> traveling with ooga boogas
> a white kid with two people in blackface on the cover
> traveling with ooga boogas
> a white kid with two people in blackface on the cover
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to yesterday, mother fucker.
RIP Rich Evans
>it's a RLM crew acts depressed and/or corny on purpose
their overly sarcastic schtick got old years ago
Maybe you should stop paying attention to them then.
>feel when you were hoping against hope that Josh would be finally gone
>posting in a literal shill thread
>started watching these people
>'this is kind of funny I like their insight to film production'
>years later
>they're fucking self aware meme sprouters
At this point they are no different than those Channel awesome people like Doug Walker everyone shits on.
Jack needs to break the wheel again, this episode was pure shit.
This coming from a douge fan, go figure.
What are some RLM memes.
they literally made a poster one month ago covered with them
Do they really repeat those much? I don't think they count as memes.
What are next?
90% of those are just things they said ONCE that people thought were funny
When did people forget the difference between jokes and memes?
>When did people forget the difference between jokes and memes?
Typography 101: don't do this.
That was a pretty good Donald impersonation by Mike.
You just know Mike and Rich helped turn Wisconsin red, but don't admit it because Wizard and Aidsmoby would piss their pantsuits
Once again, Rich is on point
"You said it like the black kid said it" destroyed me sides desu
fucking hate aids moby
AIDS Moby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beard fat.
That dude is a waste of space.
Fuck Beardfat and his BLM apologist ass
jay voted clinton and mike trump i'm sure
and now mike is just sat there dead inside in each video as he cannot be his true self in front of his ''friends''
wew, kino
Meanwhile, Mike was knocking chimps the fuck out
I didn't like him before I saw that shit.
Now I hate him.
I doubt Jay even voted.
How do we get Beardfat of the show?
Typography 102: ignore faggots on Sup Forums who get asshurt over ironic bad design
When they thought they could make money off people.
Mike's Trump impersonation was flawless
Why do they even call it RLM? It should just be called "Mike"
>Some quotes are a paragraph on one legs while others are on two legs with the same level
>This is a DISASTER
>We've got the best bear attacks.
Was there another thread for this?
When do you guys think their Rogue One review will be up? They probably won't rush it out like they did for TFA since nobody cares about Rogue One.
Still excited to watch it.
>Jay: I liked it
>Mike: It was terrible
>Jay: Well, it does have some flaws, well actually I didn't like it really
I don't know, but I really hope Mike shits on the prequels again if he does a Plinkett review of RO.
The best part of the FA review was that more than half of it wasn't even devoted to it.
>Mike not liking a big dumb action flick
I'm honestly surprised he doesn't like Bayformers, Mike has some shit taste in movies.
Rich claims to not have voted, which AIDSMOBY was pissed about
Did he go on a rant about muh popular vote
Nah, he wasn't pissed that rich wasn't voting for Hillary per se, it was mostly that he thought Rich couldn't bitch about results if he didn't participate
Aidsmoby was literally saying that russia effected this election.
Jack got all butt hurt near the end there about either molestation jokes or gay bathroom sex jokes
Yeah, and Norway and Saudi Arabia and many other countries contributed to the Clinton Foundation, guess that's "okay" because it's not Russia
It was painfully awkward. And it was obvious from his "uhh's..." to Rich's basic ass questions that he had no clue what he was talking about.
>Hi, I'm dead!
We can't. Unless somehow every video linked to beardfat had 1/10th of the views or something it will never happen.
Honestly though i wish Jessi would come back and replace him, or anyone really. The Canadians, the Cop Hooker, that chick who came on to talk about that terrible comedy movie (i liked her because she actually stood up for her argument against Mike, since nobody else does). I just don't understand why they keep bring him on unless they are genuinely super good friends with him, which would honestly suprise me.
>jay voted clinton and mike trump i'm sure
Well Jay has always been a bottom anyway.
I can tolerate Aidsmoby really, Beardfat just makes me angry everytime I hear his stupid fat voice or see that fatso on my screen.
Absolute worst jokes and annoying laugh as well
>tfw Mike got fatter since the last video
>and mike trump i'm sure
He made fun of him in the latest video, stormcuck.
>Jay: I was underwhelmed
>Mike: Really? I think it's one of the best movies of the year.
