Huh. Really makes you think
Larry Wilmore
Didn't the KKK endorse Hillary too?
lololol what a nigger
yes in fantasy land. the interracial jewish conspiracy theorists endorsed her too. what you read on pol is real!
>patton oswald
come on now patty
give it a rest
think of your blood pressure
8 years
no that was ISIS
I have to know: is this a legitimate question? are you actually asking if fringe right wing white nationalists endorsed hillary clinton? if it is a real question, how did you get to this point?
>show gets low ratings
>show gets cancelled
Maybe he should have made an entertaining show if he wanted to stay on air.
Kek was clearly a better Egyptian god
They did, parts of the KKK always endorses who they want to lose, they endorsed Obama the first time for fuck's sake.
No user you don't get it.
Every show has to echo my alt-left SJW Marxist blogs to confirm my world views.
Comedy be damned.
Other way around. She endorsed former Klansmen, like Byrd.
No, but she endorsed former KKK member Robert Byrd and considered him her mentor.
>conspiracy theorists
hey I'm guessing you're a conservative. partisanism aside, during the campaign conservatives commonly said they supported trump because of his protectionist and anti-globalist beliefs. but everyone he has appointed so far has been a globalist (neoliberal) banker, ceo, and supply side economist. how do conservatives reconcile this with his campaign promises?
Yeah, some high ranking guy in the Klan endorsed Hillary around the time the media was getting extremely autistic about Trump not disavowing David Duke in an instant.
Also what the fuck, I try to come here to get away from the Sup Forums posting since the election is over but half the time this board is pol2.0
I think that is fine, as long as people watch it, if nobody watches it there is no reason to have it on air.
>That one episode where he and his guests all yell at Bill Nye for suggesting we should invest in space travel because muh welfare
Not sure how he stayed on air for so long.
Liberals BTFO
I hate trump and I hate trumpkins, BUT every time I see dumb SJW virtue signalling and shilling like in the OP a little part of me laughs at the fact that he won and Hillary lost.
more like shillary 2020
Nope. Drumpf will be a one term president and hopefully we'll get Bernie in 2020. This country needs to heal, not be divided
wow. is there a single conservative on Sup Forums who isn't a conspiracy theorist? you guys do realize that not a single one of your beliefs or policy preferences is supported by trump or any other republican politician, right? I have to know if you understand this, or if you think there are republicans in Washington pushing for the acceptance of Jewish conspiracies and racial realism in our political discourse
bernie will be dead by 2020
Sup Forums is rightful Sup Forumsish clay. If you want to get away, you need to go back
>wah hillary is a criminal
>wah hillary is racist
damn that's some savage shit indeed
Sup Forums is in denial that Trump is appointing the most kikest globalistest cabinet so far in American history, people that point that out are just "concern shilling".
I'm not trying to meme. I'm legitimately curious. do you not know what I'm talking about?
Mmmmm keep them coming
Larry Wilmore was a shit-tier correspondent because he's not likeable enough.
That is why his show failed. He's unlikeable.
Fuck off. Sup Forums has always been a reddit colony.
you really don't know that ops post was Sup Forums bait? come on dude he didn't even say anything
you're against realism, huh? shouldn't come as a surprise, but still funny to me that you'll straight up admit it
I know you're a glutton for punishment, nigger loving drumpkin
go back to what? Sup Forums before it was infested by quantifiable retards?
Yeah, he got fired because he spoke truth to power. That's it.
I couldn't be because he just flat-out sucked.
straight up admit what? not believing in fringe conspiracies peddled on white nationalist websites? truly brave of me to admit lmao how's that ged tresting you?
Buddy I had been on pol nearly every day this year, and the election is finally over and we won. I just wanna shitpost about movies and bane without every thread devolving into butthurt fa/tv/irgins trying hard to bait Trump supporters and sjw this, c uck that, etc.
>c uck
what did the cuck mean by this?
A likely story
Wilmore and sam hyde are 2 sides of the same coin. both are untalented hacks who's fanbases argue their cannings were because they were just too woke/redpilled for mainstream audiences
He was boring, his guests were shit and his show in general was garbage. It's not some global Trump led conspiracy, you're just fucking shit and have no charisma. Same thing with Trevor Noah.
His show was the worst thing on Comedy Central in a while.
Probably the worst talk show I've ever seen. I can't think of a worse one.
That's just a coincidence :^)
this t.b.h.
Thought cuck was wordfiltered desu senpai baka
I'll give you something to coincide about!
I really don't want to go off on a tangent about Sam Hyde, but you're wrong.
He literally lost his show because someone at Adult Swim didn't like his politics.
Nothing wrong with that, though
the weak should fear the strong
was the larry wilmore show the least funny show to appear on comedy central?
I mean even the new daily show manages to make me laugh occasionally, and it's fucking awful
>libshits are STILL this triggered over Trump winning
back to your containment board, poltard
He's already here.
Larry was pretty funny. You just have shit taste.