correctly call were always obvious to bomb. I remember people like you were convinced that manbabies will be BTFO by the success of Ghostbusters and Fant4stic.
>watching tv
i don't get it
You could have fooled me. Did you see this place when force awakens was out?