>Jay: Well I didn't hate it, there were a lot of good parts, but-
>Mike: Jeez, Mr. Plinkett over here!
>Jay: *looks at camera*
I miss the cute redhead from the HitB where they reviewed "What's your number?" She was adorable. :3
She lives in L.A. with her husband.
Gotta make some lighthearted jokes when around libcuck friends, lest you turn your back to them and they stab you
Well nobody is perfect.
>so many murder/p8do/rape/racist/homophobic jokes
jeeeeeeesus what happened
>6 hour old thread
>58 replies
Is RLM finally finished?
how you know thats him tho?
whats this fags real name? is he some kind of roleplayer?
whats wrong with people?
>new rlm
>it's terrific
>go to tv to talk about how jack saved another episode from mike and (ugh) rich
>thread is nothing but tearing down jack
You people shuld be ashamed of yourselves
yes, we /Stuckman/ now
AIDS Moby is still a shitbag for wanting to get rid of anonymity on the internet for the sake of ending "muh harassment".
no, Sup Forums is
Why does NO ONE talk about Pre Rec anymore? It seems like a year or two ago they were the focus of nearly every thread.
Now we go weeks without seeing them mentioned once.
Did people finally get tired of Rich's unscripted rambling and bitching? Did people finally get tired of AIDSmoby's fake smile and obvious stage persona?
What went wrong?
Wtf no christmas this year?
I think people with mike and jay were good at games too...Sniffles
Jay stopped appearing
AIDSMoby bringing it down as usual, what a cunt.
i use to watch their streams when jay was on, also they play shit games outside of bloodborne and doom
Shame on you.
It was the ratio of 1 minute of bearable content to 99 minutes of horrific content. And the bearable stuff all came from when anyone who isn't Rich Evans or AIDSMoby was on.
Right? He was sounded clearly latino.
What are you on about? Sup Forums "likes" Jack now, because he is better than beardfat.
>Canadafag Colin comes on the show and starts talking about Pusher and Nicolas Wending Refn
>Gets interrupted by Rich talking about videogames and they never talk about it again
No he isn't. I'd take a panel of Bearfats over a single AIDSMoby. His twitter might be cucked beyond belief but he doesn't bring that shit to the show. AIDSMoby brings all his genuine reactions and spills his cuckhood everywhich way but funny.
>he doesn't bring that shit to the show
Are we watching the same show? He is always virtue signalling every time someone makes an "inappropriate" joke.
Jack sucks. Josh rules.
Jack sucks, you fucking faggot.
Rich is BASED
>yo motha fucka im dead an sheeeeet
jesus christ Jay
>no Rich
thank fuck, he ruins every BOTW for me by being an autistic embarrassment. I honestly think he might be mentally retarded, makes sense with his alcoholic/druggie parents and all. He stumbles on words constantly and just looks like an idiot desu. He's so fucking pathetic to watch.
Rich is the typical Sup Forumsermin, that's why.
What is the cat puns paragraph even from?
Never watched pre-rec after the first few because it was awful.
I hear it's had good shit now.
What should I watch?
how new r u
Not at all. I just haven't watched every BotW. And honestly I have no memory of most of them.
The Order 182923737
Which wheel is it with the 9/11 AIDS video?
>left as hell, clearly uncomfortable during some jokes, can tell him and Rich have a little tension, maybe due to politics, dunno
>left but can still enjoy stupid jokes and doesn't show his views during the show and creates no tension at all
Is this a fair view?
Jack pussys out super hard on 9/11 stuff.
Rich is a better example of being left and actually making the horrible jokes.
>creates no tension at all
except sexual tension with mike
What a terrible episode. Wheel of the Worst is dead.
You became a triggered faggot.
I feel like Jack makes himself look shocked ironically, but there is so much irony i can't even tell at this point, i feel like they can't react honestly to anything anymore as a shield so people can't judge them in anyway for anything. The only thing i have ever been confident in him being honest about is when he has talked about his children.
So can we all agree that
Mike > Jay > Rich >>> Jack > Josh
Jack still tries a bit too hard at times but he has eased up, is no longer scared of making offensive jokes and he's pretty funny when he's drunk. Josh is just kinda there, he never tells a good joke, the others never bounce jokes off of him and he barely contributes to the conversation.
>he actually believes that Hison & Herson exist