The ultimate redpill is that all ordinary men who hold basic Christian values will become so persecuted that their very existence will be in immediate danger. In order to survive they'll be forced to become radicalized, mobilize and turn in to the new ISIS. And this will all happen within our lifetime
It's a weird reality we live in.
Andrew Howard
There'll be a war before.
Connor Gray
>Christian values
Evan Lopez
Christian ISIS is an oxymoron. If a Christian group did the kind of things ISIS does, it wouldn't be a Christian group.
Oliver Price
Those boots are gay af
Thomas Davis
Funny how everyone seems to think they're the victim.
Kinda weird.
Julian Anderson
>He thinks the Bible advocates pacifism
Blake Richardson
>Everybody needs to be equally persecuted. We can't have one happy group of people. That's not fair to the rest
Dominic Rogers
>new ISIS. No, we must simply purge the planet from mohammad, no unnecessary beheading or torture
Jaxon Morris
It advocates always living peacefully as long as it's possible (the end of Romans 12, for example). Christians can defend themselves and their country by force if it is necessary, but beheading or burning prisoners alive, capturing (sex) slaves, carrying out suicide attacks etc. is not in line with what the Bible teaches.
Zachary Smith
Ordinary men who hold basic Christian values in the West aren't going to perform mass executions on Catholics or other Christian types. They won't throw fags off of buildings. They won't stone adulterers or cut off limbs for crimes like theft. They won't try to find passage into other countries to kill dozens of people because they want their Christianity to be spread by fear and force worldwide.
How exactly will they be like ISIS? You're fucking stupid.
Christopher Wright
Just like ISIS aren't real muslims right goy?
Asher Long
No, Christians aren't real Muslims. That's the point.
Nolan Reyes
I don't think you understand what ISIS is. They usually don't kill people just for fun, but they do tend to try to make the killing fun. Christians are going to be forced to kill people eventually and it doesn't really matter how they kill people, my point is that the world will treat Christians like ISIS is treated now
Jaxson Fisher
>The ultimate redpill is that all ordinary men who hold basic Christian values will become so persecuted that their very existence will be in immediate danger. Funny how this is exactly how revelations said it would end too
Zachary Bell
I'm keen
Bentley Hughes
It's hard to treat a group like ISIS when they don't behave like ISIS.
ISIS: >openly trying to usher in the apocalypse through unrelenting offensive holy war >smashing all idols, mostly at historic sites >branding their own style of education that omits anything from history they don't like and teaching it to their children by force >killing in the name of God
Christians: >patiently awaiting the return of Jesus Christ and fighting only for defense >propagating freedom of speech and religion and attempting to produce/preserve art of many different forms >supporting localized education in a "parent's choice" fashion >killing only to save the lives of those in immediate danger from attackers
I get that people are increasingly anti-white and anti-Christian because of propaganda, but even our most fanatical elements (Westboro Baptist Church) don't slaughter people anymore. >
Cameron Carter
Just minutes ago Obama made a speech where he said that the Orlando shooter became radicalized on the internet because of propaganda that were too readily available. How do you think we are any different from ISIS in the eyes of the Jews and leftists?
Hunter Jackson
>holding it by the barrel and getting human oil on the metal Triggered
Cameron Morris
No, ISIS is doing precisely what the Quran and the Hadith are telling them to do. But here's a newsflash for you: the Bible does not teach the same things as they do, so following it doesn't lead chopping off heads and throwing fags off buildings.
You might be right. Christians are at the moment the most persecuted group in the world, and it's only going to get worse.
Nathan Walker
Nobody is afraid to walk into a church and yell "Jesus is a cunt!"
Let's see them walk into a mosque and yell "Muhammad is a cunt!"
They don't fear Christians nor should they, provided they aren't trying to kill us.