She has a point

She has a point.

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Sure, insulting my skin color and gender will make me agree with the cunt.

This is getting ridiculous, ISIS is just doing what the Koran preaches.


Woah, really makes you think

How do you know I'm not a serial killer
*smirks deviously* One wrong look at me and you're dead.


>All serial killers are white

What? How is she even allowed to say this?

Being muslim is a choice, being a white male is not.

by claiming she is a comedian.

Like when Sup Forums calls for race war but then points out Sup Forums is satire.

But that's wrong. Only the famous ones are

>>>>>>all serial killers are white guys

>She has a point.

Except not all serial killers are white guys. The (((Money Printer))) media sweeps it under the rug if the serial killers is Tyrone and he prays on other black people.

You will hear about the occasional Jesse Mathew type when they go after white girls.

Working hard on her new material, i see.

Worst serial killers have been in India and Latin America. Fuck this kike.

Actually, like most violent crimes, blacks are over-represented among the ranks of serial killers.

So no, she doesn't have a point, she's just ignorant and doesn't like white people.

would you say you're....triggered?

black guy kills other black guys => gangster thug
white guy kills other white guys => psycho serial killer

She doesn't

>Uses a compensation analogy about things being equal
>She points out unequal examples.

There goes the argument


She is a stupid fucking cunt.

>all serial killers are white
Does she even read what she types anymore?

"I don't do jokes about muslims, simply because I don't want to be killed" - Sarah Silverjew in her 2010 book.

How long until this backfires on her by her own followers is the question? I give it...well, it probably already happened. "ISIS aren't Muslim blahblahblah" or something along thos elines.

>all serial killers are white guys

They're distributed quite equally among races. If she had written just "guys" she might have had a point. Guess white serial killers are more interesting because it's already expected of hispanics and blacks?

No white men can't be triggered, triggering comes from power plus prejudice.

>It's real
Fucking wew lad

Yeah but you do realize that you would be arrested for calling for race war on social media? We are only "safe" here because it is some edgy chink board

You know she has a point...

lol, you Germans and your poop

That's a pretty funny joke desu senpai

1 post by this ID.

Serial killers are overwhelmingly black

FAMOUS serial killers are usually white. They're the only one smart enough to get away with it long enough to be famous

>all serial killers are white

That's because you require some level of intelligence in order to not get caught on your first murder.


>"there are no black serial killers"
>blacks commit ~50% of all murder in America

Gotta give it to the Jews, they really are the best liars

Well duh, muzzies gonna muzzie.

Guy literally said he was gonna islamic terrorist it up

Fuck that kike race war now gas the Jews!

>All jews are kikes but not all kikes are jews

Lol, I get it, her new skit is pretending to be completely retarded

Dude weed lmao

I hope all the people whining and greentexting ">white" are hysterical women because if you're all white men then we, as a race, are doomed.

She's a goddamn female comedian making a low-tier joke while trying to make a point about Muslims, or something.


Its right in their name they're not even trying to hide it anymore

>not a single argument against her
>Sup Forums angrily resorts to ad hominems, insults and shitposting
>Sup Forums's face when

Sup Forums irrevocably BTFO!

She's a Jewish "Comedian" who does comedy based on shock value. She doesn't have a point because that's all that is, a tweet based on shock value used to get a point across that she knows will ruffle feathers. And then if she receives death threats, she can go onto an interview and get herself even more free publicity.

She's a vapid piece of "human" garbage and nothing more. Ignore her. She hasn't been relevant for years and now she's only screaming for attention.

Lol nice

Who is this ugly unfunny cunt?

So all serial killers are white?

That is not a joke, she wrote this in her book.

I like how she doesn't even take into account serial killers in ither non-white countries. Racist.

>all serial killers are white guys
The requirements for being a serial killers is killing 2 or more people in the same fashion on separate occasions. Black gangsters are all serial killers. None of these mass shootings qualify as serial killings.

>all serial killers are white

Blacks in the US are 12% of the population, but they make up 40% of the serial killers.

Someone lock this bitch up already for her blatant racism.

What are all Jews?

dude over a million immigrants lmao

Source in pic.

This is the same woman who promotes BBC porn

>all serial killers are white

>with bantz


>All serial killers are white guys

kek, except that most serial killers are black. /r/ the infographic, if anyone has it.

Why are kikes so pro-Muslim all the sudden?

>Please remember that the SS may be Nazis but not all Nazis are SS
>have some tolerance guys! not like their prevailing ideology has informed their actions at all.


kek also nice id

>Why are kikes so pro-Muslim all the sudden?

they always were overhere (but not in Israel)

I see this line of reasoning thrown about alot. But then I remember those danish cartoonists and the 'moderate muslims' out the streets calling for their heads. I remember Salman Rushdie having 24 hour police protection and having to carry a concealed pistol. If these fuck haven't seen what islam is yet, they're never going to.


Where's your eagle?

All muslims are in fact isis

Those are spree killers, not serial killers. Check out the real serial killer body counts, they're even less white

here is a better one

how are the hooks even possible

most serial killers are asian stupid jew

>liberal mouthpiece finally admitting ISIS is islam

All serial killers are not white guys though
Its just that no one ever talks about the black ones



((("Silverman"))) why im not surprised ?


Fuck this Jewess and her lack of knowledge

Post her body. You know the image.

All woman aren't comedians but all women comedians aren't funny.

>All serial killers are white
Chariman Mao would like to have a word with you

I'm sure she likes whites fine. They're just the easiest target right now because they don't fall under the protected "special people" umbrella, which just makes it a shitty, softball-lob of a joke.

And to add

People still find her relevant?

To add

pls no

Those things aren't mutually exclusive
And it's funny whether it was intended to be or not.

> Moses Sithole


I forgot to laugh

Top sides

The thing is though, that's generally the case.

the sad thing is she has a worse body than a shemale


Hiding in plane site.

Actually white people don't make up a disproportiante percentage of serial killers.
Liberals are pretty much just cultists at this point, they're losing touch with reality

>all serial killers are white guys
Most serial killers are actually black males.


I shouldn't enjoy this...but I am..