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That was probably the worst cinematography I've seen for a war movie. Dull and too pale.
Where the fuck is the blood? Is this PG-13?
/kino/ confirmed, fuck the haters.
why does he wear the mask?
is he crashing the plane?
Awful trailer, looks dull and boring
Yes, WW2 shaped our world you autistic faggot
Yet another WW2 movie, how original
>Where the fuck is the blood? Is this PG-13?
It's Nolan, so yes it probably will be. Inception and The Dark Knight movies were littered with violence but you very rarely see blood in any of it.
>Congratulations, Briten, you've got yourselves caught. What's the next step of your anglo plan?
>Escaping this beach...with no french survivors
with no survivors
But... it's a war. Hacksaw Ridge and this are inspired in the same war, I mean, you should be faithful to the fact that wars are violent.
>Brits evacuate tens of thousands of French soldiers along with theirs
>Drop them off further along the French coast to continue the fight while the Brits reform
>French government surrender like a bitch before the Brits can return
>French soldiers marched off into German prison camps
>coward anglo! You should have had more troops there or something it's not like the central message of the Dunkirk Miracle is analagous to the Miracle of the Marne or something but anyway France Stronk! Franceeee Strooonk!
>Nobody cared about who I was
The trailer was way too messy, what's going on, just them being bombed on the beach the whole movie? Fucking Nolan.
dont forget the french soldiers that stayed behind to cover your retreat dumb britcuck
>it's a nolan frames a guy in the middle of a shot episode
you are not making any sense.
i'm actually glad nolan didnt put any french soldier or french character in the movie, so it'll be just a 3H long snorefest about brits getting put into pieces, just like in breaveheart and he patriot, god bless those movie
Normies expecting a blockbuster will be so pissed when they get a slow soul searching cinema
White people killing each other, lol.
This looks great, insufferable plebs.
looks shit m8
>worst cinematography
>dull, pale, no blood
do you even know what you're complaining about?
>yfw nolan makes a war kino
>yfw nolan casts harry styles
>yfw 13 year olds get baited to watch war kino
>yfw nolan breaks the 3 billion dollar mark
>stormfags will shitposts 24/7 for a year now about muh brave germans muh cuckbrits muh hitler dindu nuffin
looks awesome t b f. Kinda missed that classic cinema looks in movies nowadays
English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh soldiers = Best soldiers. Krauts and frenchies BTFO.
>Let me keep fighting, Captain!
>No. You're done, Kirk.
>Dunkirk or "how the allies spun a massive military loss into a victory"
Sounds bruddy gud buddy
>muh heroic retreat
>le spitfires
what did Nolan mean by this?
wow that looked gorgeous and dramatic as hell. Hoyte van Hoytema did it again brah.
>Spitfires everywhere
>over Dunkirk
get fucked Nolan
Will this movie have not many War Battle scenes?
Looks surprisingly good. No meme lines yet. Hopefully he has taken some inspiration from the old war movies in tone and character, such as A Bridge Too Far. Would suit it well.
Holy shit this looks amazing, no meming. Also harry drowing, bravo nolan, the grills will be crying hard.
>During this period 67 Spitfires were lost over France, most of them in the attempt to prevent the Luftwaffe from bombing the evacuation beaches at Dunkirk
Why are war movies so boring?
So is this the part where we all act like this trailer doesn't look like kino?
Not even a big fan of Nolan, but this looks great so far.
Looks good, films like this show you why the British are completely unrivaled when it comes to military tactics
this may be his most meme-free film yet
Hitler let them go freely because he hoped to make Churchill change his mind.
End of story. The rest is propaganda.
Tom Hardy
>Meme free
I am finding this hard to believe
If it was called Dunblane instead of Dunkirk then you could say the Bane in Dunblane remains Mainly in the Plane.
That looks bland as fuck.
>this is what stormcucks actually believe
wtf Nolan?
>Cillian Murphy and Bane in the same flick
Is Alfie going to be some revenge on Tommy?
ok i take that back. i forgot about the smiling guy in the teaser too.
>Saving Private Ryan still looks more authentic than any WWII film
Holy...I want more
it's trending on normie site it happening? has nolan broke the jew industry?
As if they actually know that and aren't just putting them there because muh Spitfires
Literally not a single modern historian supports this explanation.
>there were no Spitfires at Dunkirk!
>yes there were
>yeah well I knew that anyway!
fuck off
>soul searching cinema
Can't refute it tho now can you that's right shut ur pie hole honey
>Have we started to sink
>Yes, The Water Rises
You are dumb. I am glad that Churchill didn't change his mind and that the Battle of England had the outcome we know.
But there's no denial that Hitler let the Britons flee. Like a lot of his decisions, it was militarily unsound.
I always dreamed for the day someone put a pop star in a war film so all the girls would rush to see what it was, google the battle it was of, all that. Feels fucking amazing.
There is always a first time for everything.
Looks like more imdb fodder from a talentless hack
What else do you dream of?
Which Pop Star is in it?
one of many strategic errors made by ah
>for a year
all eternity*
>Interstellar wasn't an emotional ride about fatherhood and the instrumentailty of love in garunteeing the future of humanity
harry styles. think about it, the normie chicks will flock to this because of him. fucking 4d chess
Read about battle of Arras. Hitler wanted to destroy the British forces.
>where is the blood
t. average Tarantino fan
Nice edge, kid.
I am not at home, but even Wikipedia states the date of the order to le the english troops fall back : 22 mai 1940.
There was still fighting, but the german wasn't in advance mode anymore, only repelling the french counter-attacks.
And I repeat, I am glad of that outcome. Whitout Dynamo, there would not have been a french provisory war-time government with De Gaulle.
Gore fags are worse than foot fags
>bad dialogue and cheesy emotions shoved in your face
>emotional ride
wew lad
Sucking cock mostly
I am more interested in seeing Hacksaw ridge, but if Nolan gives this a fair treatment and does not gloss over the fact that is a retreat where they left the germans 84 thousand vehicles and literally tons of ammo and supplies, then I am ok with this.
The average capehitter everyone
>battle of Arras
It's not about Hitler's views and characterization. I am talking about Dunkirk's evacuation.
Hitler made contradictory decisions left and right (like the crazy man he was).
I've always wondered why movies don't put random Chinese or Indian movie stars in their movies. It would help global box office numbers a shitload.
so dense
Sadly true
Good goy
It's about the psychological effect. And yes, Wikipedia mentions it along with pretty much all modern historians. It was a mistake of German generals, not some hitler's good deed.
implying they will google anything else than
>'popstar name' naked in 'title of the movie'
I like how Nolan fire always has this yellowish tint
There isn't anything to say about Dunkirk.
However it should be noted that the German forces were purposefully halted, instead of obliterating allied forces stranded on the beach with almost no ammunition.
The available written information that logs different commanding officers perspectives, provides a strange insight into what was going on.
A brief and probably mistaken act of mercy in a time of total war.
This looks like an HBO series at best. Maybe all of the great footage hasn't been filmed yet?
You underestimate teenage girls.
They'll go watch it and then bitch about how he wasn't it in enough.
Oh boy, kino incoming!
Pretty boring tbqhwy.
Maybe he just likes war?
God I remember this board flipped their shit over this.
cheeky cunt
Sucking cock mostly
I hate this fucking gif, it's so poorly made and YOU KNOW IT IS YOU FUCKING BASTARD!
I really hope this guy is edited out.