What's your excuse for not seeing the best show of 2016 ?

What's your excuse for not seeing the best show of 2016 ?

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It requires a certain amount of intelligence to watch at this point.

A lot of retarded Sup Forumsbabbies will be scared away by the first 5 minutes of the first episode. And after that, even more idiots will drop it when they can't figure out the subtitle situation.

It's for the best though. Most people don't deserve it.

It hasn't been distributed legally on my region.

someone who liked mad men recommended it to me.

It's going to fucking suck when it gets aired on HBO

I kinda agree. I'll still religiously tell people to go watch it, although 8-9/10 of those people will probably not get it.
Not everyones cup of tea, but if you have a trained eye for beauty it is hard to deny that it is shot masterfully.


do people actually think this requires intelligence? its about as smart as the sopranos, which is smarter than most tv but not that hard to grasp.

This pope is a hipster much like his parents

There are no subtitles for the Italian scenes so I have no idea what they're saying.

i dont watch televisoin

>drop off kid at catholic orphanage so you can go faff about in Europe
>get mad when he becomes the fucking pope

His parents are fucking terrible people. I hope we never see them again.

>There are no subtitles for the Italian scenes

Here you go, full subs and just the italian scenes


If you are unable to search "young pope subtitles" you probably shouldn't be watching this show

looks like a cheap tv soap wtf

>ywn shag prime Jude Law

Why live

not him but i too want the subs on the non-english words only

>first scene: dream within a dream cliché, with edgy monologue and tacky cinematography more on par with Guy Ritchie than Fellini
>second scene: product placement for Cherry Coke Zero TM on par with the Vita shit from House of Cards, the edgy pope being abusive to his staff because asshole protagonists are trendy
>third scene: cartoon-tier machiavellian cardinals talking about how they must manipulate the new pope as their puppet
>fourth scene: edgy suicide attempt
Who the fuck likes this garbage? Sorrentino is such a hack, wants to be Fellini so bad but he's utterly devoid of any poetry, imagination or spirituality. It's typical cynical backstabbing & pointless shock-value soap opera, on the same-tier as HoC for the netflix generation (ie repackaged trendy trash for low cinematic IQ manchildren)

the young poop

Dunning–Kruger effect

the series has laughable theological depth, the pope's speeches for instance are terribly disappointing

>sorrentino is a hack
this show isn't great but he's no hack

I already did though twice

I mean it requires a certain amount of intelligence to access, not to understand. You don't even have to leave the thread:

No interest in the subject matter whatsoever

>not wathing godkino

its fucking boring
>b-b-but my cinematography
fuck that if i want to watch some hd "shots" i'll go watch some nature show.

I'm Catholic!


you are a beacon of light, user. thank you, sincerely.

>he doesn't have IPT

been watch it without needing subtitles since October

what's the general premise of this show?

I love the music.

Some part of the theological-metaphysical dialogues is weak, but whatever.

It's odd. It has that feeling of European/Italian influence, with all those whoooshing camera shots, and the peculiar humor.

I like the show, but I find it odd. I mean, I'm only a couple episodes in, but the main question is: what the fuck is this guy's problem? They state early on that he has orphan issues and belief issues, but it just seems like a weird show where they accidentally elected a fucking asshole and there's no "mystery."

young cruel conservative pope becomes compassionate and progressive with time

The music is pretty brilliant.


It's a true kino

Looking forward to season 2 desu. Who will be the main antagonists then?

I stopped watching this when I became convinced that he wasn't going to revitalize the church through radically megalomaniac conservative practices. Once this shit started pelting in heartfelt montages of understanding scored with shitty Beyonce covers, revealing itself as a PR run for the literal Catholic church I had to stop watching

Maybe if he was actually the devil.

Yeah I wanted it to be about a modern downfall of the Catholic church, with that opening monologue. Is it not?

What is that scene that made you realize what you were about to watch was kinorific?

>Aiuti. Aiutami tu a espiare tutto il male che dovrò fare per salvare la Chiesa

Wondering wtf ameripope will do next is literally the fun of the show

>It's for the best though. Most people don't deserve it.

if this was intentional i appreciate it

>It's typical cynical backstabbing & pointless shock-value soap opera

Can you be any more fucking wrong?

The "cynical backstabbing" is tried in the first few episodes, but then it's quickly determined that Belardo won't play ball. He doesn't give a fuck.

It's not cynical in the slightest, if anything it's the opposite. The church is constantly yielding to accommodate. Belardo says they no longer need to do that, that it can survive without pandering.

Not to mention that speech about the letters he wrote about his gf. It's anything but cynical.

>trendy trash

Yeah, because nothing screams that it'll print money like a drama based upon a pope with a £45m budget. I recommend it to people and they're immediately turned off by its name.

The dialogues about the unhappiness and the cowardness of priests

He's really quite pathetic, best to ignore him


>shity beyonce covers
let me guess your playlist is:
twenty one pilots-blurryface
greenday-american idiot
shawn mendez-im retarded

He doesn't concede on anything at the end of season 1.

He doesn't become "Francis" and have some heartfelt revelations. He becomes abit more unhinged because of his parents, that's about it.

Day 77
Still no dancing Greenland webm

I started watching because I was shown the scene where Puis XIII gives the speech to the cardinals and it shows the tiny golden door. Are there more based scenes like this?

Why is there Takrovsky on this picture anyway? He had nothing to do with catholicism.

I already did

They speak italian.


I'm an amerifat :^)

>religious shit
no thanks
